Could it be that Feng Qing, relying on his kindness for saving Zhong Yuan, wanted him to be the student union's errand?

Look at Zhong Yuan again, with such an ugly face, Feng Qing must have kept his hands aside on purpose, not wanting to heal him completely.

Liu Wen frowned, and said softly, "Zhong Yuan, no one can force you to do something you don't want to do. If you encounter trouble when joining, be sure to tell me in time!"

"Actually, you don't have to force yourself to study in a special class. Your sister is the youngest student in the class, and the college will take special care of her as appropriate."

In fact, the teaching arrangement of special classes is very different from that of ordinary classes.

The first half of the semester is mainly about cultural courses and theoretical knowledge, and there will be an assessment in the middle of the semester to clear out a group of students who have not become able-bodied.

The rest will be all actual combat drills and confrontation courses.

Zhong Yuan can sit in the classroom for half a term at most.

After all the culture classes are over, if you are not a marketer, it will be difficult to accompany you in the following courses.

It took Liu Wen five minutes to explain the teaching arrangements to Zhong Yuan in detail.

"Do you understand now? If you want to take classes with your sister, you can only become a warrior."

Zhong Yuan whispered, "I understand."

The demeanor of refraining from oil and salt obviously doesn't look like he understands something.

Liu Wen sighed, "Since this is the case, I won't say anything more. You can go."

"Thank you instructor."

"Goodbye instructor!"

Liu Wen watched the siblings leave the office, and murmured, "The big brother desperately wants to protect his sister, but he doesn't know that his sister is like a dragon and phoenix, and she is about to skyrocket. If this continues, the gap between siblings will only get bigger and bigger." It's getting bigger and bigger. Alas..."

never mind!

Outsiders can't control so much about their brothers and sisters.

Encouraging the students every day, after a busy week, Liu Wen still has not written a self-criticism.

Moreover, she just received the news that the ranking on the leaderboard of Huaguo youth marketers has changed.

Feng Yumo, who was ranked 68th, was replaced by a person named Xuan Ming, and his position dropped by one place, becoming 69th.

Xuan Ming broke into the top 100 for the first time on the list, and he was still on top of the second young master of the Feng family.

Even if the Feng family has gradually declined in the past few years, the emaciated camel is bigger than a horse, and it is not an existence that ordinary people can provoke.

It's not good to find someone to challenge, you have to pick wind and rain. This young man named Xuan Ming must be the successor cultivated by a certain super family.

No wonder that day, when Fang Jie met, Feng Yumo was beaten up and his nose was bruised and his face was swollen. Perhaps, it was the injury left after the battle with Xuan Ming.

Liu Wen became very curious about Xuan Ming. In fact, she herself is also on the youth list, but her ranking is relatively low, outside the three hundredth place.

However, this does not prevent her from paying attention to the changes at the top of the list.

Qi Neng is an extremely rare auxiliary department. After graduating from Cheng Ying College, Liu Wen chose to study abroad because she has always dreamed of using her own ability to discover new abilities contained in Xu Jing.

Liu Wen envied Zhong Lan very much.

At a young age, she discovered the hidden ability of the Fire Cloud Queen Bee and directly realized her dream.

It's so annoying to compare people to people!

Liu Wen picked up the review book on the desk and was about to throw it into the trash can.

After a casual glance, he was first attracted by the beautiful regular script.

After reading a few paragraphs, she exclaimed, "It's so well written! This review can be used as a template! Just copy it for me!"

. . . . .

. . . . .

Zhong Yuan and Zhong Lan left the office.

Suddenly, he heard his sister say, "big brother, don't be a warrior!"

"Why do you think so?"

Zhong Lan wrung her fingers and said in a tangled voice, "The people who are capable in the market are all short-lived ghosts, so it's fine for me to be a short-lived ghost. My brother must live a long life!"

Zhong Yuan felt a little heartache.

It turned out that she realized at this moment that the Ruins could die at the hands of alien races at any time?

"No, my Lan Lan is a young genius, how could she be a short-lived ghost?"

Zhong Lan pouted and said, "I don't care, the big brother must outlive me! Otherwise, it's meaningless for me to become a warrior!"

Zhong Yuan rubbed her hair vigorously and said, "You are only twelve years old, what are you thinking so much about!"

Twelve years old is a carefree age, who would think that their life is short? It must be that Lin Dongliang put too much pressure on her, causing her to think about things all day long!

Zhong Lan secretly observed the expression of big brother, seeing the haze between his brows, he immediately smiled.

"Okay! I know! Don't think so much! Brother, there is still the last half day off, shall we go to the zoo? Hee hee, admission is free, I want to see pandas!"

"Hmm... alright!"

In order to dispel her sister's wild thoughts, Zhong Yuan agreed to her request.

He was completely kept in the dark, not knowing that he had an additional alias.

Thanks to Feng Qing and Feng Yumo's clever idea, they gave Xuan Ming a fake name, which made those who wanted to confirm Xuan Ming's identity go crazy and couldn't find it.

Otherwise, Zhong Yuan would be targeted as soon as he left the academy, and it would be impossible for him to take his sister to the zoo peacefully.

Thus passed the last day of the holiday.

In the evening, the siblings returned to Chengying College.

Zhong Lan was exhausted from playing, so he sent her back to the dormitory. After she settled down, Zhong Yuan received a call.

"Dear sir, there is your courier! Please bring your ID card and pick it up at the entrance of the college!"

what's the situation?

Zhong Yuan was puzzled, and when he arrived at the gate of the college, he saw a courier boy who had been waiting for a long time.

He wears a pink rabbit ear helmet on his head, representing the gold medal brother. There is a company advertisement on the chest, which reads: "Dongfeng Express, the mission must be achieved!"

Zhong Yuan's expression froze slightly.

Military background?

Looking at the things delivered, the volume is not big, just a 30x30 box.

After confirming the recipient's identity, the little brother smiled heartily and showed his big white teeth, "Brother, it's not easy for me to run an order, please give me a good review, thank you!"

Zhong Yuan nodded reflexively.

"Thank you! Thank you! If you still have an order next time, please send it to me first! I can give you a 20% discount! That's it, goodbye!"

The courier brother left in a hurry.

Zhong Yuan took the courier back to the warehouse dormitory, but after searching over and over, he couldn't find who the courier was.

Shouldn't there be a bomb in there?

Zhong Yuan carefully opened the outer package.

Inside was a beautifully carved ebony box.

After opening it, ten light yellow crystals were neatly stacked and lined up in the box. There is a label on the bottom of each Ruin Crystal.

Ghost Moat Badger Market Crystal.

In addition to this, there is a note clipped to the lid.

Zhong Yuan took it off curiously, only to see a row of small characters written on the paper.

"Mo Lang, since you left without saying goodbye that day, I can't sleep at night, and I don't think about food and drink. I thought I had completely cut off contact with you, but I never thought that I would be able to reconnect with you in my lifetime. At eight o'clock in the evening on September 15th, Fisherman's Wharf , see you there!"

Good guy!

Xu Jing plus love letter? !

Zhong Yuan was stunned.

In fact, he didn't believe Feng Qing's nonsense at all.

But the facts are in front of him, and he can't help but believe it.

There really is a rich woman who gave Feng Yumo a gift of market crystals!

After getting the item, Feng Yumo definitely didn't even take it apart, and just forwarded it over.

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