Is it luck or misfortune to be born into a family of warriors?

Before his younger brother was born, Ye Zhen's name was Feng Zhen, and he was the only boy in the family.

Although the mother is an unrecognized mistress, the mother is more expensive than the child, and the Feng family acquiesced in her status as the second wife.

That period of time was the most carefree in Ye Zhen's life.

Everyone in the Feng family loves him and regards him as the only hope of the family.

Until, younger brother Feng Yumo was born...

At that time, Ye Zhen didn't understand anything, he didn't know what it meant to have a younger brother.

All he knew was that suddenly one day, his parents had a big fight.

The man pointed at the woman's nose and cursed, "If you dare to harm my son again, I will kill you!"

what? Am I not your son?

How could my mother hurt me?

This question hovered in Ye Zhen's mind, and he couldn't solve it.

From then on, Ye Zhen found sadly that his father no longer paid attention to him.

The relationship between father and son is becoming more and more distant.

He worked hard to please his father, but the man never showed a smile again.

In the end, his mother took him out of the luxurious mansion and moved to an apartment outside.

And the name on the household registration has changed to Ye Zhen, not Feng Zhen.

Although the living expenses he receives every month are still quite a bit, and he lives a life without worrying about food and clothing, but Ye Zhen clearly feels that his mother is very unhappy.

She washed her face with tears all day long, developed a bad habit of drinking, lost her temper at every turn, and even beat people.

The once amiable uncle would visit him occasionally, but he always looked at him coldly, and he no longer had the warmth and care he had before.

What happened to them?

Don't want me?

Ye Zhen finally learned the root of all changes until he saw Feng Yumo.

The father had another son.

That child is surrounded by everyone, like a jewel in the palm, loved by thousands of people.

He is the father's own son, the heir of the family!

And me, Ye Zhen, is just a spare, a dispensable prop.

In this case, why do you still support me?

Why don't you let me and my mother go free?

When a Ruin Crystal was placed in front of him, Ye Zhen vaguely guessed their purpose.

Use my body to test my physique and prepare for my younger brother's absorption of Xu Jing?

You people... are damned!

From then on, the seeds of hatred gradually germinated and continued to grow in Ye Zhenxin's heart. However, he still had a glimmer of hope for his father and his family.

He works harder than anyone and is perfect in everything he does.

Before Jiang Buyou was born, Ye Zhencai was a top-notch genius in the South China Military Region. Even if the Feng family tried their best to suppress him, he couldn't hide his talent.

see it?

This is the abandoned son you don't want.

I absorbed into the super decomposition, brother can not!

I absorbed a high-level shadow servant, but my brother couldn't!

I'm so good, father, why don't you take another look at me?

"Junior Jiang, I won this crystal of rationality and general knowledge from the college league. Can I trade him for his understanding?"

"Ah? Rational general knowledge is a strategic level ability, are you sure you want to change it with me?"

"Sure. I need his understanding very much. Please, change it with me."

"That's fine. But senior, you're obviously at a disadvantage. I don't like to owe others anything. If it doesn't violate the principle, I'm willing to help you do something for free."


It's great to be able to become a market leader. With his telepathy, I can finally hear my father's heartfelt voice.

——Why did Ye Zhen absorb super decomposition, but Yu Mo couldn't absorb it?

——Ye Zhen is too good, sooner or later she will threaten Yu Mo, if she knew it earlier, she shouldn't have engaged in artificial surrogacy!

——It would be great if there was no such child, he grew up too fast, it was terrible!

— survived again! Asking him to suppress such a terrifying market cave actually took the lead! The military region wants to promote him! How to do? In case he wants revenge...

This is what the father really thinks: fearful, wary of his son, and has no affection for his son.

He lived in anxiety and suffering, getting older day by day. In the end, he disappeared on the battlefield of Xudong and was deemed dead by the military region.

Not even a body was found.

That is dead.

Finally, I don't need to listen to my father's heart, and don't care about his thoughts.

At the funeral, Ye Zhen didn't shed a single tear.

The people of the Feng family are all ruthless and ungrateful people.

Ye Zhen once thought so.


--did you see that? My brother has made another contribution! He is the best!

—Why didn't you bring him back? He is obviously so good!

——Brother doesn't like me, he always avoids me...

——The family is sorry for him! When I inherit the family business, I will invite him back and restore his name!

Feared and feared by everyone in the family, only the younger brother has always admired him, yearned for him, and wanted him to return to the family.

What a silly brother!

They are afraid that I will take away your things, and they will do everything possible to kill me, but you want me back?

Sorry, I won't be coming back, I want to be free!

Neither the family nor the military region can restrain my life anymore!

From now on, I, Ye Zhen, only live for myself!


Ye Zhen slapped his forehead with a palm, and the super-decomposed power took effect immediately.

His body trembled violently, and then disappeared.

He has become a molecular form that cannot be caught by the naked eye.

Billions, billions, scattered in the air.

Even if Zhong Yuan used the power of life, Ye Zhen could not be regenerated.

The power of life can at most allow people to obtain the regenerative ability of the full yellow level. When encountering super decomposition at the molecular level, the regenerative power will not be effective if the body is too scattered.

Super Decomposition Perfect Restraint Regeneration!

However, super decomposition is not invincible. It is still ineffective when encountering Zhong Yuan's undead body.

The name of Jiuxu has been mythical in China, and Ye Zhen lost the courage to confront Zhong Yuan head-on after he died.

He wholeheartedly wanted to get away, lurking for a long time, his spirit was greatly exhausted, and he thought that he had little chance of winning by fighting hard, so he was forced to use the ultimate method in desperation.

"I really want to thank my stupid brother for sending me so many crystals of frost snakes..."

The shadow servant on the ground shook.

It stands to reason that Ye Zhen's body decomposes and dies on the spot, and the shadow servant will disappear immediately.

The reality is, it hasn't disappeared.

It has Ye Zhen's consciousness and all the memories, and the two are emotionally connected, and they have been with each other for so many years, equal to Ye Zhen himself!


The moment the main body died, the shadow servant survived, and produced unpredictable mutations.

One eye opened on Sombra's forehead.

It is no longer just a simple shadow, but becomes more detailed, more like a person.

After having eyes, he opened his big mouth again and smiled crookedly.

"Hahaha! Jiuxu, you didn't expect it! My shadow servant has absorbed the death immunity! Even if my body dies, as long as the shadow servant does not die, I can continue to live! Starting today, I will transcend all life, immortal!"

A shadow servant with his own personality was born.

Difficult to catch, indelible, immune to control, and has the ability to die instantly! This kind of existence is indeed detached from nature, contrary to common sense, and has reached a height that human beings cannot reach.

At the same time, a hint appeared in Zhong Yuan's mind.

"I found a different kind of crystal, do you want to absorb it?"

? ? ?

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