Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 325 What Kind Of Person Is The Eighth Seat?

In Jiuxu, one person is a whole team.

As long as Jiuxu is here, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Since Ye Zhen joined the team of Ruins, he has heard countless times about the great deeds of Jiuxu.

What a single-handedly killing tens of thousands of aliens on the battlefield of the cave.

Relying on a pair of fleshy palms and unparalleled defense, he raised our country's prestige in the World Martial Arts Contest, shocking the world.

What else is Kuaijian Wushuang, who can easily kill disaster-level aliens in seconds...

There are countless such legendary deeds, which make countless capable people talk about it with great interest.

Some veteran marketers know more about the inside story.

For example...

The first seat is usually taken by the person who can fight the most. Once he makes a move, there is no hole that cannot be suppressed.

The second seat is good at strategy, rarely shows up in public, female.

The third seat's ability is more defensive, and he is the best person to get along with in the Nine Ruins. He has a stable personality and responds to requests.

The relationship between the fourth seat and the fifth seat has always been bad, and they quarrel when they meet.

The sixth seat is the actual helm of Jiuxu. He sits in Shangjing City all the year round and is very authoritative. Except for the fact that the first seat and the eighth seat did not agree with him, everyone else in Jiuxu respected him.

The seventh seat is the most controllable person in Huaguo, and the record he created has not been broken yet.

And the eighth seat is the most mysterious and powerful member of the Nine Ruins. Can be salty or sweet, male or female, weird and unpredictable, no one knows his true identity.

As for the ninth seat, it is recognized that he has a violent temper, is eager for justice, and acts vigorously. He is the most enthusiastic person in the Nine Ruins.

The above information has been circulated for more than ten years.

In fact, the iconic characters are all deliberately released by Jiuxu.

Some are real, some are fake, designed to confuse those hostile elements.

In the end, it became more and more convincing.

The Nine Ruins became an invincible existence.

It is precisely because of hearing too many rumors that Ye Zhen is afraid of Zhong Yuan, and only wants to fight against him by dying.

After the failure, he wanted to escape and committed suicide when he met him.

In fact, it is admiration and awe.

Perhaps, with a little curiosity...

What does Jiuxu usually do?

How did you practice? What tasks do they perform?

In particular, following this one is the most mysterious and infinite eighth seat.

Although he insidiously used the form of a black cat to deceive everyone, his level is so high that it is breathtaking and difficult to measure with common sense.

What kind of person is the eighth seat?

Ye Zhen actually looked forward to the future life.

Follow the cat Zhong Yuan back to the Blue Sky Hotel.

After entering the room, Ye Zhen was shocked to find that Peng Bu, whose heart had been dug out, was actually watching the video in the small room inside!

Hearing the sound of the cat entering the door, he glanced outside, stopped paying attention, and continued to look.

Dig out the heart and still die?


Is this also the method of the eighth seat?

Then, another young man walked out of the room, it was the eighth seat who had the flying ability that he had seen on the provincial road.

He ignored the cat, took out his phone and started calling.

"I've finished the matter. I'll hand it over to Wang Podi. Please pay me this month's salary. I don't want to be a Jiuxu next month."

"It's useless for you to praise me. I have never seen such a troublesome job. If you say it, you will do it. The salary is so low!"

"Yes, feelings can't be bought with money. But you are too exaggerated. I can't even meet the minimum standards in Shangdong City. I'm ashamed to show my salary slips in the circle of friends! If my sister knows that my salary is so low , must think I'm an idiot!"

"In short, I don't want to do this kind of task anymore, please don't look for me next time, please?"

"Going abroad? You've failed me! I'm still studying. Last time Feng Qing asked me to do a quiz, I already lost to him!"

"Besides, you also promised me before that there is nothing serious about it. If I had known that you had caused so many troubles, I would definitely not do it!"

"Since you said so, I'll believe you again. By the way, I bought a car with my credit card. Has the bill been sent to you?"

"Okay, thank you. I'm a little tired today, and I want to rest."


Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Zhen happened to be able to see the whole picture of the boy's eighth seat.

It's unbelievable... There is such a perfect face in this world...

Ye Zhen became confused again.

Who is the eighth seat?

The youth in the stone corridor?

black cat?

Or the boy in front of him?

Mess up!

Listen to what this young man said...

It's not about money, it's about putting down burdens!

Desperately wanting to quit my job without making minimum wage!

I've made you the eighth seat of the Nine Markets, what salary do you want? !

If it were me, I would be able to shine in my post until the earth is destroyed!

However, with such a bad attitude, there is no sense of mission at all, and the man on the other side of the phone is not angry, just like coaxing a child, he has been accommodating.

Could that person be the boss of Jiuxu?

Zhong Yuan didn't shy away from it at all, which caused Ye Zhen to hear what Qi Xiu said clearly.

After listening to the whole process, he roared wildly in his heart: Is this still the Jiuxu I imagined?

Seeing Zhong Yuan's face bursting with frustration after the call, Ye Zhen's heart tightened, and the black shadow suddenly stretched out and rushed towards the bar of the guest room.

Open the freezer and take out a bottle of mineral water.

Remove another glass.

Fill the glass with water to 70% full.

Then, Ye Zhen found a pack of lemon slices from the freezer, and took out a slice to garnish the cup.

Still feel dissatisfied.

Looking around, I found a pot of green plants in the window that were mint grass, and hurriedly picked off the tender tips and threw them into the mineral water.

Finally, plug in a spiral straw.

You're done!

Ye Zhen is a perfectionist.

Others handed water at most to help unscrew a mineral water bottle.

When he handed water, he had to be able to pose for a photo.

The carefully prepared mineral water was handed to the eighth seat of the boy.

Ye Zhen said anxiously, "Please use it."

Zhong Yuan looked at the self-assertive Shadow Servant with displeasure, and thought: After winning the super cute show, he is no different from those foreigners who are desperately courting.

"Ye Zhen, I don't need you to do unnecessary things. If you perform well enough, I will use the separation of people and shadows to give you the greatest freedom."

Hearing this, Ye Zhenxin was certain that this boy was the real eighth seat, and the black cat might be a cover or something.

In the phone call just now, nothing about Shadow Servant was mentioned, and it was obvious that it was deliberately concealed.

For some reason, I was a little moved.

Ye Zhen hesitated, "Aren't you afraid of being punished if you didn't report my affairs?"

Zhong Yuan was stunned and said, "It's good to be able to stay and help with work. Punishment? I wish they would lock me up in a confinement room!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly became bewildered and said, "You want me to hand you over? If you don't want to follow me, just say so! I never force others to do what they want."

Ye Zhen said hastily, "I'm just worried about your situation."

Zhong Yuan said lightly, "Worried about me? I think you have another purpose."

Of course there is a purpose.

Ye Zhen said directly, "Let me follow your human form, okay? I don't want to follow the cat."

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