Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 334 Who Else Can Break This Record

The war mad posture has a strong self-suggestion.

The Shadow Servant is connected with the master's mind and mind, and is immediately blessed.

Ye Zhen felt as if he had been injected with chicken blood, trembling crazily with excitement. The edge of the body turned into a strange spiked state.

Kill kill kill kill!

I want to kill everyone in seconds!

Emotionally violent, yet calm.

Inheriting one-tenth of Zhong Yuan's attack power, plus his own strength, Ye Zhen is as difficult to deal with as a disaster-level alien race!

Who has no shadow?

Once the Shadow Servant uses Shadow Escape, there is no solution.

Ye Zhen was like a terrifying beast staring at its target, it came to Fang Xuan's feet the moment it escaped into the shadows.

Two black tentacles swished up from Fang Xuan's shadow, like whips, lashing her back hard!

This blow can be described as earth-shattering, and its strength is not much worse than that of a high-level Qilin arm. Fang Xuan's tracksuit was pulled in half on the spot, even the innermost tracksuit was torn.

She has just activated three great abilities and is in a short period of weakness.

Generally speaking, the opponent will be unable to act due to the ice field, no matter how bad it is, it will also be in a state of significant slowdown.

Except for Su Zhe, no one can move freely in the sublimated ice field!

Therefore, when the Shadow Servant's attack came, Fang Xuan was terrified.

No way, Zhong Yuan is not under control?

How could he be so fast?

That thin and short figure clearly didn't leave the spot, how could he launch an attack?

A lot of exclamation marks flashed in Fang Xuan's mind. In a panic, I wanted to use the ice and snow shape to create a defensive ice wall for myself, but unfortunately I couldn't do it, and it was too late.

The two people in field two are fighting fiercely.

Sudden! They were shocked to see a large flying object roaring across the field.

A big hole was knocked out of the partition wall, and the referee in the second court was surprised and stunned.

Who is this?

It seems that it flew out of the third field?

The eyes of the three people followed the flying man.

She flew over the No. 2 field, No. 1 field, crossed half of the stadium, and finally hit the protective barrier of the stands.

With a loud bang, he fell to the ground, and the clothes on his body seemed to be torn, revealing a large white back.

Two seconds later, the leader of Shuimu Academy rushed out from the rest area and ran towards Fang Xuan at full speed, holding a large coat in his hand.

In the stands, a group of observers were arguing whether Jiang Tianshuo was more valuable or Zhong Yuan was more valuable.

Seeing this scene, everyone shut up and dared not speak.

The referee in charge of Zhong Yuan's battle has also fallen into a state of sluggishness.

Only two seconds into the battle, where is Fang Xuan?

hiss! so cold!

The ice field has been activated. Zhong Yuan was indeed frozen in place!

Then, the referee turned his head subconsciously, looking through the four partition walls with big holes.

Ah, what is the penalty?

That's right, Fang Xuan is out of bounds!

Zhong Yuan won...

Grass! What happened? Are they cheating?

The referee was at a loss.

Preoccupied with retreating, he missed the scene where the Shadow Servant launched an attack.

After all, this shadow servant is rare in the world, not only can shadow escape, but also beat people by itself.

In addition, Fang Xuan's back happened to be the referee's blind spot, so he couldn't see anything...

On the ground, Ye Zhen cast another Shadow Escape, and quietly returned to Zhong Yuan's feet.

He proudly thought in his heart: I said, the fastest record belongs to Meng Wang! Two seconds to end the battle! Who else can break this record?

However, today's kids are really not good enough, anyway, the fifth round of the individual competition, that's it?

Ye Zhen was deeply worried about the future of Huaguo, and at the same time he said to Zhong Yuan flatteringly, "The eighth seat, look..."

"Good job." Zhong Yuan praised him briefly, and lifted his battle mad stance.

At this moment of being praised, Ye Zhen was so happy that he almost turned 720 degrees on the spot and stood on tiptoe like a seaweed seaweed...

Then, Zhong Yuan walked towards the outside of the field without waiting for the referee to make a verdict.

When the opponent goes out of bounds, the outcome has been decided, so there is no need to stay.

Looking at his back, the referee shuddered and announced loudly, "The game is over! The winner is Chengying Academy, Zhong Yuan!"

Just after speaking, the referee suddenly noticed something.

Could it be that the record for the fastest individual match in the history of the league is mine?

Although it is only a referee, it is also recorded in the annals of history!

The referee jumped up, and after spinning around twice in excitement, he flipped backflip after flipflip all the way out of the field!

In the rest area, Feng Qing also jumped up, rushed to Zhong Yuan's side, and unceremoniously reached out to pinch his face.

"Yuanyuan, it's really you! Go up to show your face and then come down, who is faster than me?"

Zhong Yuan's mouth was pinched crookedly by this guy, and he couldn't help saying angrily, "Let go, Li!"

Zhang Rui happily rushed to the side, adding fuel to the fire, "It's my turn next! I won the team competition the day before yesterday, and I haven't had time to pinch it yet!"

Don't miss the chance to see these two up close!

Zhang Rui winked at Xie Yihan very loyally, the latter was full of black lines, he didn't dare to act rashly.

too frightening!

Fang Xuan was the fifth place in the last individual competition, but Zhong Yuan knocked him flying in two seconds, I dare not pinch his face!

At the same time, Xie Yihan thought to himself: Feng Qing is really miserable, he managed to make his name in the history of the competition, and the fastest record was snatched by Zhong Yuan before the heat was set for half an hour...

See, he put both hands on Zhong Yuan angrily and pinched Zhong Yuan's face. The relationship is so strong, it should be fine...

On the side, Gu Yan couldn't help but want to rush forward and rub Zhong Yuan's hair.

Well done!

Feng Qing broke the young marshal's record by relying on his opponent's counterfeit match. It's very embarrassing to say it, and I can't show it off openly.

But Zhong Yuan is different.

Really blow up the opponent, faster than Feng Qing!

It is not too much for him to be the eighth seat of the Nine Markets!

The veins on Gu Yan's arms popped out, and he tried his best to hide his excitement.

He looked at Feng Qing enviously, hesitating.

After all, it was the eighth seat's hair, how could he just run over and rub it casually?

However, the next second, Gu Yan saw that Zhang Rui started pinching Zhong Yuan's face, and immediately couldn't hold back.

If you don't do it now, you will have no chance in the future!

So, Gu Yan also rushed up excitedly!

Whether it was an ordinary marketer or a military boss, they were all frightened by Zhong Yuan's swift victory.

Being followed by the camera, from the screen, Zhong Yuan clearly stood still!

Only Jiang Buyou stood in front of the big screen in the office with a pale face and a cold sweat.

Ye Zhen must have made the move!

Zhong Yuan has the audacity to separate others in the league!

The speed of movement is comparable to that of teleportation. If Ye Zhen said to himself that he would die when he used it, who would be able to stop it?

I have to make a phone call and tell Zhong Yuan, keep an eye on this guy!

However, I have already told him once before, and repeatedly emphasized, will you think I am long-winded?

It's okay, important things are said three times.

If you have a tacit understanding, you will definitely understand my difficulties!

Jiang Buyou struggled for a while, and finally picked up the phone.

At this time, the traditional celebration ceremony of Chengying College was playing on the screen.

Everyone once again saw the unknown side of Zhong Yuan.

His face was pinched and deformed, he was neither angry nor resisted, at most he was a little sad...

Grass, the leader is also going up!

stop! Let go of that Zhong Yuan, let me do it!

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