Zhong Yuan used to work at a gas station in his previous life.

At that time, I was young and ignorant, and I was framed by someone who worked with me once.

The general situation is that the other party faked the order of the station master, causing Zhong Yuan to give the customer a gift, which was not originally planned.

The gas station lost several thousand yuan. Although the station manager did not hold Zhong Yuan accountable, he had a long memory.

No matter what it is, you must contact and confirm it in person, rather than listening to other people's reports.

What you hear is the truth.

Jiang Buyou didn't doubt it, but felt that Wang Podi's thinking was wrong.

"Director Wang, Tong Xiangyuan is only the fourth seat, and Yuan Shao is the eighth seat! You know the difference in gold content between these two seats! Why do you suggest Yuan Shao quit the Jiuxu?"

Wang Podi said helplessly, "The first rank of the official rank crushes people to death, and the fourth rank has been cultivated for many years and is deeply entrenched. Yuan Yuan is only an alternate now..."

"As a substitute, it means that you have not officially entered the Jiuxu. Even if you get the identity card, if you don't become a full-time member within a day, you will eventually be overwhelmed by the veteran Jiuxu."

God knows why the fourth seat is biting Zhong Yuan. Maybe he recommended someone else to be the eighth seat, trying to squeeze him out?

Look at that posture, maybe they have united with other Jiuxu.

Instead of being stared at by these people, it is better to change to a smoother road.

The Academy of Sciences has a high status, and you can't lose money if you go there.

Wang Po was so hostile to Zhong Yuan that he appreciated it to the extreme, so he put forward a proposal to go to the Academy of Sciences regardless of the interests of the military region.

Ye Zhen shrank in Zhong Yuan's shadow without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, the interior of the Nine Ruins is so complicated.


Where there are people, there is a struggle. The eighth seat is too strong, which has already attracted the jealousy of other seats.

Ye Zhen felt the same way, and felt a little more sympathy for Meng Wang in his heart.

So, he said sincerely, "Master Eighth, the fourth one is plotting against you, please let me kill him immediately!"

Wang Podi was taken aback, and said in a panic, "Don't, don't! Don't act recklessly!"

Zhong Yuan said expressionlessly, "Ju Wang, you haven't answered my question yet. The fourth seat asked you to deal with me personally? What's his phone number? I'll ask him now, why he treats me like this, is he looking at me? Not pleasing to the eye? Are you trying to kill me?"

"Not so bad! It's not as bad as you think. It will make things difficult for you at most, and it will definitely not kill you."

Wang Podi hurriedly gave him a favor. In fact, his subordinates did not say that it was the fourth seat who made the call himself.

He hesitated for two seconds, and said, "However, no one should give orders in the name of the fourth seat! They wouldn't dare to do this even if they had a hundred thousand guts..."

Jiang Buyou also felt that Zhong Yuan was worrying too much, and said in a deep voice, "Yuan Shao, you don't know something. If you pretend to be Jiuxu, you will go to a military court. Convict according to the severity and consequences. If someone uses the name of the fourth seat to murder The people in other seats... Director Wang, you are a veteran in this field, how do you judge?"

Wang Podi said without hesitation, "It will be dealt with as a crime of treason. If the evidence is solid, the principle is that death will not be delayed, and the eight generations of the direct line will not be allowed to enter the public office."

Jiang Buyou spread his hands and said, "Right, who would dare?"

However, before Zhong Yuan could speak, Wang Podi already felt something was wrong.

Sometimes you have to think backwards.

The more unlikely something is, the more likely it is to happen. What if someone took chances, sowed right and wrong, and caused the two Jiuxu to turn against each other?

Wang Podi said in a deep voice, "Don't worry, I'll ask again."

He immediately called back the call just now.

"Xiao Li, let me ask you, the fourth seat personally called to tell you, do you want to do Zhong Yuan?"

"Ah? That's not true. It was his assistant Liu Gui who called and said. The fourth seat is not in the country recently."

Wang Podi frowned, and asked again, "You arrested Wenren a few days ago, and it was Liu Gui who asked you to release him, right?"

"Yes, Liu Gui is the confidant of the fourth seat, a member of his family, and has always represented the fourth seat."

"That is to say, you did not get the personal instructions from the fourth seat, so you took care of the matter?"

Speaking of this, the chief of the sub-bureau became uneasy, and said falteringly, "Boss, it was Liu Gui who contacted us all the time..."


Wang Podi said angrily, "Liu Gui is just a subordinate unit of Jiuxu, what qualifications does he have to command our Market Management Bureau?"

"His rank is not as high as that of a special investigator! Do you take his words as an imperial decree? He wants to be the eighth candidate, so we have to be led by him by the nose, help him do it?"

Too bad it sounds like this has happened many times before.

At this time, the director of the branch office on the other side of the phone was too scared to speak.

According to the director of the bureau, Liu Gui acted recklessly and used the name of the fourth seat to make troubles!

If this is the case, he is dead! No one can keep it!

Wang Podi hung up the phone angrily, and assured Zhong Yuan, "Yuan Yuan, you really hit the mark on this matter, and someone is behind it! Don't worry, I will supervise it myself!"

Zhong Yuan smiled and said calmly, "I believe that everyone who enters the Nine Ruins has been strictly checked, and their character is guaranteed. I hope the truth will come to light."

Jiang Buyou remained calm, joy blossomed in his heart.

The Tong family has amassed money wantonly for many years, and Liu Gui is also one of the accomplices.

Desperately seeking benefits, but also planting eyeliners in the military area, he has never been able to find a chance to kill him.

This opportunity is really good.

There was nothing he could do about Tong Xiangyuan, at least gouging out the cancer attached to him.

Then, I heard Zhong Yuan say, "I will consider the previous proposal to go to the Academy of Sciences."

ah? ? ?


It's all a misunderstanding!

Hold back!

Wang Podi had a bad heart, and said with black lines all over his head, "Yuan Yuan, I just said it casually!"

Zhong Yuan smiled without saying a word.

Wang Podi said tremblingly, "If you go to the Academy of Sciences in the future, don't say that I suggested it... I will be beaten to death by Qi Xiu!"

Zhong Yuan continued to laugh without saying a word.

Now, even Jiang Buyou began to sympathize with Wang Podi, and couldn't help but say, "Yuan Shao, stop teasing Director Wang, you're so pitiful."

"I'm going to arrest Liu Gui right now! Farewell!"

Wang Podi left in a hurry, not even caring about food.

"Oh, I left in such a hurry, I missed the steamed turbot in the cafeteria." Jiang Buyou was in a good mood, and said to Zhong Yuan with a smile, "Yuan Shao, don't go back tonight, didn't you buy a big villa?" ? Go and have a look."

Zhong Yuan thought for a while and said, "Well, I've never lived in a big villa before."

Jiang Buyou said, "There's nothing good about it. Running around, up and down, it's hard to get something. But you have Shadow Servant, who can help you run errands."

Zhong Yuan was speechless for a while, "No, are you still fooling me into buying it?"

Jiang Buyou sighed, "The real estate market is in a downturn, selling a property is worth it! Hey, don't look at me like that! I'll confiscate the agency fee!"

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