Ten minutes ago. . .

Zhong Lan entered the library, took a picture album from the shelf, and found a seat to sit down.

Without big brother around, I feel more and more bored.

In the end, he simply threw the album away and ran directly to the top floor of the library.

At that time Zhong Yuan had not gone far.

She climbed high and looked far, and soon found his trace,

Then, he followed all the way, walking on the roof, and shuttled between the college buildings like jumping grids.

Don't doubt that Zhong Lan can do this.

With super speed skills, once the speed reaches a certain extreme, the distance is no longer a problem.

Although Zhong Yuan had turned on his super perception, there were too many people on campus, and his attention was all attracted by the two followers, so he didn't realize that Little Tail was following him high in the air.

All the conflicts between him and Lei Bo fell into Zhong Lan's eyes.

It's far away, so I can't see clearly.

Until the end of the battle, Zhong Lan didn't realize that Lei Bo was actually a very powerful warrior.

The contest between spiritual skills is not something outsiders can see through.

Zhong Lan only knew that the big brother showed his might and beat up the guy who found fault.

It's just that it took him so many punches to knock the opponent out, the fist must be very painful!

Zhong Lan felt very distressed.

If it was her hands, it only took a second to kick the opponent to death.

Thinking of this, she felt that she must avenge the big brother whose fist was injured!

So, there are the following things.

After finishing Leibo, Zhong Lan called Lin Dongliang.

It was the first time he took the initiative to receive contact from the little girl, and Lin Dongliang was pleasantly surprised.

"What's the matter? Did you miss Uncle Lin?"

"Didn't we meet just a few days ago?" Zhong Lan pouted and said, "I have a question to ask you!"

Lin Dongliang lifted his spirits and said, "What's the problem?"

No matter what the question is, he is willing to answer it with Zhong Lan.

Zhong Lan said, "That is, if someone bullies me, should I fight back?"

Lin Dongliang was startled slightly, frowned and said, "Who dares to bully you? Tell Uncle Lin, I will avenge you!"

Zhong Lan said dissatisfiedly, "I don't want it! I will avenge myself! The revenge of the day will not be overnight!"

This kid has backbone!

Lin Dongliang was full of admiration in his heart, thought for a while and said, "Revenge is necessary, but you must be careful. If someone bullies you a foot, you must pay back ten times! A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye! Uh, I really don't need Uncle Lin's help." Do you take revenge?"

Zhong Lan said with a smile, "No need, I've already signed up."

Lin Dongliang's teachings literally entered her heart.

Even Uncle Lin said so, and I was right.

That is, we can't let the big brother know. If he knew that I helped him avenge, he would definitely feel ashamed!

I'm already a very powerful marketer now, I can't hurt the young self-esteem of big brother!

Zhong Lan skipped and ran away.

Student Union Office.

Shangguanyi put down his mobile phone, and said to Jian Rou who was making the form, "Lei Bo failed."

"Ah? What did you say?" Jian Rou's face was full of confusion.

Shangguanyi said lightly, "You can find out by looking at Leibo's circle of friends."

"Did something happen?" Jian Rou picked up the phone and opened the V message.

He was surprised to find that Lei Bo had sent a photo in Jiugongge without any text.

The picture is too small to see what it is.

Jian Rou clicked on a photo, and immediately widened her eyes in shock.

This is Leibo? !

In the photo, he was in tattered clothes, lying on the ground in a strange posture, with his butt raised high, and his hands made a kneeling surrender, and he was photographed close-up from various angles.

Looking at his face again, it was as swollen as a pig's head. If he is not very familiar, there is no way to recognize him.

The weirdest thing was that he posted the embarrassing appearance of being beaten into a pig's head in the circle of friends by himself.

Jian Rou couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Who put this up? It's crazy!"

While Jian Rou strongly condemned, she covered her mouth and smiled, leaning forward and backward, showing no sympathy for Lei Bo at all.

Shangguanyi was very dissatisfied with her reaction, and frowned, "That's all I want to say?"

Jian Rou said softly, "Has he gone to find that freshman? It seems that that freshman is quite capable. On the other hand, Lei Bo, who was punished so badly, might make things worse with his face-saving personality."

Shangguanyi did not comment on Zhong Yuan's ability, but said indifferently, "As long as he is still in the academy, he dare not do anything. After leaving the academy, it will be hard to say."

Jian Rou's expression changed slightly, she heard his implication, and said seriously, "Shangguan Yi, don't mess around."

Shangguanyi's face was calm, "I didn't do anything, and you think I'm going to mess around? You're prejudiced against me. Look at what that freshman did, how did you put the seniors of our student union in your eyes?"

"Today, he scolded Lei Bo, and tomorrow he might shit on our heads. Anyway, don't worry about this matter!"

Jian Rou's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and she did not continue to speak.

When Feng Qing went to the infirmary to treat Lei Bo, he found the boy lying on the hospital bed and crying.

He passed out for more than an hour, and found that his mobile phone was crushed, so he hurriedly asked someone to buy a new one, and the SIM card was replaced.

Unfortunately, it was too late!

That terrible circle of friends news has been posted for at least two hours.

When Lei Bo saw that post, he was like a bolt from the blue, startled and angry, hurriedly deleted the circle of friends, and rushed to the academy's forum immediately.

He is a publicity committee member and manages the operation of the forum. Sure enough, he saw ugly photos of himself in several sections.

It has been liked thousands of posts, and the discussion is heated. Many people think it is performance art, and some people think it is school bullying. Only a small number of people feel that the situation is serious, and some people want to challenge the majesty of the student union.

Last year, the college won the top ten in the high school league, and the celebration post was posted, with only one word "explosive" behind it.

At this moment, there were three explosions behind Lei Bo's ugly photo.

He collapsed on the spot.

In a fit of anger, he used administrator privileges to clear all the forums.

After doing this, Lei Bo realized that he had caused a catastrophe.

Although most of them are just boring posters, there are quite a few talks about the experience of cultivating and absorbing Xu Jing in the special section of the special class. If they are all deleted, it will definitely cause strong dissatisfaction among the students.

Seeing Feng Qing coming, Lei Bo scrambled and rushed to him, choked up and said, "President! I was beaten by Zhong Yuan! He even took an ugly photo of me and posted it on Moments!"

Feng Qing looked astonished, and said contemptuously in his heart: Are you a primary school student? Report to the parents after being beaten?

Lei Bo had a good relationship with Shangguanyi, so he must have been provoked by a few words, and he went to trouble Zhong Yuan without even thinking about it.

His crystal wall defense is indeed a good ability, but it is more focused on team defense, and it takes time to activate. Unlike Feng Yumo's copper-skinned iron bone, which is a passive ability, it will be activated when attacked.

Even Feng Feng Mo almost died in Zhong Yuan's hands, how could Lei Bo win under his hands?

You know, Zhong Yuan is the 68th Xuan Ming on the youth ranking list!

Hey, I just won't tell you guys!

You must know that Shangguan Yi, the number one master of Chengying Academy, is only ranked around 200.

Feng Qing was secretly happy, and he was not in a hurry to get treatment. Instead, he sat on the chair and said leisurely, "Come on, tell me, what trick did that kid use to defeat you."

The grievance in Leibo's heart.

I have been beaten like this, and you actually want me to recall it again, and then tell you personally!

So insulting!

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