Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 39 I Didn't Want To Slap You In The Face

Feng Qing's mouth has a sarcasm skill, which can always make people feel insulted just right.

Lei Bo was still counting on him to use his healing skills, so even though he was 10,000 unhappy, he still described the situation at that time.

"As usual, I threatened him first, but it didn't seem to affect him at all. Then, I didn't even have a chance to fight back, so I was beaten to the ground!"

"Oh? Intimidation is ineffective? Don't look at me like that. I didn't know you would go to him. I didn't reveal your ability to him."

"Besides, even if you reveal it to him, you don't have the ability to resist mind control, and you won't be able to stop your intimidation."

Lei Bo finally felt better. He sniffled and said, "So, it's not that I'm weaker than him, but that his ability just restrains me."

Feng Qing:? ? ?

How did I not know that Zhong Yuan still has the ability to resist mind control?

How much ability does this kid hide?

Speaking of which, the Ghost Moat Badger's Crystal should have been delivered to him...

Feng Qing was thoughtful, and hurriedly asked, "Has he used a weapon yet?"

"No! He beat me with his bare hands for five minutes, five minutes!"

Feng Qing nodded and sighed, "Yes, why did he hit you with his fist? It would be great if he used a weapon!"

Leibo couldn't help shivering.

What do you mean?

If Zhong Yuan uses a weapon, I will pay for my life, okay?

Actually, Feng Qing didn't mean to mock Lei Bo.

He just wanted to know, did Zhong Yuan have the ability of the ghost moat badger?

It was itchy in my heart, like a cat's paw scratching and scratching non-stop. I'm so curious, it's not easy to run over and ask myself.

"Alas...alas! What a pity!" Feng Qing sighed again and again.

Lei Bo suffered another 10,000 critical hit, and finally became excited.

"President! After the beating, he even took a photo and posted it on the circle of friends with my mobile phone. Now all my friends know that I was beaten like a dead dog. How do you say I will hang around in school in the future? I must be punished he!"

Since obtaining the ability of the crystal wall, Lei Bo went smoothly and was directly selected into the academy team.

In the first grade, he represented the college to participate in the Martial Arts High School League.

In the arena, he used the crystal wall to protect his teammates, and he hardly suffered.

However, facing Zhong Yuan, he experienced unprecedented pain, and his heart was hit like a devastation.

"He must be punished! If you don't punish him, I, Leibo, will be the first to refuse!!!"

Feng Qing had heard about things in the circle of friends, and thought: No wonder Feng Fengmo once commented on Zhong Yuan as insidious and cunning.

It's too ruthless, it directly brought Lei Bo to death, making him unable to be a human being!

Yes, yes, kill chickens and monkeys.

Next time someone wants to deal with Zhong Yuan, they have to weigh whether they can withstand the social death impact of the circle of friends.

In the spirit of humanitarianism, Feng Qing comforted, "Lei Bo, don't think too much. After a long time, everyone will forget about you being beaten, and you will be fine by then."

Lei Bo roared with red eyes, "What if someone saves the photo and threatens to blackmail me for the rest of my life? I am an iron wall defense of Chengying Academy, and I am a master ranked 748 on the youth list!"

Feng Qing's head was extremely big, and he complained secretly: If the group defense ability is not too rare, the school team will not be able to turn to someone like you.

Don't be ashamed to say that the ranking is so low!

Feng Qing said impatiently, "I'm not your nanny, you ask me what to do, how do I know?!"

"Besides, Zhong Yuan was recommended by me. You went to beat him and asked me to punish him. You clearly wanted to slap me in the face! Since his life is not in danger, I will go first!"

"Ah?" Lei Bo was completely dumbfounded, "President, President! I didn't mean to slap you in the face! Wait a minute, treat me!"

Feng Qing ran away without looking back.

The next day, he received news that Leibo had applied for a suspension from the Academic Affairs Office.

It seems that the doctor who bribed the physical examination said that he was mentally damaged and needed to go home to rest.

Finally, the college approved Lei Bo to suspend his studies for half a year.

Half a year later, it will be the annual Marauder High School League, and as the main force, he has to come back to participate in training.

At that time, it is unknown whether the main force still has his seat.

Half a year is enough time for new students to grow up. Eliminate those who should be eliminated, leaving only the talented ones who continue to receive elite education in the academy.

On the other side,

Only a few days after the start of school, the students in special classes have undergone great changes.

The temporary team formed for military training suddenly disbanded after a week of vacation.

Students who failed to absorb their abilities were deliberately alienated by their peers.

The students who became the Ruin Warriors took the initiative to gather together and re-formed a small team.

Xie Yifeng's team is like this.

At that time, Huang Xiaoyan was designed by Xie Yifeng and ran out of the safe zone. There were only three of them left in the team.

Actually, Xie Yifeng just wanted someone to occupy a seat in the safe zone. The two team members were too timid to go out to hunt snow snakes, and he didn't force them either.

Feng Fengmo swept away most of the snake caves and took away a large number of crystals, but the snakes could not be killed, and there were always a few Frost Snow Snakes left alone.

Moreover, the Snake Cave was wiped out, and the new students were much safer walking in the jungle.

Xie Yifeng held the map in his hand, and found that several places where frost and snow snakes gathered had been smashed, carefully picked up the leaks, almost no danger was encountered, and several snakes were killed.

At the end of the military training, eight crystals were obtained, excluding Zhong Yuan, his harvest was the first in the class.

How could Xu Jing, who had risked her life, be distributed to her companions?

They didn't have any friendship at first, they just formed a temporary team, the two chatted in the safe room all day long, they didn't even bother to fetch water, every time Xie Yifeng went out to help them fill up the water bottle.

Tell them nothing and don't doubt it.

After all, there were people from other teams in the safe house. Listening to their chats, one could tell that many of them got nothing.

In the end, they simply messed up together.

After leaving Fangjie, the one-week vacation was over, and the two people were shocked to find that half of the students in the class had been reborn, and gathered together to talk about the experience of absorbing Xu Jingshi.

Xie Yifeng was so enthusiastic in helping fetch water in Fangjie, and he kept saying that he would help each other and fight together. Now he doesn't even look at them, and doesn't speak to them.

Yes, Xie Yifeng has also successfully become a market power user.

Frost Snow Snake does not have powerful attack skills. He didn't want to gamble on death immunity, so he handed over the crystal to the big brother and sold it for cash.

In the end, he begged for an Iron-tailed Crocodile Crystal in the trading market.

There is only one ability in this Ruin Crystal: Iron Tail. Grade green level lv2!

It is the iron-tailed crocodile's housekeeping skill for attacking, sweeping away the enemy with the powerful tail behind it.

After absorbing the ability, the shaman will grow an invisible tail behind him.

Experiments have proved that this tail is exactly the same as the iron tail of the iron-tailed crocodile.

Using it to attack the enemy is not only fast and powerful, but also elusive, making it difficult to predict the movement.

In the market, the price of an iron-tailed crocodile crystal is around 50,000 yuan, and the supply is often in short supply.

Xie Yifeng managed to get one, bought it quickly, and found Liu Wen Qi Neng.

The success rate of iron-tailed crocodile crystal absorption is as high as 40, and with Liu Wen's help, Xie Yifeng successfully succeeded.

He's not the only student doing this.

There are more than a dozen students in the class who have prepared their own market crystals to enable Liu Wen. They all have family roots, not just grassroots.

As a result, the polarization in the class is serious.

The students who have become warriors have already set their goals on the selection of the school team, and even began to look for the best friends who can accompany them for a lifetime.

Those students who are still ordinary people are running around in a hurry, wanting to get Xu Jing, but they have no way to find it, and they are inquiring every day.

In addition, there are two special students in the class.

Zhong Yuan and Zhong Lan.

We all know they are siblings.

Moreover, they are all guessing where the two of them came from.

Zhong Lan was given special care and did not enter Fangjie. Obviously, she is very special, maybe a genius.

And Zhong Yuan is even more outrageous, joining the student union right after school started.

At first, many students didn't know what his black uniform represented, but they were surprised when they inquired later.

Being able to join the student union means that the strength has been recognized by the members of the student union.

Xie Yifeng also noticed that the word Fengji was embroidered on Zhong Yuan's uniform.

He, the discipline committee member?

A core member of the Student Union!

Big brother Xie Yihan works as a cadre in the Propaganda Department of the Student Union, and his status is far inferior to that of Zhong Yuan.

Xie Yifeng once had the opportunity to form a team with Zhong Yuan in Fangjie.

However, at that time, the ghosts were obsessed and judged people by their appearance. Not only did they fail to form a team, but they also ended up having a deadlock in their relationship.

Now Zhong Yuan seems to be the number one boss in the class. Because he was too cold, he only talked to his younger sister, so no one dared to strike up a conversation.

Originally, I could be friends with him...

Xie Yifeng's heart was bitter, and his heart, liver and lungs ached from remorse.

After class ended in the afternoon, the brothers and sisters of the Zhong family left the classroom chatting and laughing. Xie Yifeng struggled for a while and chased after him.

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