"Zhong Yuan!"


A familiar voice came from behind.

Isn't that Xie Yifeng who thinks he's smart and selfish in Fangjie?

In the past few days, he has been doing well in class, telling people everywhere that he has become a martyr, and there are always a group of people around him talking.

The teammates who used to be with him were completely sidelined, and that Huang Xiaoyan also disappeared.

Zhong Yuan has no interest in dealing with this kind of person.

On the contrary, it was Zhong Lan, who turned her head to look at it without any intention, her chubby little face was full of doubts.

"Who are you? Do you know my brother?"

Too much! We've been in class together for several days, yet we don't even remember what the students right behind us look like!

Xie Yifeng complained secretly, and said, "Zhong Lan, I'll sit right behind you, you are in the first row, I'm in the second row! We are classmates!"

Zhong Lan stuck out her tongue and said playfully, "So you're sitting behind me, sorry, I didn't notice you."

Xie Yifeng continued to complain in his heart: Looking back so many times a day, what do you see?

He quickly approached the two of them, let Zhong Lan walk in the middle, smiled sarcastically, and asked, "Go to the cafeteria for dinner?"

Nonsense, it's time for dinner, what else can you do if you don't go to eat?

Zhong Yuan didn't want to deal with Xie Yifeng, so he said coldly, "Don't tell me, you want to have a table with us."

Obviously refused to eat together.

But Xie Yifeng had already cultivated a face that was thicker than the city wall, and said enthusiastically, "There is a new Malatang shop nearby, and the taste is quite good. In addition to Malatang, there are also barbecue and oysters. Invitation, do you want to go?"

The Frost Snow Snake Crystals were sold for a total of less than a million yuan, and it didn't cost much to take down the iron-tailed crocodile. Xie Yifeng still had a large sum left in his account, and he was a big dog.

Inviting the brothers and sisters of the Zhong family to a meal is simply a drizzle.


It's not relative, why should I let you treat me?

Can I afford Mala Tang? !

Zhong Yuan was about to refuse, but Zhong Lan agreed with a smile on his face.

"Okay, okay, you can't go back on your word! I want to eat mutton skewers, grilled chicken hearts, and three servings of luncheon meat for Malatang!"

The corner of Zhong Yuan's mouth twitched slightly, and he said earnestly, "Lan Lan, eating these things all the time is not good for your health!"

Zhong Lan felt a little wronged, and whispered, "Why do you always eat it? I haven't eaten Malatang for a long time! Brother, just promise..."

Xie Yifeng was overjoyed.

The dinner appointment is over!

These days, he has been observing the preferences of the Zhong brothers and sisters.

As soon as it was time to eat, I deliberately followed them to the cafeteria to see what dishes they served.

Zhong Lan likes to eat spicy food, especially spicy chicken, and sometimes even has two servings at night, never tired of eating.

Zhong Yuan was a little weird.

The appetite is even less than girls, not to mention, every time I only eat my sister's leftover meals, and finally complete the CD-ROM operation.

His face is so ugly all the year round, and his body is not strong. It's not unreasonable. People who don't know think that he is extremely poor and can't afford the cafeteria!

However, Xie Yifeng knew that the allowance enjoyed by the members of the student union was frighteningly high.

His big brother, Xie Yihan, is just an ordinary operator, and he can receive a subsidy of 30,000 yuan per week, not to mention that Zhong Yuan is a discipline committee member, the subsidy will not be low, it will only be higher.

The meals in the cafeteria average more than ten yuan per serving, and the double serving of spicy chicken is in his early twenties. Would Zhong Yuan not be able to afford it?

Is he anorexic?

After careful observation for several days, he really couldn't figure out what Zhong Yuan likes to eat, so Xie Yifeng could only start with his younger sister.

It worked.

Zhong Lan is very interested in Malatang. And Zhong Yuan dotes on his younger sister, and originally didn't want to go, but she kept begging, so he had to agree.

Three people left the school gate.

The shops on the front and back three streets are all managed by Chengying College, which serve the students in the school.

In some stores, students in special classes can get discounts when they go in.

Xie Yifeng led them across a road and came to a Mala Tang shop.

Sure enough, there was a sign at the door that the grand opening offer, 15% discount for the entire site within one month.

It wasn't long after the afternoon class ended, and it was less than five o'clock at this moment, and the store was already 90% full.

The three of them needed a whole table, Zhong Yuan glanced and saw that there was no empty table.

So, he said decisively, "Pack it up, let's take it home and eat it!"

What the hell! And this trick?

Xie Yifeng's face turned dark, he should have found someone to occupy a seat earlier!

What's the point of his treats if they pack up and go home without talking a few words?

At this moment, someone in the shop suddenly shouted.

"Brother Fengji! This way!"

? ? ?

Zhong Yuan followed the prestige and saw a girl with long hair smiling and waving at him.

She looks seventeen or eighteen years old, with a dignified and beautiful appearance, and two lovely dimples on her cheeks when she smiles. A school uniform of a special class set off her tall and straight figure and magnificent figure.

Seeing Zhong Yuan standing still, she urged again, "Hurry up, I have a seat here!"

She was the only one sitting at her table, and there happened to be three vacant seats.

Xie Yifeng hurriedly said to Zhong Lan, "Let's go there."

Unexpectedly, Zhong Lan frowned and hummed softly, "I want to pack it up and take it away!"

Xie Yifeng said with black lines all over his head, "It won't taste good when you take it home. I'll buy you another ice cream later, a vanilla ball and a strawberry ball. Okay?"

When Zhong Lan heard this, she reluctantly walked towards the empty table.

Zhong Yuan took another look at Xie Yifeng.

He actually figured out what Zhong Lan likes to eat.

What exactly do you want to do? Are you using your brains? !

Coming to the table, Zhong Lan sat down on the empty side, and said to Xie Yifeng in an unquestionable tone, "You sit across from me, my brother's seat is on the side."

Xie Yifeng had black lines all over his head, so he had no choice but to follow suit.

After sitting down, Zhong Yuan looked at the menu, thanked the girl opposite, and asked casually, "Do you know me?"

The girl smiled generously, "I don't know you. But it's not too late to know each other now. My name is Su Wanying, what's your name?"

Zhong Yuan said, "My name is Zhong Yuan, and this is my sister Zhong Lan."

"It's so big..." Zhong Lan stared straight at Su Wanying's chest, muttered something vaguely and then turned his gaze away.

The two brothers and sisters responded flatly.

However, the name Su Wanying was like a thunderbolt to Xie Yifeng.

He became excited all of a sudden, and said loudly, "You are Su Wanying, the little princess of the Beichen family?"

Su Wanying said embarrassingly, "Princess or not, they are nicknames randomly picked up by outsiders!"

Zhong Lan sketched on the electronic menu and said casually, "Is she famous?"

Xie Yifeng said in a low voice, "Of course she is famous. The strongest assistant in Chengying Academy, the top ten outstanding youths in Shangdong City, the eldest lady of Beichen Group, and the 171st on the list of youths who can make a fortune! It is said that her suitors can line up around the academy. Thirty laps!"

Zhong Lan immediately nodded three-pointed braised pig's claws, and said angrily, "What's the big deal? When I grow up, my suitor will be able to circle the earth thirty times!"

Xie Yifeng:? ? ?

Su Wanying burst out laughing, and said to Zhong Yuan, "Your sister is so funny!"

Zhong Yuan said lightly, "She often speaks surprisingly, I'm used to it."

At this time, Su Wanying's Malatang arrived.

She ordered a non-spicy milk flavor, a lot of vegetarian dishes, and ate in small bites, with very gentle movements.

Zhong Yuan asked the waiter for three bottles of drinks by the way.

Idle is also idle, Xie Yifeng said, "Zhong Yuan, have you heard? Someone from the school team has dropped out of school."

Zhong Yuan lacked interest and said, "I don't know, I haven't heard of it."

Su Wanying interjected, "Every year, the academy selects students from special classes to participate in the High School League of Warriors. There are six people in one team. But it is said that this year, the league has been restructured, and the number of people in each team in the team competition has been changed to four. The school can apply for two teams to participate in the competition!"

This is a big piece of news, Xie Yifeng hastily pricked up his ears and continued to listen.

Su Wanying continued, "The person who dropped out of school is called Lei Bo, a sophomore. He was originally in charge of defense in the team. Now that he has dropped out of school, and the league is restructured, I think this is an opportunity to reorganize the team."

Zhong Lan always felt that she had been peeking at big brother all the time, so she couldn't help frowning and asked, "How do you know so clearly?"

Su Wanying smiled and said, "Because I am a member of the school team. The selection will start in a few days. It takes a period of time to form a good team, so we have to select people in advance."

Zhong Yuan said lightly, "Tell me this on purpose, what do you mean?"

Su Wanying said seriously, "Since Feng Qing dragged you into the student union, it means that your strength is very good. I think you can fight for a place in the school team."

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