"Yuan Shao, although you helped me arrange dozens of blind dates and made me escape by climbing out of the window, I am magnanimous, repaying good for bad, helping you win a game, and even breaking the fastest record I created before."

"Is Gao happy, is it unexpected? Shouldn't you express it?"

Jiang Buyou had already started thinking, and when Zhong Yuan came back, he asked him what benefits he wanted.

Take another class?

No, I'd be an idiot if I let him take over again!

Why not, how many times do you want to sell yourself?

We have been friends for more than ten years, what do we want to sell ourselves?

There is no need for that name.

Let him come and be an apron boy.

Getting rich is just around the corner.

Potato Roast Pork is so delicious...

Jiang Buyou had devil horns on his head, and his abacus was crackling.

All members of Feng Qing's team returned to the rest area, but Xie Yihan and Chen Xu failed to pinch their faces in the end.

It's not that they didn't want to pinch, but that they were stopped by Feng Qing.

"Hey, Feng Qing, you are too domineering! Why can only you pinch, but we can't?"

They still don't know who they are facing.

Can you pinch Jiang Buyou's face?

Not to mention his identity as the commander of the military region.

This guy has a bad temper and is notorious for holding grudges.

Face King!

Get rid of the blame!

All benefits are his!

The son of fortune in China...

Tell you his true identity, you will be paralyzed with fright!

Feng Qing sighed, and said to the two guys who wanted to squeeze their faces, "It's unlucky to turn around, don't blame me for not warning you."

Jiang Buyou was in a great mood, with a smile on his face, looking at the two guys who tried to pinch his face, as if saying: Come on, those who pinched Jiang's face will be unlucky in the end!

The atmosphere is subtle.

I don't know if they were overwhelmed by the majesty of the commander of the military region, Xie Yihan and Chen Xu hesitated for a moment, not daring to make a move.

Seeing this, Zhang Rui hurriedly pulled Xie Yihan back.

Something was wrong with Feng Qing today, and something was wrong with Zhong Yuan.

There is no love interaction, and there is a lot of alienation between speech and behavior.

They must have had a fight!

Zhang Rui lowered her voice, and told Xie Yihan about the discovery, "Zhong Yuan and Feng Qing are in a cold war, either someone is cheating, or someone is looking for an affair."

Uh, thank you for thinking it out...

Xie Yihan's head was full of black lines, and he asked in a low voice, "Then, who do you think is having an affair?"

Zhang Rui pondered for a while, then said in a low voice, "It must be Feng Qing! He has a lot of friends, is popular, and is the captain. Every time he goes up to salute people from other teams."

"It makes sense...you're right!"

What, Zhong Yuan received a bunch of presents when he went out for a walk, and some girls came over to confess to him.

All these things were ignored by Zhang Rui. She really favors Zhong Yuan for no reason!

Xie Yihan looked at the nose and the heart, and secretly thought: Feng Qing, why is it always you who gets shot? Don't blame me, after all, the girl is my wife now, if I don't follow her, she will be angry...

Cheng Ying's second team is still fighting, Feng Qing suggested that everyone go to the stage to watch the game.

With Su Wanying absent, the lineup of the second team was incomplete. Against the first team of Shangshuimu College, it was hard to say the outcome.

"Director Gu, let's go to the stage."

"Go, go, wait for the second team to come back and assemble."


Gu Yan continued to stay in the rest area, nervously waiting for the final result.

He cares more about breaking records than anyone else.

After working hard in education for so many years, who wouldn't want to unlock an awesome achievement?

If Zhong Yuan breaks the record set eight years ago, he will replace Jiang Buyou and become the new generation double record holder of the league.

It is estimated that no one will be faster in the future!

Gu Yan was full of expectations, waiting for the organizing committee to announce the record-breaking good news, but...

Not broken, only 05 seconds away!

As soon as the announcement came out, Gu Yan stood there in amazement for two seconds, then covered his face with his hands, so angry that he was about to vomit blood!

Too much deception!

It's so fast, it's obviously broken, why do you have to delay for half a second?

Without the support of the young marshal, how dare they do this?

It's not always possible to go to the commander's office of the South China Military Region to argue with the young commander!

Even the tough man couldn't bear this tone.

I'm not angry!

I'm not angry!

Gu Yan beat his chest angrily.

The observers in the stands could understand the thoughts of the organizing committee and whispered.

"It's the young marshal who gave instructions behind the scenes."

"Zhong Yuan is too young, too much glory will only inflate his pride, moderate pressure is good for him."

"Young commander is wise!"

"Young Marshal is still thoughtful!"

People from Feng Qing's team had already arrived in the stands.

Just sat down, ready to watch the game, when the final verdict came out, Jiang Buyou was stunned.


What is 355 seconds?

I made two seconds, and Ye Zhen made one.

The two of us, one ranked No. 1 in the Youth Ranking, and the other No. 6 in the Youth Ranking, joined forces to beat people. Didn't we break the record I set eight years ago?

Are you crazy?

To engage in shady scenes and get it on Ben Shuai's head?

Jiang Buyou's expression was distorted. Suddenly, he remembered that he is not a young commander, but Zhong Yuan's identity!

At this moment, Jiang Bu was worried like a knife, and panicked from boredom.

Zhong Yuan suffered so many grievances in the league and suffered so much unfair treatment. He felt the same feeling all of a sudden, and he was so uncomfortable that he could hardly breathe.

"Yuan Shao...I'm sorry for you...it's my fault, I shouldn't make you suffer so much!"

However, Zhong Yuan didn't complain at all.

He has always maintained a calm attitude.

A word of getting used to it, calmly accepted all of this.

Jiang Buyou was so distressed that he was about to die, his murderous intent swelled to the extreme, and he stood up abruptly.

The Shadow Servant under his feet seemed to have also entered a war-crazy stance, and the edge of the shadow unexpectedly showed a terrifying jagged shape.

How dare this group of people erase the fastest record of Master Eight! Damn it all! ! !

Ye Zhen also almost couldn't restrain the urge to die immediately.

In the stands, the situation changed suddenly.

At that time, the masters of the two great ruins of the world got angry at the same time, and everyone felt an unreasonable chill, and couldn't help shivering.

Feng Qing sat beside Jiang Buyou, and didn't notice the strangeness of the shadow.

Seeing Jiang Buyou bristling with anger, ready to rush out to kill someone at any time, he couldn't help but said, "What do you want? Sit down."

Jiang Buyou said with a cold expression, "Are you ordering me?"

"I'm the captain, of course you have to obey my command." Feng Qing narrowed his eyes and said calmly, "Sit down."

He also exudes a powerful aura overlooking all living beings.

The two invisible auras competed in mid-air, and they were evenly divided.

In the end, Ye Zhen was the first to give in.

The results of the team competition are shared by the teams.

Feng Qing is Zhong Yuan's close friend and the captain of the team. The record-breaking record has been maliciously erased, and I must feel uncomfortable...

When Master Baxi is away, Feng Qing will preside over the overall situation.

Don't be impulsive!

Don't cause trouble to Master Baxi!

After thinking about this, Ye Zhen secretly comforted Jiang Buyou instead.

"Brother Jiang, don't you care about the record? You also said that Lord Baxi doesn't care."

"That was just now," Jiang Buyou said expressionlessly, "Now, for some reason, I suddenly care again."

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