Ye Zhen hurriedly followed in Jiang Buyou's shadow.

If he does anything that damages Zhong Yuan's image, he will be dragged away immediately!

Seeing that Dai Da was about to leave angrily, Feng Qing frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong.

So, he also stood up, and said sharply, "As you said, you will obey my command! Come back! Sit down!"

"Feng Qing, you want to command me? Heh!" Jiang Buyou sneered and said, "No one can command me."

Feng Qing's face changed slightly.

This innocence finally revealed her true nature!

So many things I said before are really all deceit!

He is the commander of the military region, who can restrain him?

Shouldn't you expose yourself?

It would be troublesome if someone finds out about the fight, he shouldn't be that stupid...

Feng Qing was in a complicated state of mind and stood there without moving.

But Jiang Buyou put down his cruel words, turned his head and left. He quickly ran down the stands, and at the same time took off his coat, and took off the imitation mask and wig on his face.

The proxy fight is over, there is no need to pretend anymore.

When he came out of the passageway of the stands, he returned to his original appearance.

The infinite dream is closed, no one will think he is Zhong Yuan.

The temperature in the stadium was not high. Jiang Buyou was wearing a thin shirt and walked towards the referee's seat at a leisurely pace.

The burning anger in his chest made him unable to feel the coldness.

His eyes were colder and more menacing than Antarctic icebergs.

The seats of several observers were very close to the referee's seat, and they soon found a man in a white shirt approaching.

"Hey! Look! That person... seems to be a young commander!"

"What? Is the young commander here in person?"

"Oh my god! He...he went towards the referee's seat!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, shocked and puzzled at the same time.

I didn't hear that the young marshal came to the game site in person today.

If he wants to come, there must be all kinds of ostentation, the guards are all arranged, and it is extremely grand.

Now there is no news at all, and there is no advance notice. Could it be... a private visit from Weifu?

What is he doing in the referee's seat?

At the same time, the camera lens quickly captured this distinguished visitor.

When the cameraman found Jiang Buyou, his excited heart almost stopped beating.


It's Young Marshal! ! !

What alarmed him to come?

In addition to Zhong Yuan, the cameraman finally made a six-frame picture-in-picture on his own initiative, following the commander of the South China Military Region from all angles.

The director trembled in fright, no wonder Cheng Yun spoke indiscriminately just now, he was overjoyed and said, "That's right! That's it, all the shots are given to him!"

When Cheng Yun saw the idol appearing, she was so excited that she almost couldn't speak, "Oh my God! Audience, hurry up and see who's coming! The commander of the South China Military Region, Jiang Buyou, came to the college league in person! This, this What a surprise!!"

The Zhong Yuan fan club couldn't compare to Jiang Buyou's popularity.

The youngest major general in Huaguo, Jiang Buyou, is synonymous with legend!

As soon as he appeared, the ratings skyrocketed, from the early 40s to 5 points, and then, like a helicopter, it soared to the 60s!

The reporter on the field, Xiang Nuan, frantically rushed to where Jiang Buyou was.

In fact, she had a premonition that there was something wrong with Feng Qing's team's record, so she ambush near the referee's seat in advance.

Maybe, Cheng Ying College will protest?

Be sure to block the interview at that time!

At the same time, in the rest area of ​​Hualing College, Qiu Ren happened to be discussing the appeal with Jiang Tianshuo.

"President, Zhong Yuan's match just now was too outrageous. Do we want to file a complaint and ask the organizing committee to reconsider the length of his fight?"

It's pretty funny.

Cheng Ying College hadn't appealed yet, but Hualing College actually wanted to rush out to stand up for them.

In normal times, Jiang Tianshuo immediately agreed, but this time, he decided to stand still.

"hold on."

Qiu Ren asked strangely, "Why?"

Jiang Tianshuo said, "Someone went there first. If he can't handle it, we'll go later."

Although the photo dealer did not disclose his identity, he was definitely not an ordinary person who was able to sell his body in the military area and offered various benefits.

It must be reconciled that the results of the typed out were messed up.

Jiang Tianshuo looked at the big screen in the arena.

The battle between the second team of Chengying Academy and the first team of Shuimu Academy has been cut off.

Everything has become someone's picture.

The appearance is very clear. I know everyone I know. If you don’t know each other, you will know them when you ask people around you.

Jiang Tianshuo's pupils shrank slightly, and finally suddenly realized, and thought to himself with a sullen face: It's him...he is Zhong Yuan's best friend? Zhong Yuan went to his house to cook?

When Jiang Buyou was about to walk to the referee's seat, Xiang Nuan had already caught up with the microphone.

"Jiang... Commander Jiang! I am Xiang Nuan, a reporter from Channel 29! Excuse me, do you accept my exclusive interview? I will only delay you for a few minutes!"

Xiang Nuan blushed, feeling extremely nervous, and at the same time completely admired himself.

Young Marshal himself!

It's a real person!

So close, just one meter away!

No appointment, just a surprise interview, will he accept it?

He is so handsome and tall!

Xiang Nuan's eyes were crazy, and he wanted to tell everyone: I have talked to the young marshal!

Jiang Buyou turned around, glanced coldly at the female reporter, and spit out three words.

"No shooting."

A trace of murderous intent revealed inadvertently made Xiang Nuan feel like falling into an ice cave.

She was at a loss, and wanted to plead again, but Jiang Buyou turned to the camera closest to the referee's seat, raised her head, and said softly, "No filming."

The expression is extremely serious, and it feels like you will all be unlucky if you shoot again.

The cameraman dared not follow suit, and immediately cut the shot in fear.

The live broadcast was interrupted.

The broadcast accident this time was not Cheng Yun's fault, it was someone who personally ordered them not to film.

The tactical experts on the referee's seat have frightened everyone to stand up.

They were as puzzled as everyone else, why Jiang Buyou came suddenly.

Could it be that he came to find the black cat?

not like.

It's a bit like coming to Xingshi to ask a crime.

Probably not...

A group of people all lowered their heads and did not dare to speak, just waiting for the Commander to speak.

Jiang Buyou's eyes were sharp, as if two sharp knives were about to tear everyone's will.

"Call the referee who was in charge of Field No. 1 just now."

. . . . . .

The live broadcast resumed after being interrupted for half a minute, and the live broadcast of the game in the second venue continued.

The League Organizing Committee issued a notice.

Corrected the battle duration between Feng Qing's team and Kong Xiao's team.

After review by the referees on the field, when Le Zhixuan, a medical expert from Kong Xiao's team, conceded the defeat, the timer had already run out.

The time to admit defeat shall prevail.

Therefore, the duration of this battle should be 24 seconds!

The organizing committee determined that Feng Qing's team had created a new record for the fastest team competition!

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation.

It's not because of the impressive record of Feng Qing's team, everyone knows that their team has Zhong Yuan, this year is against the sky!

What is really shocking is that the young coach Jiang Buyou visited the league scene in person and corrected the duration of the battle, fulfilling Zhong Yuan's feat of setting a double record in the league.

This is the true magnanimity, and he is worthy of being the leader of the Huaguo youth generation.

For a moment, countless praises flooded Jiang Buyou, his prestige skyrocketed again, and his appeal was unparalleled.

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