Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 411 No, You Still Want Me To Fight For You?

"Brother Jiang, you are really calculating..."

Ye Zhen was in a complicated mood, and he became murderous towards Jiang Buyou again.

Why did you go out of your way to correct the battle duration of Feng Qing's team?

It seems that he has lost the title of the fastest record holder, but he has won countless hearts and support.

So many people praised him, even Gu Yan in the rest area shouted: Long live the young commander!

"Jiang Xuedi, are you really fighting for Master Baxi? Why do I think you are doing it for yourself!"

Jiang Buyou ignored Ye Zhen's trash talk at all, walked quickly to the safe passage, and picked up the camouflage equipment thrown in the corner.

There is only one person in this world who can synchronize his thoughts and understand each other.

That's right, as long as Zhong Yuan understands him, that's enough.

At this time, the webcast room has been captured by the repeater.

Row by row, very neat.

"The young commander is here, with boundless magic power, invincible in attack, invincible in battle!"

The live broadcast resumed, Jiang Buyou had disappeared, and Cheng Yun was still immersed in the excitement and couldn't extricate himself.

"Dear viewers, have you seen it? This is the popularity of the strongest patron saint of Huaguo, and now the ratings of this station have broken through a record high! The charm of the young commander is too strong!"

Cui Qusheng had a drop of sweat on his forehead.

It turns out that Yunyun is a fan of Jiang Buyou.

In fact, Cui Qusheng belonged to the staff department of the South China Military Region, and he often saw Jiang Buyou in the office building, and occasionally said a few words.

how to say……

Jiang Buyou is definitely not as noble and mysterious as imagined by the outside world.

He is the only son of Commander Jiang, and he has been in and out of the military area since he was a child.

It is said that picky eaters are so picky that they don't like to eat anything.

Thinking back then, the staff department was so worried about letting him eat well.

At the most exaggerated time, the cafeteria changed four chefs a year. Thanks to him, the taste of the dishes is getting better and better...

It would be too much to say that he is the strongest patron saint of Huaguo.

The strongest is not his turn.

But no matter what, for the participating students, it is indeed a great honor and pride to be able to see this super boss on the spot.

In the stands, when the members of Feng Qing's team saw the announcement on the big screen, their eyes widened at first, and then they let out ecstatic cheers.

Zhang Rui's face was about to burst into laughter, and said, "It's really a record! It's great! The young marshal helped us rehabilitate himself!"

She didn't play, and she belonged to the same squad, shared weal and woe, and shared glory.

Xie Yihan was calmer than her, looked around, and said strangely, "Zhong Yuan ran out aggressively, I thought he went to protest in person... Unexpectedly, it was the young commander who helped us get ahead! Do you think the young commander will receive us because of this? ?”

Feng Qing was speechless.

What interview?

He was sitting next to you just now, murderous and furious.

The happiest person was actually Chen Xu.

At the beginning, he was just randomly pulled over as a substitute, but after doing it, he almost became the main choice.

He played in this game, which means that his file will be marked!

It doesn't matter if he doesn't win the championship in the end, he is one of the record holders in the team competition!

Jiang Buyou's record of 35 seconds has been maintained for a full 8 years. Zhong Yuan hit 24 seconds, which is so much faster. I don't know how many years he can keep it!

Chen Xu was extremely grateful to Zhong Yuan, and said to Zhang Rui, "Zhang Rui, thank you."

Zhang Rui was startled, and said, "Ah? Why thank me?"

Chen Xu said seriously, "I'm a substitute, you are the main pick, but you didn't fight, and finally let me play. This game means a lot to me, although I didn't do anything after playing... Anyway, thank you, thank you Everyone!"

Zhang Rui is only in the second grade and can play for another two years, but Chen Xu only has his last chance this year.

He is the real unintentional intruder.

Zhang Rui smiled and said, "It's no big deal, we are in a small team, and I follow the command of the captain. You should thank Zhong Yuan."

"What are you talking about? So happy?"

The voice came from behind.

Feng Qing's pupils shrank slightly, and he looked back.

The Infinite Dreamland opened again, and Jiang Buyou regained his Cheng Dai Da posture, appearing in front of everyone.

This guy is back!

What else do you want?

Xie Yihan had no doubts about him, he was the first to jump up, and laughed loudly, "Zhong Yuan, you looked so scary just now, where did you go?! Our team broke the record! Look at the big screen!!"

"I can't bear to go to the toilet anymore." Jiang Buyou said nonsense, and then said as a matter of course, "With me here, I should break the record. After all, I am a genius."

Feng Qing's mouth twitched.

Can't you act a little bit more like it?

Zhong Yuan can't talk like you!

While they were rejoicing, the battle of Chengying Academy's second team also ended.


The strength of the first team of Shuimu Academy is too strong, and the auxiliary department of their team is simply a monster, controlling the whole field and various transfer states.

Situ Ming's red-level spiritual cage was completely suppressed, and it was almost useless. In the end, Shangguan had multiple negative states in his body, which was blown out by Zhao Man, and the game ended.

Jiang Buyou glanced at the game situation and said, "It's normal to lose, Lin Geng of Shuimu College does have very good abilities."

Feng Qing asked in a low voice, "Can you win?"

No, you still want me to fight for you?

What happened to Zhong Yuan?

Jiang Buyou's face changed slightly, he thought for a while, and replied, "I started the storm to get myself to only 1 life, and using the state switch on me is killing me. Even if there is no storm, you can use the retrospective to ensure that the main attacker can also Win. Or you go on your own, anyway, you are not afraid of state transitions."

Although Feng Qing didn't want to see this fellow, he had to admit that they wanted to go together.

"Did you sacrifice your life to the limit just now?"

Jiang Buyou smiled and said nothing.

The unhappiness caused by disobedience to the command disappeared in no time.

After the game, Jiang Buyou took the bus and left with the people from Chengying Academy.

Unfortunately, the first team and the second team failed to meet in the final.

In the next team match, Feng Qing's team will have a bye. Jiang Tianshuo's team played against Zhao Man's team from Shuimu College. The winner among them will compete with Feng Qing's team for the team championship.

At the same time, the East China Military Region and Chengying College were decorated with lights and festoons everywhere, and the firecrackers used for the Spring Festival were released in advance and crackling.

Zhong Yuan is amazing!

He broke Jiang Buyou's fastest record, and even forced Jiang Buyou to come forward to help him review the results in person!

Just ask who can do such a feat?

A huge banner prepared in advance was displayed on the teaching building of Chengying College.

Congratulations to Zhong Yuan from our school for breaking the fastest record in the league!

The black long straight photo is shamefully placed on the banner to deceive, everyone loves it.

In the military staff headquarters, a group of people talked excitedly after watching the game.

"Haha! This time the young commander's face was swollen."

"You can't say that. Jiang Buyou's operation is still very popular. Maybe he did it on purpose."

"Who cares, our East China Military Region is too proud this year! Not only Chengying College, Hualing College is also doing very well!"

"You tell me, how will the commander reward Zhong Yuan when he comes back this time? The commander is humming a ditty happily every day these days."

Zhong Lan sat on the side, with her head down, without saying a word, not at all excited about the big brother winning the game.

You know, Zhong Yuan's next bye will directly advance to the championship match.

Win first, lose second.

Why does the little sister look unhappy instead?

Lu Jianlin felt strange, leaned over and asked, "Zhong Lan, what's wrong with you?"

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