Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 415 I Will Open A Real Dream For You

Da da da.

Footsteps sounded in the quiet corridor.

A man in a white coat walked towards the ward.

He looked less than thirty years old, with an ordinary appearance, the type who would be forgotten in a blink of an eye when placed in the crowd.

But his eyes are very sharp, and there is a bit of sternness between his brows. At first glance, he is a serious type, and he is used to giving orders.

The electronic clock in the corridor showed that the time was three thirty in the morning.

It was a hot day, and the heat on the ground did not dissipate after being exposed to the sun for a whole day.

Even at night, the outside temperature is as high as 34 degrees Celsius,

The air-conditioning in the ward is fully turned on, and the people inside can't feel the heat of the scorching heat at all, and they will definitely catch cold if they don't wear long sleeves.

The nurse on duty lay down on the table and breathed evenly.

The words "Shangdong No. 1 Hospital" were printed on the nurse's uniform.

The eighth floor of the inpatient department is a place dedicated to the treatment of people with disabilities.

The security is strict, and the special elevator stops, and it is impossible to get up without swiping the card.

The man glanced at the nurse and continued to walk towards the ward unhurriedly.

At the door of Ward 808, there was already a doctor in the same white coat waiting for a long time.

Seeing him coming, he immediately bowed to greet him.

"Mr. Bai."


The man responded and stepped into the ward.

Deluxe Single Room.

The strong floral scent masks the pungent smell of disinfectant.

On the table near the window was a vase containing a bouquet of pure white lilies.

A teenager, with his eyes closed, lay quietly on the hospital bed, connected to a life monitor, his brain waves were weak, and his heartbeat was less than 30 beats per minute.

Mr. Bai didn't look at him right away, but glanced at Lily, and said in disgust, "Take the flower away."

This beautiful bouquet of flowers was immediately thrown in the bin outside.

The air smells much better.

Mr. Bai finally turned his attention to the boy in the hospital bed, and asked, "Are you sure he has talents different from ordinary people?"

The man dressed as a doctor whispered, "Sure."

Mr. Bai said, "Haven't absorbed Xu Jing yet, why were you sent here?"

The man dressed as a doctor immediately said, "He had a car accident, and he relied on his sister's relationship to turn him over for treatment. His brain waves are weak, and there may still be some brain activity, but he is basically a vegetable."

"Sister is a Ruin Energy?"

"No. His sister is only twelve years old this year, and she is just an ordinary person. I have also sensed her talent."

"Really?" Mr. Bai raised his eyebrows, and there was a little more playfulness on his calm face.

"Brothers and sisters are both talented? Who is taller? Sister?"

The man dressed as a doctor laughed dryly and said, "It's obvious that the big brother is more talented. The person who helped him to go through the admission procedures is Lin Dongliang. His level of perception is far inferior to mine. He must have not discovered the talent in this kid." Something special."

"It's no wonder that he is casually treated as garbage and thrown in this kind of ward. Can the general medical department cure him?"

"It's not optimistic. It's too late to send it over. If it's sent right away after the injury, there's a 80% chance that it will be cured."

"Hehe, but those people still made a deal with the little girl and promised to cure her big brother?"


"It's really a despicable method. They always do this, so every year so many marketers use our hands to escape their shells."

Looking at the young man's handsome face, Mr. Bai couldn't help showing a trace of pity, and said, "Do you think this child is worthy of my use of infinite dreams to treat him?"

The person dressed as a doctor affirmed, "Mr. Bai, he is the most talented person I have perceived so far."

"Well, your Xu can sense enough to be disaster-level, and you have never made a mistake."

As Mr. Bai said so, he activated his ability.

Infinite dreams!

The boy on the hospital bed was immediately drawn into an invisible dream. The brainwave monitoring equipment on the side suddenly changed.

Mr. Bai said with a low smile, "Although you are already brain dead, I will open a real dream for you and bring you back to reality. Don't be afraid, as long as my power is still there, you can live forever. Waiting for you When you are strong enough to wake up, you will take the initiative to return to my side."

"Remember, my name is..."

There was a muffled murmur in my ear.

The face was rubbed back and forth with a palm.

Who is speaking?


Stop touching it!

Zhong Yuan suddenly opened his eyes, and fiercely grabbed the hand that was caressing his face.


A short scream came from beside her, followed by the girl's surprised and slightly painful voice.

"Brother! Great! You finally woke up! Great! Let me go, I'll call the doctor for you."

"Lan Lan?!"

Zhong Yuan was startled and let go immediately.

However, he had already scratched a red handprint on his younger sister's wrist.

Zhong Yuan hastily apologized, "Sorry, I didn't mean to..."

With tears in his eyes, Zhong Lan smiled sweetly, "It's okay, I don't feel any pain. I'll call a doctor for you!"

——Great, Uncle Lin really saved my brother! He didn't lie to me!

Uncle Lin? Rescue?

Who did he save?


Zhong Yuan looked at the wires all over his body in confusion, then looked at the surrounding scene, and was shocked to find that this was actually a hospital in Shangdong City.

"Why did I go back to Shangdong City? I remembered, I used my predictive ability to see Su Wanying's future, but I got a terrible headache..."

Zhong Yuan unplugged the wire on his body, and at this moment, someone's heartfelt voice came into his head.

——The little boy in 808 has come to his senses? This is impossible!

— What a miracle! He was basically brain dead, and two medical departments came to treat him yesterday, but he couldn't be revived!

——Looking back, I must thank Uncle Lin!

——It’s too hot this day, when will it be a head!

——Why did they all run to 808? What happened?


Zhong Yuan found out with an ugly face that his mind had opened uncontrollably.

He can hear everyone's heart.

All kinds of thoughts flooded into my mind, buzzing into a mess.

Zhong Yuan tried to close his heart, but to no avail.

Can't close.

It seems to have become a passive ability!

No way! If so, don't you have to listen to other people's ideas all the time?

Two doctors in white coats rushed into the ward.

—A medical miracle, he really woke up!

— He must be given a comprehensive physical examination! This case should be able to be studied in detail for a dissertation.

——Hehe, Mr. Bai's power has worked...

! ! !

Hearing the voice of the third person, Zhong Yuan's face changed slightly, and he rushed out of the ward immediately.

A man dressed as a doctor happened to enter the elevator at the end of the corridor.

He pressed the button to close the door, and the iron door was about to close...

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