Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 416 One Day, You Will Think Of Me

The deepest recesses of consciousness have always held memories that were never perceived before.

As the power grows, these memories gradually emerge and become more and more vivid.

Seeing the doctor in the elevator, Zhong Yuan seemed to see scene after scene appear in front of him.

It was this person who, together with Mr. Bai, stood beside the hospital bed and said a lot of strange things.

Must ask clearly!

Just about to go after him, Zhong Lan and two doctors stopped in front of him.

"Brother! Where do you want to go? You just woke up, don't run around!" Zhong Lan held his hand with an anxious face, but refused to let it go.

A doctor next to him also persuaded, "Zhong Yuan, you have been lying on the hospital bed for several days. Your body is weak and you need to rest!"


Am I not dead?

Zhong Yuan's pupils shrank slightly, he touched his wrist, and immediately felt a strong pulse beating.

His heart trembled, and he asked, "Lan Lan, what date is it today?"

Zhong Lan laughed, "Today is July 19, 2042!"

Zhong Yuan remembered very clearly that this day was the day when he was reborn and returned.

what happened?

Am I living it all over again?

However, all my abilities are in...

Zhong Yuan turned on his super perception and eagle eyes, and immediately saw a military jeep parked downstairs.

In the driver's seat, a man in a dark blue uniform was smoking leisurely.

It's Lin Dongliang!

Zhong Yuan was startled, and finally realized one thing.

With his ability, he returned to the day when he was rescued from a car accident in his previous life.

At that time, my sister had promised Lin Dongliang to study at Chengying College...

In exchange, he was sent to a place that specializes in rescuing the Nerves for treatment. Injuries that cannot be cured in ordinary hospitals can be easily cured in the hands of the Ruins.

After Zhong Yuan was reborn, he became a warrior, and he once thought so.

But in fact, the person who actually took the initiative to cure him was not the medical-skilled warrior sent by the military region, but the mysterious man who appeared in the ward at 3:30 in the morning?

Is he a real person, or a phantom seen in a coma?

Zhong Yuan was completely confused, looked at his sister, and asked in a low voice, "Lan Lan, is there someone waiting for you downstairs?"

There was a trace of panic in Zhong Lan's eyes, and she whispered, "! I came alone!"

——Lin Uncle must be waiting impatiently. I have to call him and tell him not to wait for me.

Originally, he just came to visit and then left, but he never expected that the big brother who had been in a coma woke up the next day after being transferred to another hospital.

Zhong Lan's gratitude to Lin Dongliang was almost to the point of repaying him with death.

Such thoughts naturally couldn't be hidden from Zhong Yuan who passively opened his mind.

He looked at his sister's performance with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

It turned out that Lanlan started to hide it at this time, she was unwilling to tell what she had been in contact with Lin Dongliang.

In this way, I kept it a secret for four years...

A person in a dream does not know that he is dreaming.

Even if an ability is lost inexplicably, it will not be noticed.

Zhong Yuan didn't realize that the Shadow Servant who shouted all day long to kill all those who plotted against him was not around.

At the same time, in the warehouse of the logistics department of the South China Military Region, Jiang Buyou walked through layers of protective walls and came to the most heavily guarded storage room.

The surroundings were extremely quiet, and only a golden coffin was placed here, which seemed extremely strange.

"Four days have passed, and there is no movement at all..."

Jiang Buyou let out a long sigh, and said to himself, "If what Feng Qing said is true, four days, to you, it's just a few minutes of sleep."

"Yuan Shao, while you were sleeping, I played for you again. I can no longer play in the individual championship match. Tong Xiangyuan has already become suspicious..."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything."

"You can sleep peacefully, Jiang Mou has always promised you that no one will disturb you!"

Jiang Buyou stayed in the storage room for a while and then withdrew.

Fortunately, he acted in time and stopped the coffin, otherwise he would have crossed the ocean and arrived at the Lighthouse Country by now.

At first, Jiang Buyou only suspected that Zhong Yuan was sleeping in the golden coffin, but now he can be sure that Zhong Yuan is inside.

Because Ye Zhen was Zhong Yuan's shadow servant, when he saw this coffin, he had a great feeling.

These days, Ye Zhen has been following Jiang Buyou's actions. In addition to monitoring him, he has more doubts and puzzlements.

"Jiang Xuedi, you have spent a lot of trouble just to let Master Baxi sleep well?"

"Otherwise? Before you met him, I promised him that I would create a world where he can sleep peacefully. Hmph! As long as Feng Qing is by his side, he won't be able to sleep well."

"Why do I think this is your excuse? After all, you never suffer a loss, and you can reap benefits every time. In my opinion, you want to completely control the eight seats!"

"Whatever you want."

One person and one shadow left the warehouse, Jiang Buyou returned to the office, and there were already several market experts waiting inside.

"Young commander!"

They saluted in unison, licking the dog with full force.

From the various elite teams, the top market warriors were called in.

One auxiliary department, one command department, two medical departments, and Yan Tuo.

Jiang Buyou smiled lightly, "Okay, don't be too polite. Follow the plan."

Auxiliary-type market energy users can activate the ability: Blessing!

A white light shrouded Jiang Buyou's body, and his ability immediately increased by 20!

The ability of command-type marketers to activate: help!

Sacrifice a certain amount of vitality to increase the target's ability proportionally, up to a maximum of 244!

Then, the Medical Department activated the ability: Life Sharing!

An invisible connection connects the medical department with Jiang Buyou's life.

Finally, Jiang Buyou activated his ability: Attack!

Sacrifice 99 vitality, improve ability 199!

With so many support blessings, Jiang Buyou's ability has been horribly increased by 556 in an instant!

Exceeding the limit of the ultimate wish, beyond the limit that human beings can bear, he immediately bled and turned into a blood man.

But there is life to share, and there is no immediate death.

The above cheating promotion method is extremely risky, and Jiang Buyou has only used it once before.

With firm eyes, he endured the pain and gritted his teeth, "This time, it's impossible for someone to crack it."

Infinite dreams!

The moment the ability was activated, everyone was drawn into a dream. As long as you see Yan Tuo, you will think he is Zhong Yuan.

During Zhong Yuan's sleeping days, Yan Tuo was his stand-in.

Jiang Buyou wiped the blood from his eyes with exhaustion on his face, and said, "Yan Tuo, I'll leave it to you for the rest. I can trust your strength."

Yan Tuo said solemnly, "Will go through fire and water for you!"

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