"It's no wonder that the Kangaroo Kingdom uses thermal weapons to deal with the Bird of Paradise, instead of using the Nerves... Once the bird uses the ability to record the Nerves, it will become extremely troublesome."

Through the double-glazed windows of the first-class cabin, Zhong Yuan stared at the scenery outside in a daze.

A passenger plane was taking him away from the Upper East Side.

What kind of club hunting activities did you plan to go to? I thought it would be around Shangdong City, but I didn't expect to take a plane?

The people around him had been looking at the tablet, and Zhong Yuan couldn't help turning his head to take a look when he heard him muttering to himself.

It is densely packed with English characters, and the title says the words "Battle Log".

Noticing Zhong Yuan's gaze, Mr. Bai handed the tablet in front of him and said, "Do you understand?"

Zhong Yuan said modestly, "A little bit."

Mr. Bai said, "Let's take a look. Your academic performance is very good, and ordinary teaching methods are not suitable for you. I will arrange a school for you. After the summer vacation, you can go there to study."


Zhong Yuan lazily responded, and handed the tablet back in less than three minutes.

"Don't read it?" Mr. Bai said patiently, "You can use translation software for things you don't understand. It may be inaccurate, so it's best to understand it yourself. You can ask me."

"finish watching."


At this time, two stewardesses came over, one with a blanket in his hand, and the other with a freshly baked dessert.

After a while, two more stewardesses came, brought hot towels, and asked a lot about their health.

After a while, the first two stewardesses came back, brought menus, asked if they would like to take a bath before meals to relax, and kindly said that they could provide back rubbing service.

Three waves came within ten minutes, and this was what these women were thinking.

——The boy in seat f is so handsome, is he the star of Simi Kingdom?

——The whole plane was taken over by them, I don't know which nobleman from a wealthy family...

——If I can get online with them, I don't have to wait on people on the plane!

——Is the older man the father? I can't stand two people.

Buzz buzz!

Buzz buzz!

The voice was too strong, and Zhong Yuan was so annoyed that he threw away the menu and said to the two stewardesses squatting beside him, "Don't come! I don't eat!"

"But...but! Sir, we specially invited a three-star chef to make a lunch..."

Mr. Bai also noticed their unusual enthusiasm, and interrupted, "Give him the same meal as mine. No wine. Don't disturb us if you have nothing to do."

"Okay." The stewardess retreated in fear.

Mr. Bai sighed, and said, "Zhong Yuan, you are now a strategic-level marshal, at least you are a little self-conscious. You deserve the best service."

Zhong Yuan said disapprovingly, "Strategic level? Is it very powerful?"

"Of course it's powerful. There are not many strategic-level warriors in Huaguo. If you go to any country, you will be a national treasure."

Mr. Bai said leisurely, "These women are attracted by your traits, so they are more enthusiastic than usual. If you meet a warrior, let them know that you have the ultimate wish, and they will be crazier than these women."

too exaggerated.

Zhong Yuan said, "Meaning, I'd better not expose this ability?"

Mr. Bai shook his head, "Of course not. The strength of ability determines the value of a warrior. Especially the powerful auxiliary ability, you should show it openly. However, you are just a seedling now, and it is really not suitable to be exposed. I can't always Protecting by your side."

"Miaomiao? Well, I'm Miaomiao..." Zhong Yuan covered the blanket with dissatisfaction, and said in a low voice, "I'm taking a nap, call me when I arrive."

Mr. Bai was startled, and then frowned, "Don't want to eat again? Don't sleep, lunch will be delivered soon!"

Blankets were taken by force.

Two hours later, the chartered plane landed at a small airport.

Out of the terminal, a jeep came to pick me up. The driver was very silent, just like a mute, not speaking all the way.

Entering the urban area, Zhong Yuan was surprised to find that the signs and slogans on the road were not in the Chinese language, but in the Simi language with occasional Chinese characters mixed in.

The street scene is dilapidated, and the prosperity of the past can be vaguely seen.

There are not many pedestrians, most of them are middle-aged and elderly people, and there are almost no younger generations in their twenties.

Many years ago, the population of Simi Country was in negative growth. Coupled with the opening of the ruins, the population loss was serious. The rich simply went abroad for personal safety.

Zhong Yuan said in surprise, "Simi Country? I went abroad? I don't even have a passport!"

Mr. Bai said lightly, "Follow me, of course you don't need a passport. I can still say a few words here."

At this moment, the driver's voice entered Zhong Yuan's mind.

—The demon has a new face. The child he brought with him last month must have disappeared again! I really envy Huaguo for having so many children...

The driver is from Simi country. Even if he doesn't know the language, he can understand what he thinks in his heart with his telepathy.

Mr. Bai seems to often take children to club activities?

What is the so-called club?

Mr. Bai didn't explain, and Zhong Yuan didn't ask any more questions.

Li Dao didn't come, Wang Baoyu clamored to join him, but was dismissed by Mr. Bai. So, this trip is just the two of them.

Suddenly, another dangerous thought came to the driver's mind.

—The bomb will go off in five minutes. It's not a loss for me to exchange my rotten life for a strong man in Huaguoxu! Buddha bless us to get the alien crystal in his body!


The Simi Kingdom lacks resources, and has it jumped the wall in a hurry to the point of eating black?

Zhong Yuan turned on his super perception and immediately found a small unknown object placed under the fuel tank of the car.

It was slightly hot, flickering with a faint red light.

Mr. Bai was resting with his eyes closed, as if he hadn't noticed the impending crisis.

If the car blows up, you have to ride the bike.

Zhong Yuan thought for a while, leaned forward slightly, and reached out to pat the driver on the shoulder.

"Uncle, how long will it take to drive? My legs are numb from sitting."

? ? !

The driver was very nervous, with sweat on his forehead, afraid of showing his feet. He was suddenly patted by the boy in the back seat, and he glanced subconsciously.

At the same time, Zhong Yuan activated his ability!

Shattered prayers? Mind manipulation!

There is no record of liquefaction at all, but a temporary prayer for Lan Cang's mind control skills.

Using language to control the target, plus a 448 potency boost, even the most determined Predator can't get rid of it.

Zhong Yuan smiled at the driver and said, "You will send us to the destination safely... right?"

Fearing that the driver could not understand Chinese, he specially spoke English.

The words are correct and round, very standard.

Mr. Bai slowly opened his eyes with a hint of puzzlement on his face.

At the moment when the driver was subjected to mental manipulation, only Zhong Yuan's voice was left in his mind.

A short sentence becomes a command to action.

"Of course! This is my mission!"

He stopped immediately and said quickly, "There is a bomb installed under the car, and it's too late to dismantle it. Please get out of the car, both of you."


Half a minute later, the car stopped on the side of the road, and the terrible bomb was dealt with by Mr. Bai.

I couldn't understand what ability was used at all. In short, the bomb disappeared all of a sudden.

Although the crisis was easily resolved, Mr. Bai did not return to his previous leisurely posture, and asked the driver with a calm face, "Who sent you here?"

The driver said fearfully, "I can't say."

Mr. Bai looked at Zhong Yuan and said, "Ask him."


Zhong Yuan smiled innocently, and said softly, "Uncle, you almost killed me, as compensation, it is not too much to tell me who is behind the scenes?"

The driver looked at Zhong Yuan, his body trembling like chaff.

He was filled with guilt and remorse. Not because the assassination plan was revealed, but because he almost killed Meng Wang.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm damn sorry please forgive me!"

After saying this, the driver suddenly bled from all seven orifices, his trembling body lost support, and he fell to the ground without breath.

Afraid of suffering in the event of an explosion, he hollowed out a tooth and hid a deadly poison. Bite hard and die by lightning within a second.

Mr. Bai's eyelids twitched. Zhong Yuan's deceptive qualities are so terrifying that a special soldier from the Simi Kingdom revealed his assassination plan and committed suicide.

Zhong Yuan secretly thought, the priority of being super cute is indeed the highest.

It stands to reason that this person would not commit suicide immediately, but would send them to their destination.


Zhong Yuan turned his head and asked Mr. Bai, "The driver is dead, who is driving?"

Mr. Bai's face was ugly.

Every time you come, there are special arrangements. Can drive, but don't know the way.

Zhong Yuan sighed, and at a glance, he knew that he could not be counted on, so he had no choice but to say, "Okay, I'll drive."

Mr. Bai was surprised, "Do you know the way?"

"Wait for me for two minutes."

Zhong Yuan patted his ear.

The black ghost-eyed ladybug Wang Li immediately fell out of his ears.

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