Wang Podi's virtual reflection can probe the memory of people within 24 hours of death.

It means that people's memory will not disappear within a short time after death.

Although the ghost-eyed ladybug is not as strong as Xu Ying, it should be able to devour the memories of people who have just died.

"Go ahead, Four Eyes. I want driving directions."

"Buzzing~~~" is willing to serve the great cute king!

The insect king flapped his wings and took off.

The small body was like a sharp arrow, turning into an afterimage in the air, and slamming into the driver's forehead.

It got into the driver's head, and soon there was a weird creaking sound.

In less than two minutes, it flew out again and returned to Zhong Yuan affectionately.

The memory has been absorbed.

Not only the driving route, but also who instigated the assassination behind the scenes.

However, this special soldier knew very little about the club. He only knew that Mr. Bai was a formidable warrior who had contacts with some big names in Simi Kingdom.

He comes once a month, and every time he goes to the Fangjie of Yingzhou Mountain.

From the looks of it, it was the club's exclusive hunting ground.


Zhong Yuan greeted him and took the initiative to sit in the driver's seat.

Mr. Bai was completely stunned.

The insect king parasitic in his head crawled out by himself?

In other words, the method of controlling Zhong Yuan with the ghost-eyed ladybug is ineffective at all?

Mr. Bai's eyelids twitched violently, and he hesitated, "Zhong Yuan, do you have a driver's license? Simi's cars have right-hand drive, which is just the opposite of Hua Guo's."

A novice on the road is prone to accidents. If it crashes, it's more fun.

Zhong Yuan poked his temple with his finger and said, "Don't panic, the bug will tell me how to drive this car."


Mr. Bai was silent.

I have never seen such an evil child, it is simply amazing.

The driver's body was simply thrown on the side of the road.

Most of the people in Simi Country are indifferent, and most of them will not take the initiative to ask for care when someone is lying on the side of the road. Just thought it was a bum or a drunk.

The car is back on the road.

Zhong Yuan is familiar with the road, and he drove smoothly for a few minutes, so Mr. Bai felt relieved.

But the fact that the ghost-eyed ladybug crawled out made him somewhat uncomfortable.

After being silent for a while, Mr. Bai couldn't help asking, "Zhong Yuan, when did you control the bug?"

Zhong Yuan said strangely, "Didn't you tell me to make good use of this bug? It's super cute and has learned to sing a lot recently."


I've never heard of ghost-eyed ladybugs singing. Is the king of bugs special?

Speaking of which, the child said from the very beginning that bugs could sing joyously...

Isn't it an auditory hallucination?

Mr. Bai was a little helpless, and said, "Don't you want to know where we are going and what we are going to do now?"

Zhong Yuan said speechlessly, "Ask so many questions will only affect my driving speed. Ah, I'm out of gas... This group of Simi people are too shabby. They are determined to explode the car, and they are reluctant to fill up the gas." "

Visually, Zhong Yuan could not hold on to the gas station, so Zhong Yuan had no choice but to look at Mr. Bai with help-seeking eyes.

"what to do?"

What else can I do?

The people who come and go in the Simi country are no longer reliable, and now they can only owe favors to others.

Half an hour later, a private helicopter picked them up from the highway.

There is an advertisement for a domestic sanitary napkin on the wing, which is a bit eye-catching.

Well, no matter what kind of ad you see, as long as it can take off, it is a good plane!

"Hahaha! All four Huaguo, compatriots are dead, watch and help four should be! Eighth, be polite, just tell me if you need it!"

A hearty and rough voice came from the handset of the mobile phone.

Mr. Bai said calmly, "I owe you a favor."

"So you just met someone else? Just passing by, so it's not really helping!"

Maybe he really couldn't stand his bad accent, so Mr. Bai hung up the phone after a few perfunctory words.

Judging by the attitude, it doesn't look like a friend, but a unilateral lick by the other party.

After changing vehicles, neither Zhong Yuan nor Mr. Bai mentioned the matter of the insect king again.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Yingzhou Mountain is the highest mountain in Simi Country, with an altitude of about 2,000 meters and beautiful scenery. According to the locals, it is the most spectacular and beautiful mountain in the world.

The poor Simi people must have never been abroad.

When Mr. Bai arrived with Zhong Yuan, many people had already gathered at the entrance of Yingzhou Mountain Fangjie.

Summer is already the peak tourist season, and at first glance it looks like you are here for sightseeing.

In fact, ordinary tourists are not allowed to enter near the entrance of Fangjie.

Anyone who enters by mistake will be immediately driven away.

Zhong Yuan counted in detail, including him and Mr. Bai, there were six groups of people in total. It's all a combination of one old and one young.

Three groups of black-haired ones, and three groups of crooked nuts of other colors.

Seeing Mr. Bai coming, a fat man with a big gold chain left the crowd immediately.

This person is about in his early forties, not tall, and even the largest T-shirt can't cover his bulging fat.

His chest and back were drenched with sweat, and he was blowing desperately with an electric fan in his hand.

Behind him was a boy in a blue T-shirt. The fat man took a step, and the boy followed suit, just like a follower.

I saw the fat man with the big gold chain smiling all over his face, came to Mr. Bai, and said, "Bai Xiansen, see you eight times a month, you are still as handsome as ever!"

Mr. Bai smiled slightly, and said, "Boss Qiu is also safe and sound, as always... Well, he has a big heart and a fat body."

The fat man laughed loudly and said, "It's fine as long as you can get by. Bai Xiansen doesn't like this kind of petty mind~~"

"Business does not matter how big or small, and those who win the hearts of the people win the world."

Mr. Bai said, "The Xiaohuaxian brand sanitary napkin operated by Mr. Qiu is a well-known brand in China. Its market share ranks first every year. On average, one out of three women uses your sanitary napkin. It has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. How can you say that Is it a small business?"


The fat man smiled triumphantly, as if he was extremely benefited from these words. Then, he looked at Zhong Yuan with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

——Such a beautiful blue boy paper, this time Bai Xiansen brought a top-quality product, I couldn't bear to do it.

From the accent, you can tell that the fat man is the one who funded the helicopter.

Zhong Yuan was not interested in him, instead he took a few more glances at the young man behind him.

He was sixteen or seventeen years old, and kept his head down. When he heard the adults talk about the business of sanitary napkins, his face blushed obviously.

His facial features looked familiar, as if he had seen them somewhere.

Zhong Yuan couldn't help asking, "Hey, what's your name?"

The boy raised his eyelids slightly, and said in a low voice, "Don't get close to me. I won't tell you your name."

"Is that so..." Zhong Yuan thought for a while, and then asked, "Who is Qiu Ren from Hualing College?"

! ! !

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