The boy was slightly startled, and said, "You know my brother?"

He lowered his face and said again, "I won't be fooled by you. Don't do this!"

He didn't even look Zhong Yuan in the eye when he spoke. The voice got louder and was noticed by adults.

The fat man immediately scolded the young man, "Qiu Yi! Why did you talk to the children of Bai Xiansen's family? Be nice and don't put him off!"

The boy retorted stubbornly, "He was the one who struck up a conversation with me first! He wanted to make friends!"

The fat man smiled and said, "So what's the matter with flirting? Is Wo Busi also flirting with Bai Xiansen?"

He said to the boy named Qiu Yi earnestly, "Even if Bai Xiansen comes to the club every month to play, and the children he brings always die, you can't discriminate against them!"



The fat man chatted to death.

At this time, a pair of young and old with black hair noticed the movement here. So, also came.

The moment he saw them, Zhong Yuan's pupils shrank slightly.

It was a middle-aged man in a white shirt and a teenager in a black T-shirt. The facial features of the two are seven or eight points similar, and it is likely to be a father-son relationship.

However, if their ages are compromised and they become young people...

Isn't it Jiang Buyou, commander of the South China Military Region?

Zhong Yuan also believed that Jiang Buyou was the middle-aged man's son.

At this time, a middle-aged man who resembled Jiang Buyou came to Mr. Bai's side, and said mockingly, "Bai, you are late. Did you encounter any accidents?"

Mr. Bai said lightly, "Even if something happens, I can handle it."

"Hehe, the people of Simi country have always liked to play with the wind, you have to be careful, don't be bitten by them."

"Don't worry."

"Hmph! You brought a child here to die again. You really don't know the lesson! You won't feel sad after so many deaths in half a year?"

"That's their own fault, why should I feel sad?"

"You are damned!"

Seeing that there was going to be a quarrel, the fat man immediately smoothed things over and said, "Jiang Xiansen, you are really a fool, so don't say a few words! Bai Xiansen carries the body fat every time, and he is already very unhappy!"

——Forget about Jiang Ling, I really want to kill this fat pig!

Zhong Yuan heard a clue from Mr. Bai's heart, and couldn't help but startled secretly.

Sure enough, the surname is Jiang?

Is it related to Jiang Buyou?

Unexpectedly, besides the military region, there are so many unknown marketers operating in secret.

If you didn't follow Mr. Bai, you would have no way of knowing.

Fatty rounded up the field forcefully, and the chat broke up unhappy.

Mr. Bai pulled Zhong Yuan aside and asked, "Are you nervous?"

"not nervous."

"Are you scared?"

"not afraid."

"That's good." Mr. Bai nodded and said, "The club I joined rented a venue on the territory of Simi Country, and held hunting activities every month. Some death row prisoners will be put in there."

"You have five competitors, whoever kills more prisoners will win the precious market crystal."

"Besides the death row prisoners, there are also other ethnic activities in the mountains, so we must be careful."

Zhong Yuan asked, "Did all the people you brought before die?"

"Yes." Mr. Bai admitted frankly.

"Don't worry, the prisoners on death row are not Auras. They have been imprisoned for a long time, and their physical fitness is no better than that of ordinary people. They have positioning devices on them, and you can easily find them."

Zhong Yuan said sharply, "But if the prisoner hunts down aliens and gets the Ruin Crystal, it is possible to become a Ruin Beast, right?"

"It may not be possible to kill all the prey every time. If there is any omission, it may have become a warrior."

After being stunned for two seconds, Mr. Bai sighed, "Too smart..."

Zhong Yuan figured out more than that.

This club brings together forces from all sides.

The fat man represents recognized civil power.

The middle-aged man surnamed Jiang came from the military region.

Mr. Bai is the third force.

Bringing children here is all about training their abilities.

It's not the type that goes to the battlefield to suppress the ruins, but the type that specializes in certain tasks and is invisible.

Accept the baptism of killing here, experience the bath of blood, and finally complete the transformation of the strong.

And those prisoners on death row actually have a chance of survival. As long as they survive hunting and alien attacks, they may turn around.

"No wonder you have been reluctant to tell the truth before."

Hearing Zhong Yuan's complaint-like comments, Mr. Bai deliberately said, "You don't want to go? You told me before, don't mention such trivial things to you."

"I didn't say no."

Zhong Yuan glanced at the trumpet Jiang Buyou, and said with a sullen face, "Except for the death row criminals, other people can be killed, right?"

Mr. Bai was slightly taken aback, and said, "Yes, as long as you have the ability."

Zhong Yuan narrowed his eyes and said, "Then I can rest assured."

Mr. Bai's curiosity was aroused.

The first time they met, they had no injustice or enmity, why did they suddenly have murderous intentions?

There must be a reason.

"Tell me, which one do you want to kill? I'll tell you the information."

Zhong Yuan said righteously, "Mr. Bai, you are cheating."

Mr. Bai sighed, "Actually, before you, four of the six people I brought with me were killed by the boys from the Jiang family."

"Oh?" Zhong Yuan asked with a murderous look in his eyes, "Is he cruel?"

Mr. Bai made no secret of his admiration, and said, "In the war-torn era before, at least it was the capital of a hero."

Zhong Yuan asked dryly, "Does he like other people's wives?"

I always feel like I'm implying something!

Mr. Bai's eyelids twitched and he said, "You ask me, how do I know? As long as you come out smoothly, I will make you a hero and arrange everything for you!"

Zhong Yuan said resentfully, "That's not necessary..."

The more he refuses, the more Mr. Bai affirms Zhong Yuan's yearning for a hero.

Check the time, it's almost time to enter.

The young man from the Jiang family entered Fangjie first, with a blank expression on his face.

Packed lightly, no backpack, only a long knife.

His steps are steady, like a warrior who has experienced many battles, he already has the air of a strong man.

"It's so majestic." Zhong Yuan smiled coldly and said, "Mr. Bai, can I also enter?"

"Wait a little longer." Mr. Bai said, "Look at the equipment first."

He put down the big backpack he had been carrying all the time, and after opening it, there were various small bags inside, sorted into different categories, and he didn't know what was in them.

A total of ten or so bags.

Zhong Yuan picked one up and held it in his hand. He looked at the label carefully and saw that it read: canned braised beef.

? ? ?

Take another packet with the label saying: Buddha Jumps Over the Wall canned!

Take another small bag, canned shark fin rice!

The delicacies are all canned overnight, so they won't go bad on a hot day.

Zhong Yuan lost his voice and said, "Why are they all food? What about weapons?"

At this time, Mr. Bai took out a silver wine jug, hung it on Zhong Yuan's waist, and said, "You become bold and completely different when you drink alcohol. I specially prepared a 55-degree premium tequila for you."

"Drink less each time, put it in your mouth first, and then swallow it slowly, so as not to get drunk."


"The canned food is prepared by Li Dao. There are thirty in total. They are the dishes you usually eat the most."


Finally, Mr. Bai took out a pistol, a dagger, and a watch, handed them to Zhong Yuan, and said, "This is a weapon."

Zhong Yuan was also convinced, and said, "Do you want me well?"

Mr. Bai said indifferently, "With your characteristics and abilities, your life should not be in danger. Therefore, it is more important to prevent you from starving to death due to anorexia."

"I'm anorexic...I'm starving..."

Zhong Yuan threw down the pile of cans angrily, and was about to walk into Fangjie.

Mr. Bai hurriedly grabbed him and said, "Wait a little longer."

Zhong Yuan asked in confusion, "Why do you have to wait?"

Mr. Bai said embarrassingly, "The order of entry is based on the results of the last hunting. After the first one enters, the next one has to wait for an hour to enter. This is the rule."

Zhong Yuan said with a dejected face, "Tell me directly how long you have to wait."

Mr. Bai said helplessly, "Five hours."

Zhong Yuan scolded angrily, "Damn!"

"Huh?" Mr. Bai frowned and said, "What did you say?"

Zhong Yuan whispered, "It's good to know the pitfalls, don't substitute them yourself."


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