Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 444 I Understand, Some Problems Are Uncontrollable

"Bai, did you have an accident on the road? You were assassinated again?"

Idle is also idle, Mr. Bai walked into the circle of the three crooked nuts, and immediately received a warm welcome.

Zhong Yuan followed behind and found that they were much more polite and polite than the fat man and the middle-aged man surnamed Jiang.

A tall man with blond hair and blue eyes warmly hugged Mr. Bai, while thinking to himself:

How could people from Simi Country kill Bai? The Great Eagle Empire awarded him an honorary title, and the Pentagon wanted to invite him to be an instructor of the Special Forces. Unfortunately, I, Mao Xiongguo, was short-sighted, and I had a bad relationship with him for a small benefit. It is best to find a chance to repair the relationship.

A short old man with gray eyes and brown hair looked at Zhong Yuan and took out a test tube from his pocket.

It contained a dose of pink medicine, which was injected intravenously by pressing the needle.

The old man said kindly to Zhong Yuan, "Child, take this, it can greatly stimulate the potential, and it should be used in times of crisis."

Mr. Bai smiled and said, "Zhong Yuan, thank you, Grandpa Lawrence."

"Thank you, Grandpa Lawrence." Zhong Yuan said, took the test tube politely, and handed it to Mr. Bai.

Everyone around was startled.

Mr. Bai is very satisfied with Zhong Yuan's performance.

This potion was originally a trade item between him and the Kangaroo Kingdom.

Too expensive and needs to be delivered in person.

As a result, Lawrence went along with the flow and gave it to Zhong Yuan as a gift.

It means: so many people are watching, with your identity as Mr. Bai, you can't ask a child for a gift from an adult, right?

After entering Fangjie later, he will definitely use it to save his life.

Who would have thought that this kid would be honest and hand it in directly!

The old man named Lawrence sighed, "What a sensible and well-behaved child, if only half of my grandson is so well-behaved."

At this moment, Zhong Yuan heard the young man behind the old man thinking viciously: Old man, I really gave the Energizing Potion to the yellow-skinned monkey! Sooner or later, I will kill you one day!

The bear countryman who greeted Mr. Bai before was named Nicholas. Seeing that the old man gave such a valuable item to Zhong Yuan, his expression changed slightly.

—Lawrence is so reckless! After all, Bai is from Huaguo, and it would be troublesome if Huaguo was asked to research the formula.

Although there were many worries in his heart, Nicholas still pulled out the dagger from his waist and handed it to Zhong Yuan.

"This is the weapon I have carried with me for many years, and I give it to you as a souvenir."

Don't expect the people in Maoxiong Country to speak English very well, they are only slightly better than the people in Sakura Country.

Zhong Yuan took the dagger first, opened it and looked at it, and found that the knife is very well maintained, with a straight blade shape, convenient and practical, and the handle is wrapped with a tough paracord, which can be used for other purposes when necessary.

"Thank you, I really like this good knife for cutting iron like mud!"

I took Russian as an elective in college for a while, and basic communication is no problem. As soon as Zhong Yuan opened his mouth, Nicholas was overjoyed and a smile appeared on his face.

"Little guy, you are very good!"

The more Nicholas looked at Zhong Yuan, the more he liked it, and he took out a flat iron box from his pocket, stuffed it into his hand, and said, "It contains super nutritional capsules, one will fill you up for half a day."

"Good stuff! Just what I need!"

Zhong Yuan's eyes lit up, and he was about to put it in his pocket, but Mr. Bai snatched it away.

Mr. Bai threw the iron box back to Nicholas, and said in a deep voice, "This kid has anorexia. Giving him this will make his condition worse."

"Oh my God! Poor little guy...I get it, some things are out of control."

With a look of pity on his face, Nicholas took out a small tin box from his pocket, stuffed it into Zhong Yuan's hand, and said, "This is chewing gum explosives, with a built-in detonator, chew for a while, spit it out and throw it out, within five minutes Big explosion."

He thought for a while, and then added, "Don't be afraid, it's very stable and safe. Simply ignite it, it will only burn slowly, and you can use it to heat up your can."

Wow, he found out by counting the cans.

This time, Mr. Bai did not take away the small gift given to Zhong Yuan. An anorexic teenager is not enough to swallow chewing gum explosives.

In the end, there were only one old and one young standing by the side without speaking.

Both of them have blond hair, but if you look closely at their appearance, you will find that they are actually faces of oriental people.

In fact, they are from Sakura Country. For some reason, they deliberately bleached and dyed their hair golden, just like the exaggerated golden color in anime.

Seeing that both Lawrence and Nicholas gave presents to Mr. Bai's beautiful little boy, the older Sakura countryman frowned slightly, and said to the boy beside him, "Lian, go and talk to that Hua country kid, as long as he says a word If we are in the Sakura Kingdom, I will give him a small gift."

"Yes, father!"

Ujimiya Ren was full of arrogance, came to Zhong Yuan, and said in Chinese with a proper accent, "Short, my father said, as long as you say a word about the Sakura Kingdom, I will give you a gift."

Zhong Yuan wondered, "I don't speak the language of Sakura Country very well. I only know a few sentences."

"It doesn't matter a sentence or two, just say it and listen."

Even the fat man and the middle-aged man surnamed Jiang who were standing in the distance pricked up their ears and quietly paid attention.

Zhong Yuan looked at Huang Mao and said, "Since you insist on me, then fine."

He coughed lightly, and spit out two words solemnly.



Ren Ujimiya's face was ashen, and she retreated to her father.

After whispering a few words in a low voice, his father's expression was also ugly, he snorted softly, and dragged his son to a distance.

Nicholas and Lawrence didn't understand what they were saying at all. Mr. Bai acted as an interpreter, and soon the two burst out laughing.

In the distance, the fat man's fat body trembled with a smile, and Qiu Yi, who had kept his head down and pretended to be deep, couldn't help shrugging his shoulders.

"This time, I brought a child with a backbone." The middle-aged man surnamed Jiang murmured, strode up to Mr. Bai, and said, "Bai, I have something to tell you. Come here."

"What's the matter? Just say it here."

The middle-aged man surnamed Jiang took a deep breath and said, "Give me the medicine, and I will take care of Wu Qiu and let your child go."

Mr. Bai smiled slightly, "Jiang Wuqiu is still young, and he can't kill my people. As for you, is this a begging attitude? If you want medicine, please beg me."

The complexion of the middle-aged man surnamed Jiang changed slightly. After five seconds, as if he had made up his mind, he choked out three words.


"Hahaha!" Mr. Bai let out a long laugh, and then said expressionlessly, "Jiangling, you're just a stand-in, and you're negotiating terms with me? You're far behind. Let your brother come over and talk to me."

There is no need to use his mind, the middle-aged man surnamed Jiang's desire to kill is all written on his face.

His chest heaved violently, he glared at Mr. Bai viciously, and finally retreated helplessly into the distance.

Zhong Yuan observed for a while and found some potential relationships.

The relationship between Mr. Bai and the military region is not friendly, even a little hostile, but they maintain an inextricable cooperative relationship.

He has a close deal with the Kangaroo Country, as evidenced by the potion, the Bird of Paradise Market Crystal, and the battle logs read on the road.

The people of Mao Xiongguo wholeheartedly try to win over Mr. Bai and try their best to show their favor.

The fat man remains neutral, and his position is biased towards the military region. He also hopes to have both ways and cooperate with Mr. Bai.

In the end, the two Sakura countrymen with dyed golden hair were isolated by everyone. They desperately want to squeeze into the circle, but unfortunately the people in Maoxiong Country and Kangaroo Country are lukewarm and alienated.

Jiang Wuqiu was the first to enter Fangjie.

An hour later, Nikolai's child enters the arena.

After waiting for another hour, it was Ren Ujimiya from Sakura Country.

Unexpectedly, his strength is quite strong, ranking third.

Behind him is Qiu Yi. Before leaving, he passed Zhong Yuan and said in a low voice, "Be careful of Jiang Wuchou."

After he entered the field, he was Lawrence's unfilial grandson.

The boy was very unwilling to let Mr. Bai take away the potion, so he was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he decided to wait in the square for an hour to let Zhong Yuan see how powerful the Kangaroo Kingdom is.

Finally, five hours later, it was finally Zhong Yuan's turn to enter the square.

"Mr. Bai, five hours, you made me wait for five full hours."

"You must bring the cans with you, and throw them away if you are not allowed in."


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