The club's hunting activities, in addition to cultivating marketers, are also a game of exchange and trading among members.

Each club member took out a disaster crystal above the disaster level, and recommended a hunter to participate in the game.

Game time, three days.

Hunters are required to be under the age of eighteen, with no more than two abilities, regardless of gender.

The last two will hand over the crystals, and the others will negotiate and arrange them.

In fact, it doesn't have to be six hunters, it can be eight or ten.

July is too hot, not many people come.

And Mr. Bai participated in the game six times in a row, and each time he was at the bottom, bringing four dead and two disabled children.

Usually in this case, you should take a break and cultivate a player who can fight patiently.

In the end, Mr. Bai was good at playing and loved to play, and he lost a total of six disaster-level crystals, and the other club members who watched were extremely envious.

This financial power is really at the ceiling level of the club!

So all kinds of private contacts, transactions and so on... Needless to say.

Before entering Fangjie, Mr. Bai reminded Zhong Yuan, "You are in the auxiliary department, so it is best to find a companion. Lawrence and I have cooperated many times and have a close relationship. His grandson only entered an hour earlier than you, so he must not have gone far , you can go find him."


"Uji Miyaren of Sakura Country is a descendant of Lord Uji, and his strength is not bad. You also found out that he understands Chinese. If you propose to form a team, he will not refuse you. Maybe he is waiting for you near the entrance .”


"Mao Xiongguo is in turmoil now. Although Nicholas wants to befriend me, it's a pity that this is only his personal wish. The children he brings may not be. Sometimes it is involuntary. You should understand his hint, you can't control."


"Jiang Wuchou was the first to go in, try not to come into contact with him. The wolves raised in the military area are in the rebellious stage, and they will bite anyone they see. Tell him that you have the ultimate wish, and he should not kill you. As the Jiang family The descendants of the descendants, there must be some sense of propriety."


Mr. Bai noticed the change in Zhong Yuan's attitude, thought for a while, and said, "Jiang Wuqiu has two abilities, concealment and electromagnetic explosion. He can make your wristwatch invalid. Without a wristwatch, you can't find your prey. You can't ask for help from outside. Before approaching him, put away your watch, so as not to get in his way."

In fact, it was precisely because the watch was destroyed that Mr. Bai found out afterwards that the child who had been sent into Fangjie had died.

Every time the corpse was gnawed by wild beasts, there is no evidence that it was Jiang Wuqiu's murderous hands.

However, the watch has suffered strong electromagnetic damage, which is already very telling.

"You should have read the manual of the watch. It will give you a reminder when you get close to the prey, and it will display up to five prey at a time..."

Zhong Yuan put a large backpack full of canned food on his back and said, "I'm going in."


Mr. Bai said displeasedly, "You think I'm long-winded, so you don't want to listen to me."

Zhong Yuan smiled, "No, I remember everything you said."

People are not animals.

After getting along for a long time, there will always be a trace of emotion.

With his parents away all year round, Zhong Yuan seldom enjoys his father's loving care. When he parted from Mr. Bai, he had the illusion of being sent off by his father.

"Go ahead and be careful."


Zhong Yuan took a deep look at Mr. Bai, and walked into Fangjie unhurriedly.

Lawson had been waiting inside for almost an hour and a half.

He was raised as a family heir since he was a child, only others waited for him, and he never waited for others.

The longest and longest waiting time was waiting for a starlet to take a bath, which was about five minutes.

"Fuck! Damn yellow-skinned monkey! Don't you dare to come in? Why did I wait so long!"

As soon as Lawson entered the square, he changed into a field uniform. At this time, with a straw hat made of leaves on his head and oil paint on his face, he hid in the grass and waited for Zhong Yuan.

In fact, my heart is itchy.

Although I really don't want to admit it, but I have to admit that Zhong Yuan is the prettiest and cutest thing he has ever seen in his life, boy or girl?

For Orientals, both men and women look about the same.

Anyway, check it out with your own hands later.

Preferably a girl.

Boys, it doesn't matter, anyway, Kangaroo Country allows Jie Jie Jie~~

"Why don't you come in! It's been half an hour!"

Suddenly, a thin figure came into view.

Looking through the gaps in the bushes, Lawson was finally able to watch the beauty unscrupulously.

The opening of the white henley collar is a bit low, revealing the charming and sexy collarbone.

The slender calves are simply amazing. The lines are beautiful, without any sense of muscle.

Look at that face again, so cute!

Lawson was dreaming, suddenly! The white figure disappeared.

The next moment, a pistol was placed on the back of his head.



Lawson screamed and thought he had been shot, but after a few seconds, there was no pain.

He immediately took a few steps back and turned around abruptly.

I saw Zhong Yuan standing a few meters away, holding a gun in his hand.

The bang just now was clearly shouted by him to scare people.

In fact, as soon as Zhong Yuan entered the Fangjie, he turned on his super perception and found the guy lurking in the bushes within minutes.

Mr. Bai said it was right, the kid in Kangaroo Country was really waiting for him. The camouflage technique is quite professional, and the naked eye may not be able to notice it.

What kind of mess is he thinking?

Zhong Yuan looked indifferent, holding a gun in one hand, and said, "Savage, take me to find your accomplice, and I will spare you."

Savage? ? ?

Lawson was stunned, and said in a low voice, "Do you have a problem with your eyes? I don't look like a savage! I, Lawson! You took my grandfather's gift before!"

He took off the straw hat on his head, and wiped off the paint on his face with his sleeve.

Then, Lawson stared at Zhong Yuan's irregular holding position of the gun, and said amusedly, "You didn't even have the safety on the gun."


A bullet was fired and hit the mud.

The accuracy of the head was a bit off, and it was five meters away.

Lawson's expression changed in shock, and he said, "You don't need to put the safety on this gun!"

Zhong Yuan said coldly, "Since you're not a savage, go to hell, it's good that I have fewer competitors."

"Don't! Don't!" Lawson waved his hands hastily and said, "My grandfather and Mr. Bai are family friends! We shouldn't fight each other, we should form a team!"

——His marksmanship is so poor that he can't hit me so close. I just don't know how it got around behind me just now, so fast...

Lawson thought secretly.

At this time, Zhong Yuan frowned and said, "What's the benefit of me teaming up with you?"

Lawson smiled and said, "I put a lot of prey in before, and I couldn't kill them every time. The survivors gathered into tribes. They couldn't be attacked by one person. At least two people need to work together to destroy them. Do you want to fight with them?" Do I make a big ticket?"

"No." Zhong Yuan said slowly, "You'd better die. Bang!!!"


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