Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 446 How Dare He Treat Me As A Slave

Lawson let out another scream, and subconsciously closed his eyes.

After two seconds, he still didn't feel like being shot. He hurriedly opened his eyes and said furiously, "Playing with me again! Are you addicted?"

Zhong Yuan was also speechless.

This person doesn't know how to practice, he closes his eyes and waits for death after being frightened, without fighting back.

Well, maybe there is no way to fight back.

Zhong Yuan took off his heavy backpack, threw it to Lawson, and said, "Trash, you only deserve to help me carry the backpack."

He raised his chin slightly, with a contemptuous expression, and his contempt for the world was full of nobility and inviolability.

Lawson was completely stunned, his whole body felt like an electric shock, numb from head to toe.

This feeling has never been seen before, especially when being's so wonderful, and I can't get enough of it.

Lawson hurriedly took the backpack, and asked cautiously, "What's your name? How old are you this year? You look so good-looking, you must be engaged."

Zhong Yuan said blankly, "I'll kill you again."

Lawson hastily smiled and said, "Killing a waste like me will only waste bullets. Let me help you with your backpack."

Zhong Yuan said, "You are quite self-aware."

Seeing that his attitude had improved, Lawson took the opportunity to say, "At least tell me your name. Will you?"

Zhong Yuan said coldly, "Trash doesn't deserve to know my name."

Lawson trembled all over and said, "Am I not even qualified to know your name? You are too crazy!"

"Do you think there is a problem?"

" fact, I have good physical strength. I have been here several times. I don't even need to look at the map to know where the water source is."

"That's all you need."


——You curse again! You scold again! One day I will let you know how great my kangaroo country is!

I don't know what perverted attributes Lawson awakened under the stimulation of being super cute. In short, it is always good to have someone who can carry cans.

Zhong Yuan didn't need Lawson to provide information like maps and routes.

He believed his eyes more.

Hawkeye can see thirty kilometers away, enough to find water.

The flesh and blood body is no different from the previous projected body, and a minimum amount of food and rest must be guaranteed.

As the sky gradually darkened, the Simi Kingdom and the Lighthouse Kingdom had close contacts, using the kind of boundary that could simulate the weather.

Day and night change every twelve hours, very punctual.

The night will not hinder Zhong Yuan's actions. He moved in the dark, but he was like a fish in water.

Lawson also noticed that it was getting dark, and couldn't help saying, "We should find a place to settle down first, and make sure we have a place to rest at night."

Zhong Yuan understood this truth.

I observed the surrounding situation with eagle eyes, and was disappointed to find that there were no large flying aliens, so this time there was no ready-made nest to sleep in.

Lawson thought he was uneasy, and immediately comforted him, "I know a place, it's safe, it's a cave, every time I come here, I spend the night there."

Zhong Yuan asked, "Which direction?"

Lawson pointed to the mountain road and said, "You have to go up the mountain. Walk along this road for about an hour. If you can't walk, I can carry you."

Zhong Yuan said coldly, "Do you think my physical strength is not as good as trash?"

Lawson said softly, "I heard that your adults said that you have anorexia. You are so thin and choose hot weapons. I guess your physical strength must not be very good."

Li Dao determined that Zhong Yuan had anorexia, and in fact, he was not wrong.

In the past, in order to save money, Zhong Yuan was busy with part-time jobs, so Zhong Yuan often skipped lunch, and the most he could eat was a Snickers bar. The result is also not hungry, leading to a mild eating disorder, thinking that a person doesn't need to eat too much, at least he doesn't need to.

Zhong Yuan thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's have dinner first, and then go to the cave you mentioned, and take out two cans."

Lawson felt a little relieved, thinking: Fortunately, it makes sense. I am afraid that it will be very dangerous if I insist on going my own way and insist on acting at night.

The chewing gum dynamite sent by Nikolai came in handy.

Zhong Yuan took out one, and Lawson picked up some dry branches and piled them together.

"I'll light the fire."

Someone volunteered, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers lightly in a pile of burning objects.

The explosives the size of a fingernail were ignited immediately and began to burn slowly, even burning the branches.

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows, "Bang Yan?"

The control accuracy is quite powerful. Snapping his fingers to create sparks, his ability is so small, he must have gone through a lot of practice. At least Shangguanyi couldn't be so meticulous.

The fire brought light, but it was a little hot.

Lawson walked a few steps away, sat down on the ground, and said with a smile, "How is it? Am I very good?"

Zhong Yuan said bluntly, "Trash, what can be done with a lighter, you finally achieved it with your ability, what's there to be proud of!?"

- Woohoo! He scolded me again, scolded me again! Hey, what he said seems to make sense... But the dead old man said that the smaller the control, the better, am I being deceived?

Zhong Yuan didn't have the heart to care about Lawson's thoughts, so he opened a can and roasted it by the fire for a while, the iron sheet became hot.

Seeing this, Lawson hurriedly said, "Don't move, you will burn your hands. I'll get it. Huh? Your can smells so good!"

Shark fin rice is of course delicious.

In order to trick Zhong Yuan into eating more, the aroma is so tangy that ordinary people can't stop eating it, and it is very nutritious, and one can can provide a lot of calories.

Lawson salivated when he smelled the fragrance, and praised again and again, "Mr. Bai is so wise that he actually asked you to bring this kind of thing in! Next time, I will ask Grandpa to prepare some for me."

Zhong Yuan said lightly, "Eat it. This is for you."


Lawson was stunned, suddenly moved, and said, "Is that okay? I have something to eat, so don't worry about me."

In fact, he brought super nutrition capsules.

"I never abused slaves," Zhong Yuan said.

— Woo! How dare he treat me like a slave! Hey! Much more exciting than before.

Lawson thought to himself, and said, "Then I'm sorry, thank you!"

He took off the small spoon from the bottom of the can, and ate the rice in big mouthfuls, not afraid of being scalded at all.

After taking two bites, I started yelling.

"Fuck, this thing is so delicious! Where did you buy it? Did your family make it yourself?!"

"Don't tell me what's in it! I know you Chinese people even eat devil's eggs!"

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows, "Devil's egg?"

Lawson mumbled, "Black and transparent eggs, the taste is super disgusting. I ate it once when I was a child, and I vomited it for three days."


Suddenly, their watches vibrated at the same time.

Lawson was overjoyed, took a look, and said, "A prey is approaching."

Every condemned prisoner wears a collar around his neck, and when he approaches within 500 meters, the watch vibrates to remind him, so there is no need to worry about missing it.

Lawson licked the corner of his mouth, showing a cruel smile, and said, "Your canned food must be too fragrant, which has attracted the prey. I knew it would have been slower to eat. When they get close, I will shoot."

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