Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 447 No Wonder The Penultimate Place



"Six cakes!"


"Eighty thousand!"


"Nicholas, why are you always bang bang bang? I'm about to be bang to death!"

"It's blurry."

With a calm expression, Mr. Bai went straight to the showdown.



The fat man who was sitting next to him yelled, "It's Bai Xiansen who is ashamed to be, the hunting ground is full of ambitions, and the card seat is proud! One Xiaosi has won so many crystals, and I am envious of the four of them."

"Come again! Warriors of Maoxiong Kingdom will never give up!"

"Nicholas, you are almost dead."

"Bai, do you mind if I issue an IOU first?"


At the gate of Fangjie, four men set up a table to play mahjong.

It's too hard to wait outside Fangjie for three days without doing something to pass the time.

Mahjong was invented by Fatty.

The two crooked nuts have good brains, once you teach them, you can rub them together. Moreover, they are in great interest, and they are not discouraged when they lose, but they get better and better.

While shuffling the cards, Lawrence suddenly sighed, looked at Mr. Bai, and said, "Bai, my grandson Lawson seems to be very interested in the child you brought this time. He has a reckless personality. place, please don't mind."

Based on his knowledge of his precious grandson, he might ambush at the entrance of Fangjie to carry out a sneak attack, and he might do something out of the ordinary.

Mr. Bai smiled slightly and said, "Lawrence, you spoil your grandson too much. Children should not be spoiled too much."

Lawrence said helplessly, "The child's father is a vagabond. He was always promiscuous, male and female. Lawson followed his father since he was a child, and he was also infected with bad habits. If I hadn't brought him along these years, he would have become even more lawless."

Mr. Bai comforted, "It's normal. My kids are crazy when they play, six in one night, and the woman is dying, but he's fine. My subordinates call him Xiao Da Da. What's the matter?"

There was an indescribable sense of pride in the words.

Lawrence said with a smile, "Well, I thought it was an exaggeration for my grandson to delay three times. Hearing you say that, I'm relieved!"

Fatty sounds unpleasant.

Are you more capable than someone else's child?

This topic cannot be added.

Qiu Yi blushed when he saw the girl, and he didn't even dare to hold her hand. Look at him, look at him again, I must find one for him this time when I go back, so as not to embarrass Lao Qiu's family!

As for Nicholas, the child he brought was not raised by himself at all, and he had no right to speak.

In the distance, Jiangling and Sakura Country powerhouse Ujimiya Shingen each occupied a corner, and did not join the mahjong army.

Jiang Ling simply didn't want to be with these people.

Shingen wanted to enter the circle, but couldn't.

In ancient times, the culture of the Sakura Kingdom was greatly influenced by the Hua Kingdom, and the people there also knew how to play mahjong.

If one of the three is missing on the poker table, Shingen will be able to make it up logically. It's a pity that the fat man is like a dog skin plaster, and he has to stick it everywhere.

Now Shingen can only pin his hopes on the child, hoping that Lian will make friends with other people in Fangjie.

They played mahjong leisurely outside, and the killing in Fangjie gradually began.

Beside the fire, the cans are fragrant.

Two men in prison uniforms were lying on the mountain road hundreds of meters above, cautiously looking down.

There is no shortage of desperadoes with good minds. They were released into the square ahead of time, and they were told that they were about to face hunters. Of course, they had to fight to the death.

After the two entered Fangjie, they formed a team and acted together.

They were lucky enough to find a water pond.

The collar around the neck emits electromagnetic wave signals, and as long as they are lurking in the water, the watch cannot detect them.

As a result, he successfully avoided the young masters who entered the square first.

Seeing that it was getting dark, they felt safe, so they returned to the mountain path near the entrance and collected a pile of stones and logs.

What if someone else comes in?

Throwing objects in the sky, rattling and smashing, if you are lucky, you can kill people.

I'm afraid no one will come.

Seeing the fire below, the two condemned prisoners were overjoyed.

It doesn't matter if you don't ignite, the ignition just provides the location.

--hateful! Do you really think we are fish on a chopping board?

— grab their weapons! kill them!

The emotions of infinite violence and survival are conveyed in the voices of the two people.

The super perception has detected their positions clearly.

The prediction told Zhong Yuan that there would be a violent rockfall attack in the next moment.

"Wait for them to approach, I will fight!"

Lawson naively thought that the two prey would approach.

No wonder the penultimate place.

Zhong Yuan drew out the pistol without even looking at it, raised it above his head, and pulled the trigger at the mountain road above.

boom! boom!

Two gunshots broke the peaceful night.

The invisible air current wraps the bullets, propelling them to fly farther, higher and more penetrating.


The bullet was shot between the eyebrows of the condemned prisoner almost at the same time, and instead of bursting immediately, it went out from the back of the head and into the thick mountain wall.

Ability: Penetrate!

Zhong Yuan put away the pistol with a complicated expression.

Penetration has also become a passive ability, it does not need to be activated actively, all attacks carry the penetrating feature.

Coupled with the blessing of air bullets, Zhong Yuan used a small pistol to shoot at targets 500 meters away, with ridiculously high accuracy.

The two condemned prisoners did not rest in peace. They never expected that the hunter they were facing had such foul power. After being shot, he fell down before he could even scream.

Lawson didn't know the murderous intent above his head, he was startled, and said in a low voice, "Don't shoot suddenly, the prey will be scared away by you."

As he said that, he glanced at his watch, the two small red dots did not move in place.

Lawson hurriedly said again, "Stay here and don't run around, I'll check the situation."

Zhong Yuan didn't bother to talk to this guy, picked up the slightly cooled canned food, and started to eat dinner.

Then, Lawson put on the night vision goggles, pulled out the military dagger he carried with him, and ran towards the target silently along the mountain road.

He sprinted 400 meters in half a minute, extremely explosive and extremely fast.

Suddenly, a slight movement caught Lawson's attention.




What is this sound?

Lawson frowned, only the last fifty meters left.

just in front!

He accelerated suddenly, and it took only two or three seconds to reach the side of the prey.

There was a large pile of stones on the road, and the two people were lying on the stones with their faces facing the ground, motionless. The small half of their bodies had already rushed out of the mountain path.


How clever!

Lawson grinned ferociously, without any hesitation or pause in his movements. He raised the knife in his hand and dropped it. The dagger pierced the chest of a condemned prisoner. While stirring horizontally, he activated the explosive flame, easily piercing the heart of another person.

The range and movement of his explosive flames are extremely small, and the point explosions cause precise damage, just like a work of art.

After two seconds, it is determined that the target is completely dead, and you can step forward to collect the spoils.

There is a code engraved on the ear. After killing, cut off the ear and take it back to count as a grade.

Cruel and ancient hunting activities have continued human civilization and prosperity.

Lawson was used to doing things like this.

When he raised the dagger, his eyes suddenly widened, and he was shocked to find that there was a bullet hole in the forehead of the two prey.

The location is perfect, unbiased, all in between the eyebrows.

"No... that's right!"

The dagger almost fell to the ground.

Lawson's heart trembled, and Zhong Yuan shot casually in front of his eyes.

"God...they were already killed before I came! What kind of sharpshooter is this, who can't hit at five meters, but hits every shot at 500 meters?!"

The next moment, Lawson was delighted to figure it out.

"I know, he is reluctant to beat me...he wants me to be his slave for the rest of his life~~~"

Zhong Yuan:? ? ?

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