Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 449 The Seed Of Injustice Has Arrived

Outside the square, Lawrence was drawing cards when his phone buzzed.

"It's a message from my grandson."

He picked up the phone, glanced at it, and then handed it to Mr. Bai opposite.

I saw that the two little guys had already formed a team and stood together for a group photo. The picture was quite harmonious.

Lawrence said with a smile, "Although Lawson's ability is a bit weak, his talent and potential are the strongest in the family. Bai, your child chooses to team up with my grandson, at least his life will be saved."

Mr. Bai glanced at the photo, and the old god said, "In my opinion, the situation is just the opposite. Huh? There seems to be a message under the photo."

Lawrence hurriedly took the phone back.

The important message from his grandson should not be read by Mr. Bai.

Maybe there is vital information in it.

Lawrence swiped his finger, and saw a text message typed under the photo.

"Grandpa, I want to marry him."

oh! no! ! !

Lawrence was scorched by Lei on the spot, and almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

See Nima's ghost!

What kind of a dozen or so little monsters did Mr. Bai bring with him, and he took away the soul of his precious grandson in just a few hours!

marry! ?

There is such a word in Lawson's dictionary?

Mr. Bai narrowed his eyes and asked, "What happened?"

Lawrence's old face was distorted in anger, he gritted his teeth and said, "It's nothing..."

At this time, Nicholas said with a smile, "How can you believe a child's words? Bai, Lawrence's grandson has taken a fancy to your child and wants to get married."


A mahjong tile shattered in Mr. Bai's hand.

He said blankly, "I won't allow it."

Lawrence's old face suddenly became unbearable, he slammed the table, stood up angrily, and said, "What? Do you think my grandson is not good enough?"


Mr. Bai looked arrogant, and said, "Let's not say that the marriage customs of your kangaroo country are very different from those of our country. Even if you are well-matched, what is your grandson? My son is the strongest supporter who has the ultimate prayer. Who is worthy of him?" ?”

scare? !

The ultimate prayer?

If Zhong Yuan were here, he would definitely complain.

It's okay, I'm young, don't expose, don't tell others, you actually let it go first?

Zhong Yuan possessed the information of the ultimate prayer, which shocked everyone present until their eyeballs protruded.

I knew that this place is full of old rivers and lakes, old foxes, and there are many strong people with rare abilities.

But even in the Kangaroo Country, there are very, very few people who have the ultimate wish.

The person who reacted the most belongs to Jiangling.

Sitting on the ground all the time, actually paying attention to the movement on the mahjong table.

Overhearing the earth-shattering news, he jumped up like a spring, and rushed to Mr. Bai angrily.

"Bai! Is what you said true? You let that child go to explore the cube alone! You are crazy! No way! I have to go in and get him back!"

Mr. Bai sneered, "Why can't you let him in? Do you think I will be like you, letting children stay in a stable academy all day long?"

"Jiangling, stop thinking about it. He doesn't belong to you!"

"You ordered Jiang Wuqiu to kill my four children, didn't you think about the consequences today?"

At this time, Nicholas also stood up, and unexpectedly united with Lawrence, forming an encirclement trend.

The meaning is obvious, if Jiang Ling wants to enter Fangjie to snatch people, they will join forces to suppress him.

Only Shingen sat there calmly.

What are they saying?

I don't understand wow...

It seems that something big happened.

The Chinese people are fighting among themselves, which side should we help?

Let's see the situation first.

It is not without reason that the people of Sakura Country were excluded...

At this moment, Zhong Yuan didn't know that a certain icing on the cake strategic level ability was exposed on the mahjong table.

He was shooting big worms with Lawson.

The luminous flowers grow so well, thanks to the giant earthworms that can eat soil.

What they eat is ordinary soil, but what they excrete is vermicompost rich in nutrients.

The people of Simi Country gave the dung of the giant earthworm a nice name.

rich soil.

It not only has high fertilizer efficiency, but also has miraculous effects on treating colds and colds.

Mix 10 grams of rich soil with 100 grams of water, mix well and drink it, and it will be cured after drinking for three days.

The principle is that the nutrients in the rich soil greatly enhance the body's immunity.

This precious medicine unique to the Simi Kingdom is openly sold in pharmacies. I once wanted to export to the West, but unfortunately failed to pass the drug safety inspection there.

Fortunately, it was finally successfully exported to the Moon Country.

Maybe it was too late to enter the arena. The watch didn’t vibrate on the way to Bailu Lake, and I didn’t meet a single death row prisoner. Instead, I saw a few corpses missing ears, all of which were killed with one blow, clean and neat.

In addition, there are big earthworms that eat soil.

They wandered under the sea of ​​flowers, and they lived in peace, but Lawson accidentally disturbed one when he ran to pick the flowers.

As a result, they found the cute king next to them.

So, a bunch of giant earthworms crowded around excitedly, determined to bring Zhong Yuan back to the underground palace they dug to be the boss.

Although the giant earthworm has the ability to think, it is a pity that its IQ is extremely low and it is difficult to communicate.

In the end, Lawson decided to kill them all.

Killing giant earthworms is not an easy task.

An average length of two meters, half a meter thick. The skin is so elastic that ordinary weapons can't cut it at all, so you can only use your ability to deal with them.

The most difficult thing to deal with is that when they are broken into two pieces, they will be reborn with broken limbs and become two big earthworms. The more they are beaten, the more they will be beaten, unless they are chopped up.

However, Lawson's explosive fire was too delicate, it could only blow up the giant earthworms in half, not enough to blow them to pieces.

—— Zhong Yuan is right, I have worked hard for several years to cultivate Explosive Flame, even a big earthworm is hard to kill! hateful!

Lawson brandished the dagger, stabbed it into the body of a giant earthworm, and then slashed it open!

After the giant earthworm rolled on the ground for a while, it failed to regenerate its severed limbs, and lay flat and did not move.

it is good!

Successfully killed one!

Lawson cheered up, and happily turned around and shouted, "Zhong Yuan! Are you okay?"

However, the people who were back to back just now had disappeared.

Lawson froze.

In the distance, more than a dozen giant earthworms twisted together, their bodies woven into a net-like deck chair, were carrying Zhong Yuan, desperately digging into the soil.

Fuck? !

Lawson was frightened out of his wits, and went to kill giant earthworms, but he didn't find out when he was abducted.

In his opinion, although Zhong Yuan's marksmanship is powerful, it is useless when encountering giant earthworms, so he can only catch them with his hands.

Lawson hurried after him, but it was too late.

The giant earthworm whose stomach had been torn apart by him just now came back and entangled his calf.

Seeing that Zhong Yuan was about to be taken underground, suddenly!

A strange wind pierced through the air.

With dangerous destructive power, with a swish, it cut so many giant earthworms in half like cutting tofu.

Wind sickle? One sickle wind!

The giant earthworm recliner collapsed on the spot.

Seeing the wind, Zhong Yuan couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

The speed is not fast, but the power is not bad. It is a high-level wind sickle ability.

Not far away, the person who made this attack stood proudly. I couldn't see his face clearly, but he could only see his golden head and a long knife in his hand.

He obviously didn't know that such a slash would only increase the number of giant earthworms.

Lawson couldn't help being overjoyed when he saw this, he kicked the dead earthworm under his feet with all his strength, turned his backpack to his chest, rushed to Zhong Yuan and squatted down, making a backrest position with his hands.

"The big injustice is here! Come up! Let's go!"

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