Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 450 Even If You Are A Girl, I Will Not Take The Initiative To Strike Up A Conversation With

Zhong Yuan found Ujimiya Ren wandering around early in the morning.

It is also the best, and even brought a selfie stick into Fangjie.

He seemed to have known for a long time that tens of thousands of luminous flowers would bloom on the road leading to Bailu Lake, so he came here specially, posing in various poses in the sea of ​​flowers to take pictures.

The V-shaped hand that only girls can do, take a few photos,

Then change to a super cute interstellar pilot, and pat desperately.

It's okay for girls, but it looks a little strange for boys to make such gestures.

However, Zhong Yuan never discriminates against those who deviate from his own aesthetics.

A person can live in the shape he wants to live.

Moreover, he had scolded him as an idiot with a bit of malice before, but he didn't hear any hostile thoughts from his heart.

In fact, Ren Ujimiya thought this way at the time:

I knew this Chinese man would say that. Our ancestors would talk about Baga at every turn, but now people in other countries know what Baga means, and use this sentence to scold us in turn.

I want to change the status quo and change other countries' prejudice against Sakura Country! At least, make friends with this new Huaguo first!

Yes, Uji Miyaren's attitude towards Zhong Yuan is even more friendly than that of Qiu Yi, and she only wants to make friends...

When he heard Lawson beating earthworms, he rushed over as fast as he could, and cut open the group of earthworms that kidnapped Zhong Yuan. He thought this way:

I helped him out, he will at least thank me, right? At that time, I took the opportunity to propose a team. hateful! Lawson was there! He was one step ahead. Never mind, this guy is an idiot! Oh no, you can't just scold people casually...

What Lawson thought in his mind was: let the idiots in Sakura Country deal with the big earthworm, and my little sweetheart and I will run away quickly.

Lawson half squatted in front of Zhong Yuan, put on a carrying posture, and urged, "I know you don't want to run until you're covered in sweat, so I'll carry you!"

Zhong Yuan said speechlessly, "You are two years younger than me, and if I let you carry it, where should I put my face?"

Lawson lowered his head sadly, "Are you going to treat me as a slave?"


At this time, more than a dozen giant earthworms had been reborn with severed limbs.

Zhong Yuan finally understood why he couldn't reason with them.

Broken in two, with half of the head, the severed limb was reborn, and a butt grew out.

With the half of the buttocks, the broken limbs were reborn, and the buttocks still grew.

In other words, some giant earthworms are likely to think with their butts...

Moreover, they came too fast, maybe there is an earthworm king lurking underground, it has the will of the Zerg race, and secretly directs these giant earthworms to move.

As long as there is soil, it is their territory. Even if he runs for a while, he will soon catch up, and he must think of a thorough solution.

In fact, the fastest and most effective ability is rational general knowledge.

The lower the IQ of the foreign race, the easier it is to be manipulated by rational general knowledge.

It's a pity that Zhong Yuan's shattered wish has not been cooled down yet, and he will have to wait at least half a day before he can pray again.

Seeing that Zhong Yuan was still on his back, Lawson couldn't help asking, "Is there something uncomfortable? Was it hurt by an earthworm? Or, I'll run with you in my arms?"

Zhong Yuan said angrily, "Why are you running away? Do you think I'm as useless as you? I'm trying to find a way to solve them completely."

"Woo..." Lawson lowered his head in shame, feeling a little happy in his heart.

——Great, he started scolding me again, almost thought he didn't want me anymore...

Dozens of giant earthworms revived with full blood, entangled together, formed a larger and more spacious arhat chair, and went straight to Zhong Yuan.

Seeing this, Uji Miyaren's face changed slightly, and she murmured, "No wonder my father told me not to provoke giant earthworms. It turns out that they are so difficult to deal with, they can't be killed with ordinary abilities because they are reborn from severed limbs!"

At the same time, he saw that the giant earthworm was picking soft persimmons, obviously aiming at that Huaguo boy.

So Ujimiya Ren yelled, "Those in white clothes, run! Their target is you!"

I don't know what Zhong Yuan's name is, so I can only think of a code name temporarily.

And Lawson couldn't understand Huaguo's language, so he didn't know what he was screaming.

Seeing the strange shape of the arhat chair made of earthworms, twisted and frightening, he didn't know what kind of terrifying killer move was hidden.

Lawson bravely stood in front of Zhong Yuan and said loudly, "Don't worry, I will protect you even if I die!"


It's not that exaggerated, they just want to invite me to their home as a guest, and they also prepared a luxurious meal for me. It's just that the methods are a bit tough, and it doesn't make sense to them.

no solution anymore……

Zhong Yuan clapped his ears, and Wang, the ghost-eyed ladybug, crawled out immediately.

"Four Eyes, go and tell the big earthworms that I don't want to go to the ground to eat soil. I'm going to the top of the mountain now. Since they are so enthusiastic, I make an exception and allow them to give me a ride."

"Follow your will~ Great Meng Wang~~~"

Only bugs can communicate with bugs.

The ghost-eyed ladybug king flew out, came to the biggest giant earthworm, and burrowed into it... Maybe it was in the head...

After a few seconds, all the giant earthworms stopped.

Even the weird Arhat chair quietly stopped in place.

"What happened? Why didn't they attack all of a sudden?"

Lawson stared blankly at the strange scene, and couldn't believe it. The giant earthworm who was attacking desperately just now became docile all of a sudden.

Zhong Yuan thought to himself: The giant earthworm really uses the Zerg will to communicate. The medium may be...

Better not to know too much.

Zhong Yuan went straight to the Arhat chair, sat on it unceremoniously, and said to Lawson, "It's settled, let's go. Give me the backpack."

"What? You want to use this thing to travel? This is a foreign race!"

Lawson's eyes were straightened, and he immediately covered Zhong Yuan's backpack and said, "No! It's okay, I'll help you with your backpack!"

He is like a child who is afraid of being abandoned, swearing to the last bottom line, unwavering.

Zhong Yuan thought for a while, patted the empty seat beside him, and said, "Then you can sit here together."


——What a scary chair, he actually let me sit on it... Did he want to scare me to death?

Lawson was terrified. In fact, he was not very timid, otherwise he would not be frightened by Zhong Yuan's bangs. But sometimes, I am very courageous, such as taking a group photo without Zhong Yuan's consent and sending the photo to my grandfather.

Zhong Yuan heard the voice in his heart, so he had no choice but to put on a straight face, and said fiercely, "Come here quickly! Trash!"


Lawson put his mind to rest, and sat down next to Zhong Yuan, and found that it was quite soft and cool, not hot at all. These earthworms did not resist either, as if they were about to attack.

Lawson wondered, "Can you communicate with these giant earthworms?"

"I can't, my bug can."

The ghost-eyed ladybug king flew back to his hand, so Zhong Yuan stretched out his hand to show Lawson the bug.

"God!" Lawson was shocked and yelled, "Ghost-eyed ladybug! Throw it away! It's dangerous!"

"It's okay." Zhong Yuan stuffed the bug back into his ear and patted the seat.

Then, the living chair composed of dozens of giant earthworms ran towards the top of the mountain at full speed as if it had been injected with chicken blood.

On the seaside of flowers, Ren Ujimiya was left alone, flustered in the wind and at a loss.

"What did I see? The giant earthworm actually drove them away... This is impossible! This is not reality! I... What the hell am I here for?"

How about thank you?

Don't ignore me! ! !

How can you go to the top of the mountain? There are lighthouse guards there, it's forbidden!

Ren Ujimiya gritted her teeth and hurriedly chased after her.

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