It was around 11:00 p.m. local time, four hours after all the staff entered the boundary of Yingzhou Mountain.

Although no one was going to count who was number one in real time, in short, Jiang Wuchou deserved to be number one on the hunting list.

Among the six hunters, only Jiang Wuchou, Qiu Yi, and Ye Naifu from Mao Xiongguo were honest and well-behaved in hunting their prey.

Lawson was led astray by Zhong Yuan and went to fight Xu Jing.

Ren Ujimiya came to make friends, didn't care about winning or losing, and went after them.

In terms of strength, there is no doubt that Jiang Wuchou ranks first, but Lawson is not that bad.

He entered the arena fifth because last time he ate badly in Fangjie and had diarrhea from time to time, so he learned his lesson this time and brought nutrition capsules.

And the last time Jiang Wuqiu entered Fangjie, he had already discovered a gathering place of death row criminals.

There were about five or six prisoners living in groups, and even built simple wooden houses.

They pick edible wild fruits and vegetables in Fangjie, hunt small animals,

After a few days of hard work, life gradually took shape, and the average person gained a small circle of weight.

Fat is because, do not worry about food.

In the area of ​​Yingzhou Mountain, there are almost no natural enemies for giant earthworms, and there are a lot of them.

As long as the prisoners escape the monthly hunt, they can move freely in the square when the hunters leave.

At first, I couldn't find anything to eat, so I had to bite the bullet and eat giant earthworms.

It's a bit hard to bite, but as long as you bite off the outer skin, the meat inside is soft.

Compared with other alien races, the giant earthworm's character is really docile.

Especially when you are sleeping, you will not resist biting it.

The original prisoner ate the giant earthworm in a daze, and ate it with Xu Jing, and somehow absorbed the ability to eat soil.

This ability is compatible with the physique of all beaters, and the success rate of absorption is not low.

In this way, you are not afraid of starving to death.

Therefore, the old prisoners who can survive for a month in Fangjie are usually strong eaters of soil.

When you meet new companions, they will point out and help newcomers trap giant earthworms.

Absorb the dirt eaters, absorb into the gang, and teach how to escape the hunt of the hunter.

People who have not absorbed eating soil are either rich or expensive, and they have been marinated for the New Year and their food has been improved.

In just half a year, at least three to four small gangs of death row prisoners were formed.

Not many people, less than ten people.

There are too many people, the concealment is greatly reduced, and it is easy to be discovered.

One month, dangerous three days.

Other times, it's relatively safe.

It's a pity that their biggest mistake is that they built a house and became populated.

How to hide from the wolves cultivated by the military region?

Under the cold night, after the brutal killing, Jiang Wuqiu's eyes were filled with blood. He panted violently, trying his best to restore his disordered breathing.

It is not a small burden for him to kill six middle-aged men with weapons alone without using his abilities.

Another one took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

The man was a woman with a big belly and a child.

Originally, Jiang Wuqiu only planned to cut off her ears for work, but who would have thought that she would have the ability to regenerate a severed limb, and when one leg was injured, she quickly got up and escaped.

A few minutes later, Jiang Wuchou collected the spoils and set fire to the house built by the prisoners.

The wooden farm tools that were finally made, the bacon hanging under the eaves, and the clothes that were modified to fit babies, were all swallowed by the flames and gradually reduced to ashes.

Jiang Wuqiu murmured, "Simi Kingdom hopes to use our hands to stimulate the potential of these people. Since you have absorbed the top-level medical ability of regeneration of severed limbs, we cannot let you go."

His heart was as hard as iron, showing a cruelty that was completely out of line with his age.

Looking at the direction, the woman ran towards the top of the mountain.

"There is a big secret on the top of the mountain, and the Lighthouse Country specially sent people to guard it. Hmph... This woman knows the inside story, so bet I dare not chase after it?"

Jiang Wuchou considered for a moment, decided to give up rest, and chased towards the top of the mountain.

A wolf chasing prey has no reason to stop in the middle of the hunt.

On the other side, Zhong Yuan has a giant earthen seat for transportation, which makes the journey much easier.

Dozens of giant earthworms have amazing lifting power. If they are not strong enough, they can eat soil with their heads down and replenish energy at any time. Therefore, their speed is extremely fast, similar to that of a cross-country bicycle.

Lawson was nervous at first, but after sitting for a while, he realized that nothing was wrong, so he let himself go.

Take out your phone and start taking short videos.

Take a landscape.

Pat Zhong Yuan.

Shoot big earthworms.

Shoot the out of breath yellow hair chasing after.

Thick, this unlucky ghost almost slipped and fell when he stepped on the vermicompost!

Lawson had never had such a good time, and he completely forgot what he was here for.

I don't know if the dead old man has received that message...

Send him another one!

At the same time, outside the square boundary, swords were on the verge of breaking out.

Faced with the strong encirclement and suppression by Mr. Bai, Lawrence and Nicholas, Jiang Ling confronted them not to be outdone.

The ultimate prayer is of great significance. It should not be lost in the borders of Simi Kingdom. It should be protected and brought back to the military area.

Fatty Qiu deeply agreed and chose to stand on Jiangling's side.

What's more, the surname Jiang's background is strong enough. The Jiang family holds the real power in South China. Offending Jiang Ling is tantamount to rebelling against the country, and it will not end well.

Ujimiya Shingen judged the situation, hesitated for a moment, and decided to join Jiangling's camp.

In recent years, the cherry blossom country is too close to the lighthouse, which has attracted the dissatisfaction of the Hua country. If necessary, it will show its kindness and ease the tense relationship.

Xin Xuan Yi made a statement, and Jiang Ling felt relieved.

Three against three, it seems that the number of people is equal, but the fat man is so nervous that his whole body is dripping with oil.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he began to smooth things over, "Bai Xiansen, who lives in the four Hua countries, if he doesn't fight Hua countries, why bother to move his feet? If you have something to say, shrink back!"

Mr. Bai turned a deaf ear, looked directly at Jiang Ling, and said, "Are you sure you can beat me?"

Everyone in the Jiang family has a shortcoming.

A lot of worries, all kinds of entanglements.

Jiang Ling was not sure at first, but after being provoked by a simple sentence, his confidence was shaken, and he even had a little doubt about Fatty's position.

Fatty Qiu immediately said, "Bai Xiansen, fight back, you must lose your temper, and the little friction between you and Jiang Xiansen is almost like a day or two. Why do you have to be so happy?"

Mr. Bai smiled, "I owe you a favor, so I don't have to kill you."

Mr. Bai's ability is unpredictable. He only knows that he is in the top 20 on the world leaderboard, and other information is unknown. Everyone who has seen the ultimate move is dead.

Nicholas is the strongest mercenary in Maoxiong Kingdom. He occasionally does assassinations, and he ranks among the top five assassins in the world. He is an extremely difficult guy.

As for the old man Lawrence, the veteran control system powerhouse of the Kangaroo Kingdom is powerful.

On the other hand, on Jiangling's side, Fatty assisted, Shingen took the path of Guwu, and practiced Fengsi, most of them could not deal with Nicholas. Jiangling himself is a command system, and his combat power is not as good as that of the attack system, and it is impossible for Fatty and Shingen to let him use synergy.

It is clear at a glance which side is stronger.

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