In the dormitory, Zhong Yuan was on the phone with his sister.

"Brother, did you run to the office to sign up without telling me after class?"

"Huh? You found out all this?"

"I waited at the door of the men's toilet. I didn't see you for a long time. I thought you fell in!"

"Girls can't be so rude, be careful no one wants you..."

"Cut! I don't need it! Men will only affect the speed at which I draw my sword!"

"Where did you get the sword?"

"Lin Uncle said, find a master to teach me in a few days! Brother, you are too good at fighting, and you will be beaten to death as soon as you get on the field! Why don't you let me do it!"

"Lanlan, don't even think about it when you're under your age. Also, can't you give me some encouragement and support? You must have a crow's mouth!"

"Okay! My brother is invincible in the world, shocks the past and the present, and lives as long as the sky!"


After talking with Zhong Lan for a while, telling her not to stay up late to watch short videos, and go to bed early, Zhong Yuan came to the training ground to play with the flying saucer.

The knife bag sent by Feng Qing is of excellent quality, light in design, and can hardly feel the weight when it is tied around the waist.

And that flying saucer machine has already unlocked the most difficult training mode.

The injection speed increased to 240 kilometers per hour, and six flying saucers were launched at the same time, launching two rounds in a row.

Under this setting, Zhong Yuan's average is about 80 points, and occasionally he can hit all of them, which is quite challenging and interesting.

After playing a few games, it was only past seven o'clock in the evening, which is still early, or else, go to do two more sets of questions, in case Feng Qing loses the chain and cannot get the test papers, he will die.

Zhong Yuan always felt that he had neglected something, so he walked around the training ground and saw the clock hanging on the wall.

2042, September 15th.

Zhong Yuan was startled suddenly, remembering the note that he sent with Guihaobaderxujing.

The rich woman who sent Xu Jing off made an appointment with Feng Yumo at Fisherman's Wharf at eight o'clock tonight!

Almost forgot about it!

Zhong Yuan found a coat and put it on, took his mobile phone, didn't even take off the knife bag, and hurried out of the dormitory.

Fisherman's Wharf is a well-known online celebrity check-in point in Shangdong City.

Originally, there were fishing boats going to sea there, but when the fishing ban came out, all fishing boats stopped operating, and the wharf was gradually abandoned and transformed into a wetland park. Every summer there is a beer music festival, which is very lively.

In mid-September, the temperature turns cooler. At night, the temperature is only in the early twenties, and the popularity of the pier is not as high as in midsummer.

"Master, please drive faster, I'm going to be late."

The taxi driver thought Zhong Yuan was going on a date, so he said with a smile, "Don't panic, make sure you arrive before eight o'clock!"

As he said that, the driver looked in the rearview mirror and saw that Zhong Yuan was at most sixteen or seventeen years old, and couldn't help sighing.

Today's young people are really incredible, they have started to fall in love at a young age...

There are two streets left, and the road ahead is blocked by roadblocks.

The driver looked at the navigation and said strangely, "The Fisherman's Wharf is blocked. Brother, we can't get through."

It can't be such a coincidence!

Zhong Yuan stuck his head out of the window to look.

Only roadblocks, no police.

Probably pavement maintenance, not an emergency.

It's so close, it's no problem to walk there.

Look at the time again, seven fifty, should be just in time.

Zhong Yuan quickly checked out and got off the car. After crossing two intersections, Fisherman's Wharf was finally in sight.

The river bank is quiet, and the large reeds are floating in the wind, which is very poetic and picturesque.

"No one? Did I come early?"

Zhong Yuan turned on the super sensory investigation, and was surprised to find that there was no one within a kilometer.

Regardless of whether or not a rich woman will let you down, there is something wrong with the fact that the popular Internet celebrity check-in point is so deserted.

Zhong Yuan couldn't help becoming vigilant.

Near eight o'clock, there was a strange sound of chug chug in the sky.

Zhong Yuan looked up, and it turned out to be a helicopter flying towards the pier through the night.

After it got close, the wind became stronger and Zhong Yuan couldn't open his eyes.

The hatch opened and a string of rope ladders lowered.

Then, a dark-painted person with half of his body stuck out from the cabin and shouted at Zhong Yuan,

"Quick! Come on... come!"

Under the night, the rope ladder kept shaking,

The shouting and the sound of the propeller were mixed together, and it was not very real.

It was vaguely discernible that it was a woman's voice!

Zhong Yuan has black lines all over his head.

What a unique way to make an appearance!

Is this the style of a rich woman?


He stretched out his hands to hold on to the rope ladder, and quickly climbed up, ignoring the instability caused by the shaking of the rope ladder.

After a few minutes, it was easy to enter the cabin.

Before he had time to stand still, the female voice calling him to come up sounded again.

"Great! I thought you wouldn't come! It's not in vain. I tried my best to help you get Xu Jing and wrote a disgusting note! I knew that one day you would be beaten by my sister's sincerity. ...Ah!!! Who are you!!!"

The moment he saw Zhong Yuan, An Caige was stunned, pointed at him with a finger, and shouted sharply, "Who are you? How did you get in here!"

There were three powerful men sitting beside him, at this moment Huo Di stood up and surrounded Zhong Yuan with a hostile expression.

Zhong Yuan didn't panic at all, and first looked at the situation in the cabin.

It feels similar to the military transport plane I took during military training. However, this helicopter is slightly smaller and can only accommodate about ten people.

Military aircraft?

Look at that inexplicable woman again.

She looks about in her twenties, with shoulder-length hair, a baby face, a little baby fat, and belongs to the type of cute sister next door.

Her eyes were particularly bright, and her face was full of shock and anger at this time, reminding Zhong Yuan of a groundhog whose melon seeds were robbed.

Is she the rich woman who took care of Feng Fengmo?

Wearing a black camouflage uniform, shiny leather boots, and accompanied by three tough men? !

Zhong Yuan spread his hands calmly and said innocently, "You put the rope ladder for me to come up."

An Caige was stunned, his whole body seemed to lose all strength, and he sat down on the chair weakly.

"He...he still didn't come! He didn't care about me at all! To him, I was like butter...just dismissed..."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand like chasing flies, and said to Zhong Yuan, "I'm sorry I made a mistake, you can go."

It is better to demolish a temple than destroy a marriage.

Zhong Yuan felt that she should be able to save it, so he said softly, "Actually, Feng Fengmo didn't see your note. He forwarded it to me. I came here because I wanted to thank you in person. Don't It's so sad, I think you still have a chance."

"Thank you, Xu Jing! I'm leaving, goodbye!"


An Caige stopped in front of Zhong Yuan and asked suspiciously, "Are you Fengfengmo's friend? He asked you for the ghost moat badger's crystal?!"

Zhong Yuan said, "Yes."

An Caige frowned, "Such a proud person actually begged me for you, you must have a good relationship! Are you his junior?"

"Uh... no, we are friends."

"Friends? A lion's friend can only be tigers, leopards, wolves, not white rabbits!"

An Caige muttered to himself, then suddenly raised his head and asked, "So, you are also a market capable person?"

Zhong Yuan had a bad premonition in his heart, and frowned, "Why are you asking this?"

"How is your strength? Answer seriously, this is very important!"

Zhong Yuan thought for two seconds, and made a very pertinent self-evaluation, "The kind that can't die."

"Very good! Talents like you are needed!"

An Caige yelled at the person in the driver's seat, "Old Mao, you've got someone! Go to Shennongjia Fangjie as quickly as possible!"

Zhong Yuan:? ? ?

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