Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 47 Can Such A Middle School Student Have The Same Name And Surname?

The helicopter broke through the air and soon disappeared in the sky of Shangdong City.

On the plane, Zhong Yuan was puzzled and said dissatisfiedly, "I said, this Aunt..."

An Caige raised his eyes immediately, and said sharply, "Little brat! Don't call me Aunt! Call me big sister!"

When a person is on an airplane, he is bound to be strong.

Zhong Yuan said helplessly, "Well, if you don't call you Aunt, you can't call me a brat either!"

An Caige said with a smile, "What should I call you? Little brother?"

"Not even my little brother!"

Zhong Yuan kept a stern face, remembering that he still had a fake name that was very high school, and said bravely, "You can call me...Xuan Ming."

"Eh???" An Caige was stunned, and burst out laughing, "Did you come up with the nickname yourself? You're young, full of coquettishness."

Zhong Yuan said angrily, "It's none of your business."

"Okay, okay! I'll call you Xuan Ming!"

An Caige didn't know the changes on the leaderboard yet, so he said to several others,

"Come on, let me introduce myself."

The three hunks immediately put their hands behind their backs, posing for a while.

"Zhanhong, the code name is Da Diao!"

"Xiong Youba, codenamed Black Bear!"

"Wu Jun, the code name is Centipede!"

In the driver's seat, the man who was concentrating on flying the plane said, "Mao Wei, the code name is Hedgehog!"

An Caige said, "An Caige, codenamed White Pigeon! Besides, I am the captain. Xuanming, you are welcome to temporarily join our God of War team!"

Zhong Yuan showed a strange expression.

Are you sure it's not the zoo team?

Speaking of which, the team Lan Lan joined was called the Nighthawk Squad.

Maybe the military marshals are particularly partial to animal names?

Zhong Yuan could tell that these people were all capable warriors with official military status, and their strength was not low.

There are only five people, and one person is missing.

Maybe they were about to perform a certain mission, and An Caige wanted to drag Feng Fengmo into the team, but by mistake, he was dragged into the helicopter.

At this time, Zhan Hong hesitated, "Captain, I think he is too young and his strength is unknown. We are going to carry out a secret mission. It is not appropriate to bring him..."

An Caige frowned, "I understand what you said, but there is no time... other teams can't recruit people..."

Xiong Youba was furious, and said, "It's clearly an excuse for not being able to recruit manpower! They are unwilling to face the warriors of the Lighthouse Kingdom! A group of guys who are greedy for life and afraid of death!"

An Caige sighed, "The other party seems to have someone who is good at poisoning, without the ability to restrain, it is really difficult to deal with! That's why we need the Shadow Servant of Fengfeng Mo... Sigh!"

The person named Wu Jun seemed to be more introverted. After introducing himself, he sat back on the chair and silently swiped his phone.

Zhong Yuan asked curiously, "Are the Ruins in the Lighthouse Kingdom very powerful?"

An Caige said sternly, "It's hard to say. Their abilities are weird. If they cannot be restrained, they will indeed cause casualties. One of my teammates was raped by them, and he is still lying in the hospital for treatment."

It turned out that more than ten days ago, a few marketers from the Lighthouse Kingdom sneaked in and sneaked into the Shennongjia square to hunt down the rare aliens inside.

At first no one noticed.

Later, the Central Military Region conducted a routine inspection, but the garrison in Shennongjia did not respond. The military department hastily sent people to investigate, only to find that not only the garrison troops, but also the team of Ruin Warriors guarding there had been brought down.

The death is not dead, but they were poisoned collectively and fell into a coma. It has not been determined what poison they were poisoned so far.

The situation was serious, and the God of War team was ordered to investigate in Shennongjia.

As a result, as soon as the teammate in charge of the investigation entered the camp, he was caught off guard and was also recruited. As a result, the team is now missing one person.

An Caige issued a military order to catch the poachers.

It happened that Feng Yumo asked her to help Xu Jing of the ghost moat badger.

She used the authority of the captain to transfer ten pieces and sent them. She thought that Feng Yumo could make a move, but who would have thought that a two-year-old boy would be caught.

"If it doesn't work, you can stay on the helicopter and sleep. Oh, I'm really dizzy too, I want to pull when I see a living person..."

An Caige has calmed down.

What Zhan Hong said was right, Zhong Yuan was too young, and his strength was unknown, so if he brought him together to act, maybe it would only lead to bad things.

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Everyone is here, you want me to stay and sleep?"

Xiong Youba laughed and said, "What's the matter? Are you still not convinced? Come on! Let's try some tricks with Laoba!"

Why do these people want to be dads at every turn?

Childish is not childish anymore.

Zhong Yuan nodded towards Xiong Youba calmly.


The cabin of a helicopter is very narrow.

The distance between the two was only about three meters, let alone Xiong Youba, except for Mao Wei who was flying the plane, everyone else was within Ning Bing's field of control.

Then, Xiong Youba's face turned pale, his whole body seemed to fall into an ice cave, his limbs were frozen, and his upper and lower teeth were chattering.

"Okay... boy! This is the ability of the ice system... Hiss, it's so cold! It's so cold!"

An Caige's eyes lit up, and he said, "Xuan Ming, you can do it! Old Xiong is the most capable person in our team, but he can't stop your control skills. How long can you last this move?"

Zhong Yuan stretched out two fingers.

An Caige said in surprise, "Twenty seconds? That's amazing!"

Not to mention twenty seconds, with good coordination, ten seconds of controlling the enemy is enough to control the situation.

However, Zhong Yuan said flatly, "Two minutes."

Fuck? !

Not only An Caige, but the entire God of War team was in shock.

What is the concept of two minutes?

After such a long period of time, even ordinary people can beat a warrior into a dead dog.

An Caige almost stuttered, and stammered, "'re not kidding, are you?"

Zhong Yuan said, "You can verify it."

Xiong Youba was trembling with the desire to cry, and completely turned into an ice bear surrounded by crowds.

Two minutes later. . .

"Okay, okay! Don't look at me, choo! What a disaster!" Xiong Youba sneezed heavily, sucking his nose and thinking he was unlucky.

Zhong Yuan said innocently, "You said you wanted to test my ability."

While An Caige was excited, he became puzzled again, "Xuanming, what kind of ability do you have? I don't think there is any ice control skill in my memory that can last that long."

Zhong Yuan's heart sank, he thought for a while, and said vaguely, "I also have a passive auxiliary skill, which can increase the power of the skill."

This explanation is also correct. After all, all his abilities have been absorbed by Xu Jing, and he has been upgraded.

An Caige was even more puzzled.

Which is the skill that passively improves the ability?

An Caige was really embarrassed to ask the bottom line, so he asked tentatively, "What other abilities do you have? Do you have the ability to investigate?"

At Zhong Yuan's age, mastering two abilities is quite remarkable. But he is Feng Fengmo's friend, An Caige couldn't help holding a little expectation.

Not to mention, it happened to be Zhong Yuan's question.

Zhong Yuan said briefly, "Thermal induction, the range is one kilometer."

"One kilometer?! Such a large area?!"

The cabin shook a bit.

Mao Wei, who was flying the plane, also paid attention to the strength of the temporary team members, and couldn't help but screamed.

An Caige's face turned pale with fright, "Old Mao! Don't be distracted! His range of one kilometer has been improved!"

In this way, Mao Wei felt much better, otherwise, it would be too shocking.

After all, in the God of War team, except for the team member who entered the hospital, Mao Wei had the strongest investigative ability.

His maximum detection range is only 100 meters!

Don't look at 100 meters, it's a relatively large range. Zhong Yuan is ten times as big as him, how can he not be surprised?

Wu Jun, who had been sitting in the corner, clicked on the secret website of the marketers, and began to browse the latest issue of the leaderboard.

Every time the list changes, the names on the list will be marked in red and marked with up and down arrows.

Overall, no change.

Wu Jun slid his finger on the screen, and when he slid to the youth list, he froze suddenly.

The sixty-eighth place is popular, Feng Fengmo, who has been in this position for a long time, has dropped one place!

The person who takes his place is called Xuan Ming!


Such a middle school name, can they also have the same name and surname?

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