At six o'clock in the morning, the sky around Yingzhou Mountain lit up.

When Zhong Yuan got up, the table was already full of food.

Blueberry muffins, freshly squeezed orange juice, two grilled steaks, wild vegetable salad, and a plate of sautéed mushrooms.

Blueberries, wild vegetables and mushrooms are all freshly picked.

Unexpectedly, there is no need to make breakfast.

"Hey! Are you very touched?"

Lawson stood at the edge of the table with his hips akimbo triumphantly, his face full of pride.

— Praise me! Praise me!

The day's plan lies in the morning, and the morning is when a person is at his best.

To stay in good shape, get enough rest at night.

That's why Lawson fell asleep within ten seconds as soon as he got on the bed.

Although his character is wild and cunning, he always follows his own principles and bottom line.

He rejuvenates after only three hours of sleep, wakes up earlier than Zhong Yuan, and prepares breakfast in advance.

Zhong Yuan stared at the food for a while, picked up a mushroom that looked like a red umbrella, put it in his mouth, chewed it twice, and swallowed it into his stomach.

Then, I immediately received a reminder in my brain.

"Absorbed unknown toxin, all abilities increased by 105!"

I'm dizzy!


This thing is much more powerful than sprouted potatoes, and they might eat dead people.

Zhong Yuan pointed to another red umbrella on the plate and said, "Have you eaten?"

Lawson nodded honestly, and said, "My grandfather has given me this since I was a child. I would have diarrhea at first, but then it will be fine. Don't be afraid, they are all small mushrooms that have just grown, and it's fine."


Zhong Yuan was speechless.

Little Duren, right?

Exercise resistance to drugs since childhood, right?

It's no wonder that eating preserved eggs and messing with them for a long time is his family's trick.

This also shows that Lawson's ability to adapt to the wild is first-class, even if he is placed in the deep mountains and old forests, he can always survive alone.

Since he can eat poisonous mushrooms, it's fine.

Sit down at the table and have breakfast together.

The muffins are soft and delicious, sweet and sour.

The steak was cooked just right, Zhong Yuan didn't want to know if it was grilled on his hand. In short, a big breakfast is very face-saving, and I finished it all.

Lawson was overjoyed.

Zhong Yuan has anorexia, so it is a good thing to be able to eat so much.

With joy written all over his face and full of energy, he took out the Qiandengyu Market Crystal that he gave him after eating and absorbed it.

Without even using Qi Neng, he saw Xu Jing turning into a bright light and rushing into Lawson's body.


The kid laughed triumphantly, then his expression changed suddenly, and he shouted, "What is death bite?"

Good guy, what kind of son of heaven, absorbs all the abilities in Xu Jingli in one go, even death bite and kill.

Originally, I planned to give him another one if I didn't absorb it.

In the end, there was no need to give it to the little villain, the top genius, and all the abilities of Qiandengyu.

Zhong Yuan said calmly, "Congratulations, starting today, you can open beer bottles with your mouth."

Lawson beamed, and said, "That's right, with the death bite, I can bite off the handcuffs, the prison cage, and even dig a tunnel with my mouth!"


I really don't know what kind of education he has received, his mind is full of thoughts of being arrested by mistake and how to escape from prison.

Zhong Yuan said speechlessly, "Aren't you going to use Guangyue to escape?"


Lawson was stunned, and said, "You're right, with Light Leap, it's impossible for someone to catch me. It's more realistic for me to open the beer bottle with my mouth... Hehe, if the old man knows that I have Light Leap , must be scared to death."

I was so happy that my grandfather stopped barking, and just talked about the dead old man.

Zhong Yuan frowned and said, "Your grandfather devoted himself to cultivating you and poured a lot of effort into you. How can you call him a dead old man? Go back and be more polite to him."

"Okay... If you don't call, don't call..."

After breakfast, he planned to hunt the one-eyed macaque, but Lawson dragged out a small safe from under the bed.

Take it outside, put a piece of chewing gum on it and explode it to see, a box full of crystals.

Most of them are one-eyed macaque crystals, and a small amount of giant earth crystals. Some of them are of high quality and quite valuable.

This lake guarding team has been stationed at Bailu Lake for several weeks. When they first arrived, they had nothing to do and went hunting every day.

The people in Simi Kingdom did not dare to tell them what to do, and could only watch helplessly as the number of macaques dwindled.

Fortunately, the people in the Lighthouse Kingdom also knew that they couldn't kill the aliens, so they stopped when they got a certain amount of crystals.

Fortunately, everything is cheaper now. Zhong Yuan and Lawson don't have to go out to hunt macaques.

Seeing Lawson's happy appearance, Zhong Yuan asked strangely, "You have come in several times, didn't you go hunting and killing aliens?"

Lawson muttered in a low voice, "It's not the border of our own country, how can we kill free-ranging aliens? Who is as bold as you, and ran to the top of the mountain to kill people from the Lighthouse country."

Zhong Yuan said contemptuously, "So obedient, no wonder you're useless."

At this time, Lawson also felt that he seemed to be stupid, and said weakly, "I will listen to you from now on."

Zhong Yuan said coldly, "What do you tell me these things? Do whatever you like."

"Ugh... even if you say that..."

Lawson rolled his eyes and said bluntly, "Can you tell me your mobile phone number? I want to write to you."

Since being threatened by Zhong Yuan, I always say what I want directly, and I don't make any detours at all.

Zhong Yuan said, "After going out, you ask my lord, and I don't know what the mobile phone number he gave me."


In fact, Lawson saw that Mr. Bai was a little apprehensive, so he decided to ask his grandfather for information.

Seeing that Zhong Yuan threw all the canned food into the lake and was about to leave, he hurriedly asked again, "Are you leaving? Aren't you going to hunt the criminals? You still have to stay for two more days."

Zhong Yuan said speechlessly, "Don't be stupid, why do the marketers insist on killing ordinary people? When others waste time, you waste time too?"

Lawson hesitated, "But, my grandfather said, at least kill ten before going out."

Zhong Yuan said, "People need to know how to be flexible. If you go out with me, not only will he not scold you, he will even praise you. Maybe Mr. Bai will give you a gift in order to thank you."

Lawson said decisively, "Let's go."

So, Zhong Yuan summoned the giant earthworm chair, drove for two hours, and returned to Fangjiekou.

According to the rules, you have to wait two more days to open it.

Lawson thought for a while and said to Zhong Yuan, "Wait a minute, I'll call my grandpa and tell him you've fainted, and ask him to open the door. When I go out, I'll carry you on my back."

When it came to the end, I was a little apprehensive, afraid that Zhong Yuan would not agree.

Zhong Yuan pondered for a moment, then said, "Yes."


I exploded with joy.

A few minutes later, Lawrence received a new message from his precious grandson.

"Dear grandpa, Yuan suddenly fainted, he needs medical treatment. We are at the entrance of Fangjie, please open the door!"

Nicholas immediately said to Mr. Bai, "Bai, your child is injured. Lawson sent him out."

Mr. Bai narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Lawrence, your grandson is really clever."

Lawrence was peeping text messages again, wishing he could beat Nicholas to death. Naihe couldn't beat him, so he had no choice but to ignore him, and smiled at Mr. Bai with a shy old face, "If we can be in-laws..."

Mr. Bai said coldly, "It's absolutely impossible!"


Lawrence sighed, and opened the entrance to the Fangjie.

The figures of the two little guys soon appeared in front of everyone.

Lawson ran out of Fangjie with Zhong Yuan on his back, his acting skills were overwhelming, and he said anxiously, "Yuan suddenly fainted, and I don't know what happened to him."

Mr. Bai knew at a glance that nothing happened to Zhong Yuan.

In fact, Jiang Wuqiu came out in the middle of the night.

I don't know which fierce person broke one of his fingers.

No matter how Jiang Ling asked, he refused to say anything, and finally took him back for treatment in a hurry.

Once Jiang Wuqiu left the stage, the others could breathe a sigh of relief.

Mr. Bai thought that this hunting event would finally get rid of the bottom fate, but he never expected that Zhong Yuan would also leave early!

When you get to a place where there is no one, you must educate yourself!

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