Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 463 What Versailles Is Your Kid?

Zhong Yuan's level of pretending to be dead is first-class, and he still performs in his true colors.

Although they didn't deceive Mr. Bai, when the others saw him with his eyes closed and motionless, they were instantly frightened and terribly worried.

Even Nicholas felt that Zhong Yuan's condition was not very good, and it was best to find a medical department for him to treat him immediately.

However, everyone here does not have a medical department, only Fatty Qiu has a blessing, which can barely increase vitality.

This guy wanted to ease the relationship with Mr. Bai, but was also worried about the safety of the ultimate wish, so he hurriedly said, "Bai Xiansen, Blulang, let me give this child some healing first."

Mr. Bai didn't appreciate it, and immediately refused, "No need."

Then, he looked at Lawson and said with a half-smile, "Little guy, you're pretty good."

Lawson was terrified, but Zhong Yuan said that his adults would give small gifts, so he must be right.

So, I puffed up my chest, boldly, and said loudly, "I will use my strength to win your approval!"

Lawrence was taken aback, and immediately became excited.

The child grows up and becomes independent! Dare to say such a thing in front of Bai's face, it's not like his usual style at all.

Mr. Bai raised his eyebrows and said slowly, "Very good. You have a bright future. I like you."

"Woo..." He was much scarier than grandpa.

Lawson thought secretly, summoned up his courage, and continued to look directly at Mr. Bai.

Mr. Bai thought for a while, took out a Ruin Crystal from his pocket, and said, "Here you are. Thank you for bringing him out."

This Ruin Crystal glows with a strange bright red color, and it is a heterogeneous Ruin Crystal.

Lawson took a careful look at Zhong Yuan, only to see that the tip of his hair moved slightly.

So, he happily took Xu Jing into his hand and said, "Thank you, father-in-law!"

Mr. Bai's eyelids twitched, and he said coldly, "What did you call me?"

Zhong Yuan was pretending to be dead, and he admired the courage of the little villain.

You kid didn't give up when it was time to give up, relying on Guangyue to risk your life to death.

Lawrence's face turned dark, and he hurriedly pulled his grandson behind him, and said with a smile, "Bai, don't worry about kid's jokes."

"I don't think he's joking. I don't want my son to be missed by a man."

Mr. Bai said with a sullen face, "Lawrence, take care of your grandson and don't let him challenge my endurance."

As he spoke, he carried Zhong Yuan on his shoulders and strode away.

Zhong Yuan has mixed feelings.

Mr. Bai actually claimed in front of this group of people that they were father and son...

At this moment, Nicholas yelled from behind, "Bai, do you want me to escort you for a ride? I'm cheap."

Mr. Bai didn't turn his head back, "No need."

"I'll give it for free!"

"Not for free."

"...I... grass!"

Nicholas got angry and gave Xin Xuan a vicious look.

The latter was inexplicable, and he didn't know where he had offended the guy from Mao Xiongguo, with black question marks all over his head.

This time there is no means of transportation. If you want to leave Yingzhou Mountain, you can only go around to the station in front of the scenic spot to wait for the bus.

From Fangjie to the station, it is more than forty kilometers.

Along the way, Zhong Yuan thought about it several times, but Mr. Bai kept running wildly without taking a breath.

He ran the weight-bearing marathon in an hour.

Some mountain roads are quite steep and cars cannot drive, but he does not care about them as if walking on flat ground.

Almost at the station, he suddenly asked, "How long is the cooldown time for your ultimate wish?"

Zhong Yuan immediately opened his eyes and said, "It will take a long time."

Mr. Bai stopped, put the man on the ground, and said, "Have you performed it in front of Lawrence's grandson?"


After being carried by Mr. Bai for an hour, his body was unavoidably stiff. Zhong Yuan moved his body and looked at the souvenir shop next to the station in the distance.

Mr. Bai pretended not to see his eyes, and said, "People in the Kangaroo Country are not taboo about men and women. You have exposed your ultimate wish. Lawson is thinking about you. Coupled with your characteristics, he is about to give up on you."

"Why do you want to leave Fangjie? You can definitely bring in a few more allies."

Zhong Yuan said helplessly, "One is enough trouble."

Mr. Bai said, "How can you be afraid of trouble? The more allies you have, the better, and you have to find a way to keep them in check. You can get the most benefit from it."

He was very dissatisfied with Zhong Yuan's self-assessment and leaving Fangjie early.

After being educated, he felt that it was not enough, and asked again, "Who made Jiang Wuchou's hand?"

Zhong Yuan answered frankly, "It's me."

"Oh? You have the ability to hurt him? How did you do it?"

Zhong Yuan said nonchalantly, "When he saw me, he was completely dumbfounded, so I took the opportunity to cut off one of his fingers."

"Haha, you know how to take advantage of yourself."

Mr. Bai smiled, and soon said with a sullen face, "But, these are not enough, not the reason for you to come out early. Zhong Yuan, you are afraid of killing people. You let me down. I thought, you will kill Jiang No hatred."

Mr. Bai said coldly, "I know, you will inevitably be nervous when hunting for the first time. I don't blame you for not being able to kill Jiang Wuchou. But hunting is necessary. Show me your trophies."

The booty was with Lawson, so there was no time to ask him to come back.

Zhong Yuan talked about him and said, "I don't want to do meaningless things. On such a hot day, why do I have to chase a bunch of death row prisoners and run around the mountains and plains. I don't want to."

In fact, it is somewhat understandable that the so-called hunting is necessary.

Lawson's strength is already quite good, and he was asked to kill ordinary people in order to maintain his state. Maybe he's already doing some shady work.

Mr. Bai was angered by Zhong Yuan's defense.

Although he likes this child, he can't bear to have his authority repeatedly challenged.

"You still dare to talk back to me? Do you think you are invincible after absorbing the ultimate prayer?"

Zhong Yuan said calmly, "I don't think so. The ultimate prayer is nothing special, it only takes ten minutes."

Smoke rose from the top of Bai Xianqi's head.

talent? ten minutes!

What Versailles is this game you boy?

Why should I carry you on the mountain road?

Why am I walking so fast?

Slow down, the remaining four might team up to snatch the child!

It was the first time Zhong Yuan heard so many thoughts from Mr. Bai's heart, and couldn't help laughing.

Then, he slowly took out a Qiandengyu Market Crystal from his trousers pocket, and said, "Don't be angry. This is a souvenir I got from the lake on the top of the mountain. It's very beautiful, and I'll give it to you."

Great Lakes?

Mr. Bai recognized this Ruin Crystal immediately.

Even though he was very determined, he couldn't help being surprised.

"Thousand Lantern Fish Market Crystal! How did you get it?"

"Well, when I took a bath in the lake, the fish in it gave it to me."

Mr. Bai gasped, and lost his voice, "Even Qiandengyu is attracted by you?"

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