The Moon Country is densely populated, with a huge gap between the rich and the poor. Even if you become a market capable person, you are not born in a high caste, and your social status is still not high.

It is inside of them that the real exclusion and injustice are found. For the sake of profit, the warriors of the Moon Kingdom even dare to eat shit.

After finally coming to Simi Country and becoming a master, after a few years of peaceful life, he met a strong man with the ability to fly and came to seek revenge!

The interpreter told them that they had to go first, which caused great dissatisfaction.

"Damn it! These shit Simi people want us to be cannon fodder!"

"Flying is one of the strongest defensive abilities, we can't beat him at all!"

"You can't wait to die here, run!"

The import expert from the Six Moons Kingdom became a deserter with no professional ethics.

This is the disadvantage of importing talents.

It's okay to be fine at ordinary times, but once something happens, he can run faster than a rabbit.

One of the twelve teams disintegrated on the spot.

The rest of the squad was not in chaos at first, but was shaken by deserters.

The person who advocated the assassination of Mr. Bai was named Cui Chengzhen, and he was the younger brother of Cui Zhengxun, the chairman of the Cui chaebol.

Relying on his family's power, he made good friends with many forces at the same time, and had a great say in the Simi country.

He is an ordinary person, not a warrior. With limited knowledge, I don't fully understand how strong the Ruin Warrior can be.

The current enemy finally aroused everyone's dissatisfaction.

In particular, Mr. Bai can fly, which is shocking, and there is an illusion that he is not human.

"Cui Chengzhen! He really came here! He has no intention of making peace! What do you think?!"

"I... I'll call him again!"

"The number you have dial can not be reached!"

"Shut down! Damn, he's not afraid of us at all!"

"Fight it! He is alone and has a child with him. There are so many of us, why should we be afraid of him?"

"That's right! Let him know that our Great Simi Kingdom is not easy to mess with!"

"Yes! Even if we fail, we still have allies!"

"Get out! How can you count on the Lighthouse Kingdom? It's good that they don't suck our blood!"

In the face of the crisis, they actually united closely with the same enemy.

They are ready.

But in the sky, Zhong Yuan was taken flying for the first time, and it felt quite fresh.

The wind is strong, blowing on the body, very cool.

Another layer of Mr. Bai's identity is the boss of the Central China Military Region, and it is not surprising that he has the ability to fly.

After all, the double-headed eagle market crystal is within the square boundary under his jurisdiction. He flies fast and high, and is a very good level flyer.

Zhong Yuan opened his eagle eyes, and soon saw that not only a bunch of Amulets had been deployed in the base below, but also special forces and drones.

"What a grand scene." Zhong Yuan couldn't help sighing.

Mr. Bai said, "They're all mobs. Okay, pray. I'll go directly to the headquarters. You're outside, free to move around."

Zhong Yuan said dissatisfied, "Aren't you afraid that I will be caught? So rest assured?"

"Didn't I give you a weapon? You still have the insect king, what's there to worry about?"

Mr. Bai chuckled, and said, "You deliberately killed the people from the Lighthouse Country, and I will destroy the power of the Ruins in the Simi Country, and when they encounter the Ruins, they can only ask us for help."

Zhong Yuan said innocently, "I don't think so much. I just want to take a quiet bath."

"Be frank, I want to praise you."

"It's time to pray, right? Then I will open it."


Come to the top of the base. The moment the ultimate prayer was opened, Mr. Bai immediately let go and let Zhong Yuan do a free fall.

Falling from a height of several hundred meters, the landing impact is extremely terrifying, so I don't know if it can be strengthened by 448.

"Really, let me go down first to attract firepower. Fortunately, my airspace master has not become passive, otherwise you will also be in free fall."

Then, Zhong Yuan was stunned, and saw that Mr. Bai who was high in the sky also fell down.

"No, I didn't... It's fun, isn't it? Relying on invincibility, you can do whatever you want!"

"Ah, I'm actually immortal..."

Ten seconds before landing, Zhong Yuan accidentally discovered that even the immortal body had become passive.

It didn't give the ultimate prayer any face, and opened it on its own.

boom! ! !

People are like shells, smashing into the base.

A large hole was punched out by Zhong Yuan in the ultra-hard alloy top plate.

Penetration and super-decomposition did a great job again. When they hit, they were automatically turned on, so that Zhong Yuan would not be in the embarrassment of falling to the ground.

The special forces and warriors ambush in the passage were taken aback.

Something is down!

Depend on! It's a person!

"Set fire! Kill him!"

Cui Chengzhen's hysterical roar came from the communicator.

Unfortunately, no one did it.

The moment they saw Zhong Yuan, everyone lost their will to fight.

bang bang bang!

Gunshots rang out.

The three people who rushed to the front were shot one by one, shot in the eyebrows, and died on the spot.

The rest of the people went crazy, not because their companion was killed, but because everyone wanted to get Meng Wang.

"We must capture him alive!"

"Yes! He is from our Simi Kingdom! We can't let him escape!"

Buzz buzz!

Buzz buzz!

More and more people were attracted by gunshots.

It's reinforcements.

Zhong Yuan said with a blank face, "The war has begun, and I will not show mercy."

Another series of gunshots rang out.

Zhong Yuan slowly moved towards the headquarters.

Wherever they went, blood flowed like rivers, and there were actually several teams of warriors rushing to take on the task of arresting Zhong Yuan in order to avoid confrontation with Mr. Bai.

They may not necessarily die when they meet Mr. Bai, but they can only smile and drink bullets when they meet Zhong Yuan.

"I have copper skin and iron bones, I am not afraid!"

"Come on! He's out of bullets!"

Relying on his rough skin and thick flesh, a defense system warrior tried to rush forward to meet the cute king.

bang bang!

The copper skin and iron bones were blown up in minutes.

The crispy attacker who followed was caught off guard and was also blown away.

Their judgment was not wrong, Zhong Yuan's pistol was indeed out of bullets long ago.

What is pushed out of the chamber is a compressed air bomb. Coupled with the penetrating ability, it is more powerful than a bullet.

The insect king thought it was interesting and wanted to climb into the chamber to play, but was thrown out by Zhong Yuan, and now he didn't know where to go to eat.

"Impossible! Can't he run out of bullets? He's a Ruiner!"

Several special forces were shocked.

The high-ranking market performers on weekdays were beaten to death just like ordinary people.

run away!

Can't escape!


The effectiveness of being super cute has increased by 448, and these people are deeply attracted, like moths to a flame, moving forward one after another.

After a bit of skin, Mr. Bai went straight to the headquarters, and was shocked to find that there was only one guard here.

Cui Chengzhen and a group of executives have fled.

what happened? How could you be so afraid? Don't even have the courage to negotiate face to face?

An ordinary person, it doesn't matter whether he is killed or not. There is no need to persevere in pursuit.

It took two minutes to resolve the battle, but the gunfire outside never stopped.

Why are you still fighting?

After a while, Mr. Bai saw Zhong Yuan speechlessly as if he had gone out for a walk, walked into the headquarters calmly, stepped over a pile of corpses on the ground, came to the refrigerator, and took out a bottle of mineral water.


A night of retaliation and strikes wiped out 80% of the power of the Ruins in the Simi Kingdom.

When retreating, I walked through the main entrance. A certain person's glorious record was exposed, and Mr. Bai's scalp felt a little numb after seeing it.

Zhong Yuan said sullenly, "Playing with me for so many days, it turns out that I deliberately gathered people from the Simi Kingdom to catch them all. I was touched in vain."

Mr. Bai frowned and said, "I underestimated you. I only killed a dozen or so, but you killed hundreds. I can apply for a medal of honor for you."

"What? That's all right?"

"I'm joking. But, for doing something so bad, you have to be named. Which title do you want?"

"Whatever, as long as it sounds better than Xuan Ming."

? ? ?

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