Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 468 I Think It's Better For You To Stop Playing

The cold wind blows the thin screens.

A man with a stern face stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with his hands behind his back, watching the scenery outside the window.

The winter in Shangdong City is not cold, and the mountains are full of greenery, luxuriant branches and leaves, full of vitality.

Behind the man, a woman put forward her own opinion with a full face.

"Mr. Bai, this student named Zhong Yuan is suspected to be the successor of the eighth seat. He is only sixteen years old this year and has such a powerful ability. He will definitely affect the global situation in the future. A big threat! I suggest that he be included in the assassination list top ten."

In order to help Su Wanying, Zhong Yuan used the ability of the time system to spy on multiple future pictures.

This picture is one of them.

Only for a few seconds.

The woman's face wasn't clearly seen, but Mr. Bai's face was clearly seen.

Not Yang Zongsheng.

The future Mr. Bai that Zhong Yuan saw was younger than Yang Zongsheng.

Zhong Yuan is also very familiar with the floor-to-ceiling window in front of him.

It is a villa in Shemen Mountain.

There is a glass corridor on the ground floor of the villa, all of which are floor-to-ceiling windows. The view is very good, you can enjoy the mountain view.

Although the bamboo curtains were replaced by window screens, Zhong Yuan still recognized him at a glance.

In the future, the villa will change hands. Even Mr. Bai's code name has changed.

This means that Yang Zongsheng died at that time.

The person standing in front of the window inherited everything from him and became a new generation of Mr. Bai.

This matter will definitely not be too far away, after the end of the college league, before Su Wanying strips her abilities.

Just when Yang Zongsheng was about to take office as the commander of the Central China Military Region, he died and was robbed of everything.

Originally, Zhong Yuan didn't know about this, even if he saw the future, he didn't take it to heart.

But now, since he's aware of it, he can't sit idly by.

Yang Zongsheng wants to promote the energyization of the whole people, which is somewhat idealistic. In essence, he wants to make the country stronger.

The man who replaced him was different.

This person does not seem to agree with Yang Zongsheng's philosophy, and does not want the power to be dispersed in the hands of ordinary people. The emergence of the strong cannot be tolerated, and he chooses to stand on the opposite side of the Jiuxu.

Who is he?

How did he replace Yang Zongsheng?

Speaking of which, what code name did you give me?

In the dimness, it seemed that someone helped to cover the blanket.

I don't know how long it has passed. . .

"Lord Meng Wang, the alarm you scheduled to ring at two o'clock in the afternoon is about to ring. do you still thk about baby, baby~~cae you're on y d and it's drive crazy, crazyo"

Is my alarm clock watting?

What does English singing so slippery mean?

"Shut should be beaming next time."

"Okay, Mr. Mengwang."

Zhong Yuan slowly opened his eyes, moved a little, and the blanket covering his body almost fell to the ground.

Zhong Yuan said displeased, "Four eyes, someone is approaching, but you didn't remind me."

Chong Wang Li said immediately, "It's the blanket that the old master gave you. He didn't mean any harm. I saw you fell asleep, so I didn't remind you."

Zhong Yuan was silent for a while, and said, "...I will not take this as an example."

Who would have thought that the two lunatics who destroyed the Simi country base swaggered back to John City after finishing their work.

After picking up the luggage and entering the airport, I happened to see Huaguo's tour group gathering. So, I followed them on the plane back home.

No one noticed that there were two new faces in the tour group.

After arriving in Shangjing, take the high-speed train and return to Star City.

Yes, I won't go to Shangdong City anymore.

Star City is Yang Zongsheng's territory.

After entering the territory of Hua Kingdom, there is basically no need to worry about retaliation from the people of Simi Kingdom.

They were not so courageous, and they still hoped to use the power of the Hua Kingdom to suppress the ruins in the future. This time, they could only eat Coptis chinensis dumbly, and they couldn't tell the pain.

Business seat, very quiet.

According to Mr. Bai, the high-speed rail in Huaguo is the safest and most stable means of transportation in the world. Take the high-speed rail if you can.

Zhong Yuan was having a headache because there were too many people in the other compartments, all of whom were students going out to play during the summer vacation.

There are all kinds of thoughts in a mess. It is a painful thing to be unable to close his heart, and to be in a densely populated place.

So, had to sleep.

Mr. Bai was sitting next to Zhong Yuan, noticing him waking up, and said, "Your complexion is not very good, do you want some water?"

Zhong Yuan said, "No need. There are too many people in the car, and the noise makes me have a headache."

Mr. Bai was startled.

There are only a few people in the business class car, do you think there are too many people?

With repeated releases of the Bug King, it becomes overactive, causing auditory hallucinations as a side effect?

This time it must be an auditory hallucination!

Mr. Bai comforted softly, "Be patient. There are still two hours left. I will give you medicine when I get back."

Zhong Yuan frowned and said, "I'll sleep for a while."

"Sleeping too much is not good for your body. You can find something to distract yourself."

"for example?"

"What kind of shooting game are you playing? It's called Canyon Survival, right?"


Listen, is this what a father should say?

You said that it’s fine to brush up on the questions and memorize foreign languages, but you call me to play games.

No wonder Yang Sheng was raised by you to be the silly son of the landlord's family!

Zhong Yuan said, "I don't want to play."

Mr. Bai smiled, "I think it's very interesting, let's double row together."


Twenty minutes passed.

Zhong Yuan almost threw the phone out.

I have seen dishes, but I have never seen such dishes.

Run around, don't know how to play wild, don't eat money, and specialize in the tower to die.

After hitting him a few times, his teammates spewed swear words and reported him for giving his head maliciously.

"Huh? Why can't I play anymore?"

Mr. Bai was slightly taken aback, pointed at the title prompt, and said enthusiastically, "Say I register another account, or buy this game?"

"..." I think it's better for you to stop playing.

That being said, Zhong Yuan re-registered a game account for him, and bought all the available characters by the way.

Restart the round.

Zhong Yuan kept the promise, but Mr. Bai actually chose Bai Qi.

"Don't run around, just stay by my side. I will protect you."

"it is good."

Finally, he was not reported, Bai Qi was awesome, and Ping A finally got the first kill, which excited Mr. Bai.

He turned off his mobile phone and sighed, "No wonder so many children like to play, it's really interesting."


No, I don't want to play with you anymore, even a national champion can't bring you down.

At the same time, the news of the attack on the Simi country base had already reached the ears of the big bosses in Huaguo.

In total, more than 400 people were killed. Among them are more than 50 market experts from Simi Kingdom.

This news is simply... happy to hear and see!

In Shangjing City, in the Jiuxu resident, Qi Xiu read the information just sent, smiled and said to the person in the wheelchair beside him, "Jiu Yao has done a good thing, severely suppressed the arrogance of Simi Kingdom, and in a short time The Nesmit Kingdom cannot recover."

Sitting in a wheelchair was a middle-aged woman with gray hair who looked at least twenty years older than her actual age.

She smiled slightly and said, "They do have a way, and they have no scruples when they do it. Sometimes it coincides with our ideas, otherwise it would be impossible to tolerate their existence until now."

The top ten powerful organizations in the world do not belong to the jurisdiction of any country.

Jiuyao's strength ranks in the middle.

Many people thought it was the Sakura Country Organization. In fact, it belongs to the country of Hua.

No one expected that the country with the strictest governance by the Ruins would turn a blind eye.

Qi Xiu pondered, "The secret service reported that there were two people in total, and one of them wiped out almost the entire Wushan base. In order to fight against him, Simi Kingdom assembled twelve teams. One team fled in fear before fighting. "

The wheelchair woman was shocked, "So powerful? Which country is the master?"

"I don't know yet. It is said that he is unparalleled in marksmanship, hits every shot, and breaks defenses 100%. At least he has the two abilities of penetration and super charging."

"He massacred hundreds of people, and finally retreated completely, leaving no trace at the scene. Not even a footprint."

The wheelchair woman exclaimed, "How could..."

Qi Xiu nodded solemnly, and said, "This person is extremely powerful, with a cruel and vicious personality. Jiu Yao claims that his name is..."


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