Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 470 If You Are A Brother, Give Me Three

Shangdong City, Qiu family.

Qiu Ren and Qiu Yi were sitting together eating watermelon.

"Qiu Yi, come to Hualing College after the summer vacation, the student union happens to have a vacant seat, and I will transfer my points to you."

"No need, bro, I don't plan to study at Hualing College."

"Ah? Don't come to Hualing? Then which school are you going to go to? You may not go to Chengying College, right? This school was okay before, but now it's not!"

"No, I want to go to Zhongnan College."

"Zhongnan College? The one in Star City?"

"Yes, I heard that if you want to enter Fangjie in Zhangjiajie, you can only read Zhongnan."

"Flying ability?"

"Well, I want to try."

"Well, it's really not possible, you can come back in time."

Qiu Ren lived in ease, and didn't even know that his younger brother was killing people like hemp in the border of Simi country.

With Jiang Wuqiu absent, Lawson was taken away by Zhong Yuan. In the end, it was Qiu Yi who took the first place in the hunting event.

Fatty finally became imposing, arranged more than a dozen blind dates for him when he got home, and ordered him to get three or four first-bloods within two weeks.

Isn't this killing people?

Run away quickly.

After leaving Fangjie, Qiu Yi was a little concerned about Zhong Yuan's life and death, so he made some insinuations and found out that he left early.

pretty good.

He looks so weak and his body is very poor, so he should not play any hunting, lest he die in Jiang Wuchou's hands.

After all, Fatty Qiu is just a businessman, even if he has some connections, he still can't get the information from the secret service.

Sakura Country, Uji Sanso.

Uji Miyaren has absorbed the Alien Ruin Crystal sent by Zhong Yuan.

She became the only super-thinking marketer in Sakura Country.

Fortunately, he had absorbed it in Fangjie of Yingzhou Mountain. After going out, Lian was shocked to find that his father won a lot of market crystals by playing mahjong, and also won the right to sell himself several times by the strong man of Maoxiong Kingdom.

I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat on the spot!

With so many things, you have to die to get them!

Spread wealth and keep safe!

The right of prostitution is gone!

The remedy was timely, and fortunately, Nicholas' murderous intention was dispelled.

The Ujimiya father and daughter were able to return home smoothly.

On the way, Xinxuan also became more and more frightened as he thought about it. It turned out that Nicholas looked at each other with evil eyes many times, because he wanted to kill someone!

He was gratified by his daughter's intelligence, and decisively let her join the family's decision-making level, and notified her as soon as he found information.

In the training ground, Ren Ujimiya picked up a towel to wipe off the sweat on her forehead, her eyes were dazed.

"Keto... when can we meet again?"

Bear Country.

Nicholas was drinking in the tavern, and Yennefer sat on the side, looking at him with a cold face.

She took the second place in hunting, only one head behind Qiu Yi, so there is nothing to blame.

Nicholas sighed, and said to Yennefer, "Look at Lawson, how clever he is. He must have gotten the Qiandengyu Market Crystal by the side of Huaguo boy. Huaguo refers to this kind of behavior as Pongda money, it’s all too common.”

"Yennefer, I asked you to participate in the hunting event to make friends. Why don't you understand the point?"

Yennefer said lightly, "I don't need a man. A man will only affect my killing speed."

She is a killing machine carefully cultivated by Mao Xiongguo, and she looks as beautiful as an angel.

Originally Lawson was attracted to her, but then once saw her neurotic appearance of slaughtering criminals, he resolutely alienated her.

Nicholas said, "The boy in Huaguo has the ultimate wish, and such things are not in vain. He is a genius among geniuses. If you have a child with him, your child will also have a strong physique."


"Not happy? Hehe, I just suggested casually. Girls have more advantages than men, and they must know how to use them. Even Lawson can benefit from it. I am famous all over the world for the beauties of Maoxiong Country. Why..."

"I want to have a baby with you."

? ? ? ? ?

Nicholas was dumbfounded, and he said after a while, "But, you said just now that you don't need it. And I'm too old to be your father... What do you like about me?" I was disgusted for nothing me...

Yennefer turned a deaf ear to it, and threw herself fiercely at the cheap tutor. Dumb guy, I'm going to rush him today.

Huaguo, Guangyuan City.

Jiang Wuchou stared at the wound on his severed finger, in a daze.

After Jiang Ling made the phone call, he didn't know how to comfort him.

Even Qi Xiu suggested giving up using knives. The opinions of the top bosses in Huaguo are generally not wrong.

Moreover, until now, Jiang Wuchou refused to say who hurt him.

Perhaps there is an unspeakable inside story.

Jiang Ling already wanted to get out, so he had no choice but to say, "Don't think too much, after the summer vacation, I will find you a school to study in."

Jiang Wuqiu said coldly, "No. I want to go to the battlefield and go to the front line! I still have the ability, I want to go to the international battlefield!"

Jiang Ling frowned and said, "It's too dangerous! It's not yet time! At least wait a few more years!"

"I don't care! Can't wait! I'm going right away!"

The world is not too big, if you go to the international battlefield, you will definitely see Zhong Yuan again.

With such strength, Mr. Bai will send him out to fight sooner or later.

By the time……

In fact, Jiang Wuqiu didn't know what to do when they met. Just want to meet up.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

Zhong Yuan followed Mr. Bai off the high-speed train, and Wang Baoyu was already waiting in the parking lot.

Seeing that Zhong Yuan came back with him safe and sound, he was also extremely happy in his heart.

Several children had been taken on a hunting trip before, and all died.

Only Zhong Yuan came back to life, truly worthy of being the holder of the ultimate wish.

He came back two days later than the scheduled time. It is estimated that Mr. Bai took him for a sightseeing tour.

It's really super cute.

Although Wang Baoyu really wanted to ask Zhong Yuan if he had a good time in Simi Country and if he had any special arrangements, since Mr. Bai was also present, it was really hard for him to ask.

All the way quiet, did not speak.

Zhong Yuan came to Star City for the first time, and he didn't have the heart to watch the scenery on the street.

There are too many people on the road. During the rush hour, all the messy voices came into my mind, which was more uncomfortable than on the high-speed rail.

Mr. Bai saw that his complexion was even worse, and asked in a deep voice, "Wang Baoyu, have you brought any medicine?"

"Ah?" Wang Baoyu was stunned, and it took two seconds for him to react. He hurriedly took one out of his pocket and handed it to Zhong Yuan.

what? Can the little motor hold back the bug king?

Zhong Yuan cheered up, frowned and said, "It's useless, don't waste it. Hurry up and drive."

Wang Baoyu looked at the face of the boss, and found that he did not express anything, so he hurriedly accelerated the speed.

After a while, after leaving the busiest business district, it finally quieted down.

Zhong Yuan let out a long breath, regained his energy, and asked, "Where are we going now?"

Wang Baoyu smiled and said, "Mr. Bai specially bought you a house next to Zhongnan College. When you enroll, you don't have to live in a crowded dormitory."

——Also, tonight you arranged for six female celebrities to take over the dust, all of whom are married.

——Your complexion is so bad, you must not be able to eat six, if you are a brother, give me three!


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