Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 471 High School Students Have To Choose Everything

The car quickly drove into a high-end residential area with an elegant environment and heavy security.

The Xingyue Bay community is about eight kilometers away from Zhongnan College, which is not close, but it happens to be on the edge of the college's defense circle.

In the event of a dangerous situation, such as an emergency when the ruins cave opens, this place is much safer than other places.

Obviously, the real estate developer knew a lot of confidential inside information, opened up joints, took the land early, and made plans.

Now the housing prices in this community have long been sky-high. It can be said that it is hard to find a house, and there is no way to buy it.

Of course, ordinary people will not pay attention to this kind of high-end residential area built in the suburbs.

There is only one military academy nearby, not even a key school in the district. It is so expensive, it is really a cut of leeks.

In a small high-rise apartment building, Mr. Bai bought three floors, four households per floor, a total of twelve suites, which Zhong Yuan picked at will.

There are no neighbors on the left or right, so you can live very quietly.

Li Dao was being wanted by the Market Management Bureau, and he couldn't show up in a fair manner for the time being, so he was transferred here and became a housekeeper.

As soon as Zhong Yuan entered, Li Dao showed a smile on his face, took the luggage immediately, and asked, "How is it? Is hunting fun?"

Zhong Yuan said, "It's very interesting. It's just that it's too hot to do anything, otherwise it will take a few more days. By the way, Director Li, I brought you special products."


Li Dao didn't understand why, so he hurriedly went to pick up the backpack from Mr. Bai's hand.

At this time, Mr. Bai said calmly, "He bought a lot of special products from Simi Country, and said they were for you, Wang Baoyu, and his sister."

Li Dao felt strange.

Aren't you going hunting?

How did it become a tourist?

I go! The weight of the backpack has not been reduced at all, but even heavier?

It's always nice to have souvenirs. It's not that the things are so expensive, but that Zhong Yuan has such a heart, which is really rare.

Wang Baoyu's eyes lit up, and he said, "I also have a share?"

Zhong Yuan said proudly, "The leather shoes in the souvenir shop in front of the station have an off-season discount. I bought two pairs for you. The first discount is 30% off, and then 40% off. After calculation, a pair only costs 60 yuan!"

I saw Mr. Bai showing approval on his face.

Wang Baoyu couldn't help lowering his head sadly.

I bought discounted goods, and I was scolded bloody by Mr. Bai. This kid bought discounted goods and didn't mention him at all.

The treatment is too bad!

Then, Zhong Yuan took out two pairs of exquisitely crafted leather boots from the luggage. The style was quite fashionable, which was in line with Wang Baoyu's wishes.

However, when he saw the words "Made in Huaguo" engraved on the sole of the shoe, he felt bad again.

If you are like this, you might as well buy domestic products.

Zhong Yuan took out another amethyst horse and handed it to Li Dao as a Chenggong ornament, making him grin from ear to ear.

After dividing the gifts, Zhong Yuan went into the room to call his sister.

Zhong Lan had already reported to Cheng Ying College in advance.

Because of her young age, a counselor was specially arranged to give special care.

As long as he doesn't take special classes, Zhong Yuan doesn't worry that his sister will learn bad things in college.

In video call. . .

"Brother, you actually went abroad. That old Chinese doctor is so kind to you! When can I travel abroad?"

On the screen, Zhong Lan had a ruddy complexion and was full of energy. It was obvious that she had been well taken care of by the academy.

It was indeed right not to let her become a warrior.

Zhong Yuan thought secretly, and said to Zhong Lan, "I got a full score in the final exam, so I'll take you out to play."

"Really?" Zhong Lan was overjoyed, and said, "You are going to lie to me! I really want to show you the test! Isn't it a perfect score? Oh, where should we go?"

Zhong Yuan said with a smile, "I can't go to places that are too far away, the country of cherry blossoms, the country of Siam, or other places. There is nothing interesting in Simi country, so don't go there."

Zhong Lan said enthusiastically, "Can you go to Kangaroo Country? I want to see the lavender fields, they are said to be beautiful!"

"Kangaroo Country..." Zhong Yuan was taken aback.

He never knew that his sister had such a wish.

No need to practice, no burden, she looks forward to a better life like an ordinary girl.

"Is it okay?" Zhong Lan pouted and said coquettishly, "As long as I get the scholarship, we will have money to travel! The scholarship here is very high, and the outstanding students will get 10,000 yuan at the end of the semester!"

There are really few scholarships for ordinary classes...

Zhong Yuan couldn't beat her, and said with a smile, "The kangaroo country is the kangaroo country, but you must get full marks in the exam."

"Got it!" Zhong Lan stuck out her tongue playfully, suddenly thought of something, and asked, "Brother, have you become a market power user?"

Zhong Yuan hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

Zhong Lan asked in surprise, "What ability have you absorbed? Tell me quickly!"

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Li Dao's voice sounded outside the door.

"Zhong Yuan, you are going out for dinner, come out quickly."

The timing of the interruption was too coincidental, but Zhong Yuan really didn't want his sister to intervene in the world of the Ruins.

Tell her the ability, she will only be more curious, and try to contact Xu Jing.

Zhong Yuan responded, and hurriedly said to his sister, "Call me to eat, I have to die."

Zhong Lan felt a little disappointed, and said, "Okay, you go to eat, I'll go to the library to read."

Zhong Yuan quickly coaxed her, "I bought a lot of gifts for you in Simi Country, and they will be delivered to you in two days."

"Really?!" Zhong Lan was pleasantly surprised.

However, when she thought of the big brother's sudden personality change, and she didn't even pay attention to the ice cream assassin, she hurriedly said, "Brother, you want to spend money recklessly! Tourist souvenirs are expensive and impractical. In the future, don't buy them." Don't buy it!"


Zhong Yuan smiled and hung up the video communication.

Several people outside were waiting for him, but they were not impatient.

Because Mr. Bai told Li Dao and Wang Baoyu that Zhong Yuan is already an official member of Jiuyao, codenamed Jidu.

This is also too fast.

He must have done something extraordinary in the border of Simi Country, otherwise, he would not have been given a code name so soon.

Wang Baoyu and Li Dao were in the country, and the news was not very well-informed, and they did not know the great achievements of Zhong Yuan.

The supporting commercial facilities in the community are complete.

There are several high-end restaurants. Li Dao has already reserved a private room.

Zhong Yuan followed them, and when he entered the private room, he immediately found that there were already six women sitting in it.

The national goddess Yang Mimi, the supermodel Mengyao, the fourth female actress Liu Shixi, the former national goddess Liu Yulian, the film and television superstar Zhao Ying, and the internet celebrity Angel Keer.

There are people in their twenties and thirties to their forties, of various types, each with its own merits.

After the marriage, the popularity has declined more or less, but the influence is still there. No matter which one is present, the fans will scream collectively.

At this time, they were wearing beautiful dresses and delicate makeup, just like stepping on the red carpet, it was extremely formal.

As soon as the distinguished guest came, everyone put on a smile and got up to greet them.

Zhong Yuan took a look at Wang Baoyu and found that he had been staring at Liu Shixi.

Brother Shuiyu has good eyesight!

Liu Shixi is really good.

However, elementary school students foolishly let you have three.

High school students choose it all!

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