There's a reason for ditching cars for the battlefield.

There are too many cars, it is easy to get stuck in traffic, and it is not as fast as bicycles.

If the tire of the bicycle is blown out by someone, it is not as fast as a street skateboard.

Although electric motorcycles are good, they are easy to become the target of public criticism.


The guy named Mo was really out of luck.

As soon as he turned left and went out, an attack-type market energy user stepped on roller skates, chased after him, and launched a burst of flames insidiously.

The motorcycle overturned before running fifty meters.

After rolling twice, the car slid several meters along the road surface, wiping out a series of sparks.

Fortunately, there were not many cars on the road, and a series of traffic accidents did not result.

However, the means of transportation that the owner relied on for survival was completely deformed, sparks came out from the electric box, and it began to burn.

The market energy user sitting on it was caught off guard, and his head was bloodied when he fell. Finally, with a little conscience, he dragged the unconscious car owner away from the car that might explode at any time.

"Bastard! Who did it? I killed you!"

No one paid him any attention.

A couple of roller skates and scooters zip by behind.

The guy who launched the attack acted as if he had done nothing, with a sneer on his face, and passed the victim as if nothing had happened.

idiot! Let you massage!

After losing the means of transportation, he could only walk.

One step behind, one step behind.

If you go late, you can only stay in the back row, and you won't get any benefits.

The guy who hit the massage had no choice but to hold his bleeding forehead and go back to the hotel cursing.

He decided to give up this operation and wait for the opening of the next ruin cave.

Only newcomers who don't know the rules will be attacked like this. The regular army or the vehicles organized by large-scale warriors must not be attacked at will.

Six members of Chen Wang's team boarded a white van, and the car immediately rushed onto the road like a wild horse.

And the Adams team came here on behalf of the military of the Lighthouse country, with better equipment and a jet pack.

Put it on your back, turn on the booster, and you can reach a distance of 2 kilometers in just one minute.

"Adams, we didn't grab the market cave again. How many times is this?"

"Hua people's anchor technology is getting better and better, and our anchor warm-up time is too long!"

"Forget it, let them run for fifteen seconds first."

Relying on the equipment, the Adams team took it easy and finally set off.

The magnetic element force user with a broken hand had a weak face.

She lost a lot of blood, and the medical department couldn't help her recover in a short time. With one hand, it is difficult to wear a backpack, and the fly is at the end, and no one waits.

Although she was originally a man, her emotions were quite delicate. After her body was made into a woman, she was actually a real woman.

Seeing her companion go away quickly, the one-armed woman felt desolate, suddenly! She heard someone yelling behind her.

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"


It's too arrogant, just use magnetic force to suppress it!

In the rear, the pulleys rubbed against the ground crazily, making a bone-like sound.

The one-armed girl couldn't help but look back,

I saw a white single sofa as if it was on the hook, rushing onto the motorway at an astonishing speed.

There was a person sitting on the sofa, and it was the vicious Mr. Ji Du.

He was covered with a small blanket, with one hand resting on his cheek, his eyes were closed, and his posture was leisurely, as if...


Take a closer look,

A small unloading trolley, the kind pushed by hand, carried people and sofas, and ran wildly on the road.

The person pushing the cart is Zhenxing, another member of Jiuyao.

He and Gee Doo act together, seemingly fulfilling a bodyguard-cum-nanny role.

The one-armed woman was dumbfounded every minute.

Even the sofa is on the road?

This is too domineering!

Zhenxing is very powerful, but now he lowers his status and is willing to be a rickshaw driver...

Jidu's title of devil is well-deserved!

The one-armed girl was in a very complicated mood, and had an inexplicable affection for Ji Du.

In order to apologize, she cut off her own arm, and it would be a lie if she didn't feel resentment in her heart.

However, in front of the absolute strong, only surrender can survive.

In the final analysis, the Adams she followed was not strong enough. If you follow Jidu, even if you do something wrong, who would dare to find fault?

The one-armed girl gradually fell behind.

And Nie Wei was so cool all the way, he didn't know how many people's attention he attracted.

This guy was very proud.

Little rascal, do you think that sleeping can prevent you from going to the market cave battlefield?

Since there is no way to fork you off the sofa, I simply pack the sofa and take it away!

Bei Nanguo has been learning advanced experience from his eldest brother over the years, and the capital's infrastructure is in a mess.

The road has just been re-paved a few years ago, there is not a single hole, and it is flat as hell.

As a result, there were no bumps on the road, Zhong Yuan slept soundly, and there was almost no possibility of bouncing off the sofa.

Nie Wei yelled loudly on purpose but failed to wake him up.

The Adams team was the last to leave and the earliest to arrive.

Others were still on their way, they swaggered and entered Fangjie unceremoniously.

One person suddenly found that there were only five people left in the team, and said nervously, "Captain! Gina is behind! He didn't catch up!"

"Don't worry about him, I will come over later."

Adams said calmly, looked at the ruins cave not far away, took out the portable detector, and began to judge the level of the cave.

The value continued to rise, and soon began to fall, which seemed to be between the green level and the red level.

Adams secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It's okay, this hole is really ideal, not too high, not too low, just within the range that can be dealt with.

Even for aliens who are difficult to deal with, there are enough cannon fodder.

Soon, Chen Wang's team arrived at Fangjie second with the van.

Seeing that the people from the Beacon Country had arrived, the team members couldn't help feeling aggrieved.

"It's disgusting! This group of people from the Lighthouse Kingdom are better than chicken thieves! Fangjie was opened by us, but they were the first to enter!"

Chen Wang said helplessly, "The aliens won't come out right away. They just want to get in first to disgust us, so don't take it to heart."

That's the way it is.

After a while, mercenaries entered the arena one after another.

Chen Wang also saw members of several national teams, lurking among these mercenaries, not wanting to be discovered.

The girl from the medical department looked around and couldn't help saying, "Why didn't Ji Du come? He should come, right?"

Still remember it!

Chen Wang frowned and said, "Xu Qian, don't worry about Jidu, he is not with us!"

As he spoke, he quietly looked around, but found no one.

Xu Qian had already changed into clean clothes.

Captain Chen is kind, even if he reprimands him with a straight face, he is not scary.

She stuck out her tongue and stopped speaking, her eyes still searching for the white figure.

More and more people have entered Fangjie.

At least half of them stayed at the entrance without fear of death, waiting for the first alien to come out.

With so many people swarming up, it depends on who can come out on top.

To put it bluntly, this is a sea of ​​people tactic, fishing in troubled waters, you are lucky if you can get something good.

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