The ignorant are really fearless.

Without a unified command, it is very dangerous to fight independently in a mess.

It may still work when encountering low-level aliens.

Encountering high-level aliens with special abilities is prone to heavy casualties.

Finally, a voice came from the cave.


Pairs of blood-red eyes lit up from the black cave.

The shape is narrow and flat, and the pupils are erected, which looks very scary.

What kind of alien is this?

The mercenaries standing at the front felt a little uneasy, and before they could retreat in time, the red-eyed aliens had already rushed out of the cave screaming.

"Yeah yay! yay!"

It is over half a meter in size, with a thick body, smaller than a leopard, and bigger than a cat.

It has a strange appearance, with invisible ears, a collapsed nose, small eyes, and a layer of tough black short hair covering its thick skin.

The eye-catching thing is that there are three beautiful white patterns on the body, running from the forehead to the tailbone.

Four or five of these alien races sprang out all at once, rushing towards the crowd with their teeth and claws open.

"Come out! Hit!"

For a time, the ability of the control system was flying all over the sky, basically all mental cages.

Not to mention how accurate the head is, with intensive attacks, there are always a few hits. However,

At this moment, the control ability seemed to be invalid. Instead of playing any role, it aroused the ferocity of the alien race even more.

They rushed towards the crowd without fear of death.

A hind leg of a foreign race kicked hard, and the person stood up, jumped into the air, and slapped down fiercely with its thick claws, full of strength and a fierce stroke.


An attack-type market energy user had no time to dodge, and his head was blown off like a watermelon on the spot.

The shattered skull splashed with blood and brain tissue, and the scene was extremely bloody.

After this alien race killed a person, before the person fell down, it stepped on his body, using his shoulders as a footboard, and rushed towards the person next to him.

Its movements seem to have been carefully calculated, but they are actually instinctive and extremely smooth.

The control system on the side has been frightened silly.

My mental cage is obviously shot on it, why can it still move?

Patronizing and thinking about this problem, still holding the mentality of taking advantage of luck in his heart, so he was beaten alive again.

Double kill!


Killing two people in a row, the foreign race yelled fiercely, and excitedly rushed to the ordinary people who were already frightened.

This person came to pick up the leaks. After observing for a long time, he chose two "powerful" market experts to rely on, and paid a large amount of protection fees for this.

As a result, the umbrella died in less than three seconds.

If life could be restarted once, he would definitely not choose to come to join in the fun.


Even those who are capable can't resist it, let alone ordinary people who don't have the ability.

Three kills!

In just five seconds, three people were lost.

Their deaths set the stage for a brutal battle.

Life and death are bearish, and if you don't accept it, you will do it. No matter what, they will attack when they see people, and even if they retreat, they will persevere in chasing and killing them.

With you without me.

Today, one of us must die!

Chen Wang looked at these terrifying aliens in shock, and said in amazement, "It's a ghost moat badger!"

He immediately yelled at the defeated mercenaries in front of him, "Stand back, the mind control department! The moat badger is immune to all mind control! Back up!"

"God bless! Don't meet Wang Badger!"

The ghost trench king badger is several times more powerful than ordinary badgers, and it is a terrifying alien race that is quite difficult to deal with.

Hearing Chen Wang's shout, the panic in the crowd began to boil.

"It's the ghost moat badger! Unlucky! How could it be them!"

"I won't fight anymore! I want to go out!"


A few people who didn't know much about the moat badger rushed towards the entrance of the square in fear.

They are all control systems. Seeing that their abilities are ineffective, they stay to wait for death and want to leave the battlefield.

They were too impatient and ran too obviously. As soon as the person moved, the ghost moat badger also moved after hearing the wind, chasing and killing him.

don't run! Let's fight for three hundred rounds!

Possess the ability of fearlessness, immunity to mind control, not afraid of toxin attacks, rough skin, thick flesh, invulnerable to water and fire, not afraid of cold, and the effects of freezing abilities on them are also very limited.

Not to mention the mental cage, hypnotic sound waves, intimidation, fainting and other abilities will not work.

To deal with the Devil's Badger, either start with a big move to kill, or use multiple negative supports together to reduce their abilities first.

It's a pity that negative support is rare, and how can the rabble have such a precious skill.

"Bang bang bang!"

Several escaped control systems were frightened and shot.

I have practiced it, and it is no problem to shoot static standing targets. But ghost moat badgers are not specimens, they are alive, moving quickly, jumping up and down, unable to catch any movement at all.

In fact, their skin is very thick, without additional penetration, even if the bullet hits, it will not be able to break through the defense, at most it will make them feel pain, and they will not die.

"Fool! Where are you fighting?"

"Help, I've been shot! Medical department help me!"

"Can't hit! It's over and they are catching up! Wooah!!!"

The screams sounded one after another, and the deserters were quickly wiped out.

Others can't control them, it's better for them to attract firepower.

Because, just as this group of people were running away, another group of ghost moat badgers rushed out of the cave.

Adams and his companions watched the battle from a distance, secretly surprised.

"It's really rare. The ghost moat badger is extremely difficult to deal with, and Xu Jing is also very unpopular. The success rate of absorption is very low. This is a big loss."

"Captain, should we take action? Loose people can't deal with ghost moat badgers at all, just don't kill them, there are too many of them, and it will be troublesome when they are attacked by groups of them."

"Don't worry, the people of Huaguo are also waiting for us to make a move. We can't let them take advantage of it. Huh? Why hasn't Gina arrived yet?"

The one-armed woman with magnetic power suddenly became a killer.

Only then did Adams notice that she hadn't entered the square yet.

ran away?

That arrogant plan never came. If he came, he would definitely be devastated, maybe he could be killed with the help of the ghost badger!


Feeling sorry, Adams looked at Chen Wang's team, sneered and shouted, "Huaguo people, why don't you go up? Are you just watching aliens massacre market capable people?"

Chen Wang was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

"We have to take action. If we don't do it again, everyone will die. We can't deal with so many moat badgers."

At this moment, a very discordant picture appeared at the entrance of Fangjie.

A man and a woman pushed a little ancestor on the sofa and arrived at the battlefield.

It's finally here!

Nie Weile felt extremely sad, and pushed the small unloading cart so hard that one wheel flew out.

Fortunately, someone helped push it together, and it stabilized a lot.

Yes, I never expected that the woman who had her own arm cut off by Zhong Yuan before came to help.

Seeing that the person on the sofa didn't even change his posture, he kept zzzing~~~ In order not to wake him up, after one wheel fell off, the speed of pushing the cart was slower than walking!

A market energy user named Gina stood beside Nie Wei and asked in a trembling voice, "Zhen Xing, may I ask... is Ji Du sleeping?"

Good question.

It's not necessary to tell her that the little villain fell asleep after drinking too much!

Nie Wei said angrily, "I know, so don't say it! Your companions are there, you can go and join them, huh? Isn't this a ghost badger? It's hard to fight and has no money. I knew I wouldn't come. "

Blood flowed in a river ahead, and many people had been killed or injured.

Gina also recognized those vicious alien races, and hurriedly said, "I can use the magnetic force to suppress them. Please don't drive me away!"

Nie Wei asked strangely, "What do you mean? Want to act with me?"

"Yes!" Gina said firmly, "It's always good to have one more person to protect Mr. Jidu. He is a mind control system, which is very bad for the ghost moat badger."

Nie Wei almost laughed out loud.

The Beacon Country thinks it's a mind control system?

Hahaha, a bunch of idiots!

He is clearly an auxiliary department!

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