It is almost impossible to upgrade the hot explosion pressure again.

The amount of frost and snow snake crystals consumed is too large, and it is not enough to take out all the reserves of Huaguo.

Moreover, Zhong Yuan couldn't bear the negative energy contained in so many ruin crystals.

He once wanted to use an ice-blood blast to spy on the abilities above the disaster level.

The price is twenty-four hours of weakness.

After weighing it over and over again, restrain your curiosity and let nature take its course.

Unexpectedly, he briefly reached the peak of his ability on the battlefield of the cave in Beinan Kingdom.

The survivors who stayed behind spontaneously activated their auxiliary abilities.

Everyone's voices poured into Zhong Yuan's mind, converging into the same sentence——

Don't lose!

After many years of hard work on the battlefield, these Ruin Warriors know that the huge ghost moat badger that walked out of the Ruin Cave is the king of alien races.

Killing it will scare away the aliens at the entrance of the cave and close the cave.

Those who come from different countries and have different beliefs come here for their own interests, but at this time they unknowingly gather together.

Even they themselves didn't realize that their wills were no longer separated from each other, and under the influence of god-level cuteness, their thoughts reached a consensus.

In fact, this is rational common sense!

Zhong Yuan didn't have time to think about these wonderful changes.

At this time, he was busy absorbing so much information after his abilities had been improved.

It turns out that above the catastrophe level is the annihilation level. It should be impossible to have a higher ability than the annihilation level.

Ability is described.

Eternal Exile: Specify the target and exile it.

Resurrection: Instantly restores the target to life.

God-level cuteness: Your charm has created Wang Quan for the rest of my life.

Voice Master: Record the specified voice and replace your own voice.

Limitation of use: Record up to three targets.

Use time: 24 hours.

Only the description of the voice is a little more specific.

The strongest annihilation level ability is actually only a simple sentence. What is the specific situation, you have to use it to know.

Zhong Yuan quickly read the ability description, but he didn't dare to activate the two annihilation-level abilities casually.

Bringing the dead back to life is a magical skill when you hear it.

How can there be such a good thing to restore the vitality of the dead immediately?

There must be a huge price to pay for using it.

As for Eternal Exile, it's more subtle.

If it's just a simple exile, it's impossible to be classified as annihilation level.

The so-called exile is most likely to exile the target to other dimensions, or to other time points.

This is not the space system, but the time system ability.

And the potential prerequisite for launching eternal exile is to have the ability to open space or time channels!

This kind of power is absolutely beyond the control of the current Zhong Yuan.

If you use it reluctantly, the consequences will be serious.

Although there is an undead escort, what if it enters a long period of weakness?

Dealing with a ghost trench king badger is not worth the candle.

Although Zhong Yuan was in a half-drunk state, his mind was clearer than usual and he did not lose his judgment.

It's good to be able to glimpse the magic skills.

To be a man is to be content.

"Okay, let's fight!"

Zhong Yuan ticked his fingers at the Ghost Trench King Badger in front of him.

With so many auxiliary buffs, it would be too much to use a weapon, so he decided to fight this king badger with his bare hands.

Wang Badger showed his fierce face and was already ready to go.

Suddenly, it bared its teeth and screamed, its soft back bent, and jumped high like a spring.

The forelimbs stretched freely in the air, and the claws slapped alternately like phantoms, thirty-six times per second, and the power of each claw was as tyrannical as a mountain cracking stone.

"Yeah yah yah!"

Crazy blows, claw claw critical strikes, hit Zhong Yuan's chest, making a muffled sound.

This was not over yet, after it pounced forward, its hind legs simply hung on Zhong Yuan's body, its body stood upright, and its paws continued to pat fiercely.

After shooting for more than ten seconds, the enemy is still alive.


Wang Badger let out a suspicious cry.

It raises its head.

Zhong Yuan just happened to look down too.

The two kings looked at each other, but Wang Badger refused to accept it.

The fight continues!

However, the invincibility is not over yet, Zhong Yuan is immune to all attacks. With the addition of copper skin and iron bones, and an immortal body, his defensive power is truly unparalleled in the world.

"Stop making trouble, the sound is so cute, I can't bear to beat you to death. Really, your clothes are almost torn by you."

Zhong Yuan frowned, grabbed the back of Wang Badger's neck with one hand, and lifted it in the air.

It was quite heavy, over fifty catties.


Badger Wang's neck was immediately dislocated.

It was in unbearable pain, its eyes were red with anger, and it screamed meaninglessly.

"Yeah yay!"

Then, Zhong Yuan slapped it on the face.


It's like beating a pet, with sufficient force, but not enough to kill it, it's just a lesson.

Wang Badger was beaten so dizzy.

Taking advantage of the gap, Zhong Yuan changed the other hand to carry it and let it face away from him.

The racial form limits the ability of the fighting master.

Wang Badger regained his momentum after being dizzy for two seconds.

Regardless of the dislocation of its neck, it frantically swiped its paws in the air, kicking its hind legs wildly, at such a high speed that it was like running a motor, and it couldn't even see clearly.

However, it doesn't work at all.

That's horrible!

It's simply abusing aliens!

Everyone watched this scene dumbfounded.


This is all right?

Zhong Yuan said to Wang Badger, "Are you convinced?"


Wang Badger waved his claws desperately, and if he refused to accept it, he would do it!


One slap down, hit it on the head, hit it until there are gold stars in its eyes, and the chicken turns on the top of its head.

In fact, its blood for blood ability is always on.

The penetrating power hit it, and it bounced back immediately, unable to cause damage to Zhong Yuan, so it didn't show its power.

In fact, blood for blood completely restrained Nie Wei's magnetic force. If he used this move against Wang Badger, he would be killed immediately.

"Do you want to take it?"


Wang Badger became fierce and twisted his body crazily, trying to break away from Zhong Yuan's control.

After struggling for five full minutes, he still couldn't escape. Instead, he pulled out a bubble of hot urine, dripping down.

Zhong Yuan's complexion changed drastically.

The stinky stuff got on the shoes!

boom! ! !

A heavy punch subconsciously hit Wang Badger on the head.

It tilted its head, its only eye fell out of its socket, and its tongue stuck out, turning into a dead badger.

Forehead. . .

Accidentally killed.

Forget it, just die.

After fighting for so long, it is impossible for this royal family with fearless ability to surrender. Let it go back, and it will come out to harm people next time. There is no other way but to kill it.

Ruin Crystal burst out.

It is an extremely precious Wang Jing.

Zhong Yuan took Xu Jing away expressionlessly, and threw Wang Badger's body into the Xu cave.

The ghost moat badgers watching the battle cheered unanimously when they saw Lao Wang died.



The one-eyed old king is finally dead, and the new king is hundreds of times cuter than him!

Under everyone's horrified eyes, the group of moat badgers stuck out their tongues excitedly and rushed towards Zhong Yuan crazily.

No one noticed that in the dark cave, a cunning alien quietly left.

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