Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 494 Rumors Are Flying Everywhere

Countless legends have been forged on the battlefield of Ruins Cave.

Countless heroes have risen here.

After the ghost moat badger market cave was successfully suppressed, Jidu appeared in front of all marketers like a rising sun.

It was only circulated in the underground world before, but after a battle, he suddenly became a figure known to everyone in the mercenary world.

In the Lucky Inn, Nie Wei pointed to a report on the dark web indignantly, and said to Zhong Yuan, "These people are really too much! I killed so many ghost badgers, but they are all blamed on you." , you only killed one!"

"It's three."

Zhong Yuan corrected with a calm expression while glancing at the screen.

The title is eye-catching: One person suppresses all, the mysterious genius who appeared on the battlefield of Benan Guoxu Cave!

The following report: Prince Jiuyao? The mystery of Jidu's life experience!

Next one: Jiuyaoji is responsible for the bloodbath of Wushan Base! (The popularity of this article has dropped a lot)

The current trend is rapidly rising: Ji Du is suspected to be engaged, Tiffany Director: The ring he is wearing is indeed made by us.

There is also this: The Barenze family issued a statement: All the tricks are mine, and I will kill anyone who dares to marry him!

All kinds: the feeling of giving a dagger! The story that the Ice Hunter and Jidu have to tell!

Take the sofa to the battlefield! Zhen Xinggan is Jidu's nanny!

The Lighthouse Alliance was disgraced, and the Asia-Pacific team was brutally murdered by Ji Du!

Alliance of the Moon National Ruins: Our warriors dare to eat shit, how dare you?

Case solved. Rumors spread from such places.

The rumors became more and more outrageous, even the engagement came out?

Open that engagement gossip report.

Well, I don't know who, I took a photo of my hand out of context, and the ring on my middle finger is clearly photographed.

That is the induction device that guides Yan Guilai back, not an engagement ring at all.

There is also a shopping link at the bottom of the report.

Tiffany's ring of the same style is now on sale, with a price tag of 9.98 million, and more than 20 pieces have been ordered.

It's outrageous!

Do you have my permission to make so much money?

Brother Shuiyu had to cry when he saw it!

Zhong Yuan pointed at the close-up of the hand angrily, and said to Nie Wei, "You have violated my right to portrait!"

Nie Wei was stunned, and said, "Your focus is so strange, why should you care about such trivial matters?"

He showed a hint of envy, and said again, "I heard from Mr. Bai that you killed more than 400 people in Simi Country last time, and now, it is rumored that you slaughtered their entire city! It's so majestic!"

"The dark net's marketers section is full of news about you, you are the hottest topic right now!"

"Ugh, you actually know people from the Barenze family. They are a wealthy family in the Kangaroo Kingdom. They specialize in assassination and are super rich..."

Nie Wei muttered strangely, "It's really a wide range of friends. It's Nicholas again, and Barenze again. They even said that I'm your nanny..."

Zhong Yuan: ………

On the table was a pile of ghost badger crystals, all trophies brought back from the battlefield.

In the end, those ghost moat badgers rushed out of the hole excitedly, wanting to lick Zhong Yuan's fur.

As a result, Nie Wei mistakenly thought that he was going to attack, and once he fired the magnetic force, he killed them all.

There is nothing wrong with doing so.

The Ghost Moat Badger regards Zhong Yuan as the new king, but it is impossible for Zhong Yuan to go back to the ruins cave together.

Without the control of the king, the next time the cave is opened, they will still rush out to kill people.

It is impossible to raise it.

A day without a fight is hard. Breeding ghost badgers is expensive.

More than 20 have already caused dozens of casualties. If they make a comeback and there are no strong people present, I don't know what terrible things will happen.

Killing them all is the safest.

Zhong Yuan had no objection to Nie Wei's actions.

The suppression of the Market Cave is over, and they return to the Lucky Inn. Gina followed them too.

She lives in the next room, and I don't know how to arrange her yet, maybe I will bring her back to Star City.

The innkeeper came back with the big yellow dog in his arms.

I happily counted the vacant rooms, and it was another bumper day!

More than forty warriors did not come back and died in the cave. All their backpacks and luggage were secretly picked up by the boss.

Generally speaking, no one will come to beg for the things of this bunch of desperadoes.

Bosses often find large amounts of cash and valuables among the relics of the Ruiners, and sell them for a fortune.

After cleaning the room, continue to receive the next group of guests.

Chen Wang's team was going to stay in Benanguo until September, so they didn't have to sleep in the grocery store in the backyard because they had a spare room.

They witnessed Jidu and Zhenxing team up to suppress the ghost moat badger, and the report submitted to the military region was full of more than ten pages.

Including the analysis of Ji Du's ability, the judgment of his character, all kinds of information are extremely detailed.

In the end, Chen Wang judged that in the near future, Ji Du would inevitably become a lawless superpower, and hoped that the military region would pay attention to it.

In the underground world, there are more legends about Ji Du sitting on the sofa and entering the battlefield.

Many people have seen it, so it must not be a rumor.


For a time, many people followed suit. Entering the Fangjie battlefield, all of them have their own sofas, making their debut.

With the dissemination of the Internet, these information quickly entered the eyes of the big bosses of all parties.

"Unexpectedly, Jiuyao produced such a genius. Bai said in the club that his son has the ultimate ability to pray, so it should be this son."

"Boss, Adams was killed by him. This is a naked provocation to our alliance! Don't hold the outside world thinking that our alliance is afraid of Jiuyao!"

"That's right, the ultimate wish is nothing special. Just change the state and it can be cracked."

"Hehe, Adams was unlucky, he just happened to be restrained. In my opinion, a person in charge who can restrain Jidu should be reappointed to win him over!"

In the Alliance of Lighthouse National Ruins, the cadres were discussing a lot, and the focus of the discussion was the mysterious Jidu.

The proportion of those who advocate reconciliation and those who advocate revenge is about 50-50, and many people choose to wait and see.

In the end, the conciliators prevailed.

Jiuyao is not just an organization of Jidu alone, their leader, Sun Mianzhibai, is even more terrifying.

Once Ji Du prays for him, who is his opponent? It's scary just thinking about it!

The report sent by Chen Wang to the military region was secretly intercepted before it was delivered to An Guanfeng.

In Star City, Yang Zongsheng was sitting in the office, browsing the report submitted by Chen Wang.

This captain has outstanding abilities, he has already noticed the existence of the ultimate wish, and he also wrote Zhong Yuan's character quite badly.

This is not good.

Slightly removed some content, report sent.

Nie Wei and Zhong Yuan didn't stay in Benan for a long time either, they returned home after buying tourist souvenirs.

No one knows whether the Lighthouse Alliance will retaliate.

Moreover, Nie Wei also discovered a terrifying thing.

The little villain doesn't like to eat.

He eats very little, and the more he eats, the less he eats, and he almost stops eating.

Perhaps Benanguo's diet was not to his liking. Or quickly take him home and let Mr. Bai cure his anorexia.

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