An Caige was filled with a deep sense of guilt.

Want to lure a promising little monster without a team into your team with just a mobile phone?

What is the difference between her current appearance and those weird sorghums who abducted ignorant girls with lollipops?

Morality, morality,

Harmful! What do you want to do?

However, why didn't he respond at all?

A few seconds passed, Zhong Yuan was still silent.

An Caige said with an embarrassed expression, "Haha! I'll just say it casually..."

In fact, Zhong Yuan was seriously considering whether to join a certain team of warriors in the future.

The instructor already knew that he had become a shaman.

Next, the conversion of auditors to regular students should be put on the agenda.

If you want to upgrade your ability, you must enter the square to obtain the Ruin Crystal.

Without the consent of the military region, you can't enter anywhere.


Don't even think about it, it's a dead end!

The black market price is too high, and the rare market crystals are all in the hands of the state.

Even people like Feng Fengmo had to ask An Caige for help in order to get so many ghost moat badger crystals.

Who is An Caige?

The captain of a team of warriors might have a military position like Lin Dongliang.

After much deliberation, it seems that the only way out is to join the Ruin Warrior team!

Zhong Yuan pondered for a long time and asked, "Captain An, what is your rank? Major rank?"

Xiong Youba couldn't help but interjected, "There are a total of three captains in East China who have been appointed majors, and our captain is the youngest one!"

An Caige felt embarrassed.

"It's not that exaggerated! It's just one level higher than most captains."

When Xiong Youba interrupted her, she suddenly regained her confidence, and said with a smile, "Xuanming, I'm serious, if you don't have a team you want to go to, you might as well consider our God of War team! I'm in the military area...well, it's not too bad I have a little right to speak, and I can't treat you badly!"

Zhong Yuan pretended not to see the sparkle in Kazilan's big eyes, and said calmly, "Thank you for your invitation, I will seriously consider it."

Eh... still not working?

If it were someone else, he would definitely agree!

Does he not know the reputation of God of War team?

An Caige's father was the commander of the East China Military Region. This matter is not a secret internally, and it can be found out as soon as it is checked.

She has never relied on her father's strength to get to her present position.

Feng Yumo was born in the southern military region, and most of them would go back to inherit the family business, so it was unlikely that they would join the God of War team.

But Xuanming is different, the accent should be a native of Shangdong City, as long as his father gives a transfer order, he can be transferred to the God of War team.

An Caige was confused.

Xuan Ming didn't want to come, forcibly transferring would definitely cause resentment.

In order for him to join the team willingly, he needs to work harder to gain his approval.

That's it for the invitation to join the team.

According to An Caige's judgment, there are also poachers' accomplices in Fangjie.

Because, the two people who died didn't have a single Ruin Crystal on them.

She wanted to hear Zhong Yuan's opinion, so she asked, "Xuan Ming, what do you think we should do next?"

Zhong Yuan said without thinking, "Wait here. The rest of the poachers will find that their companions have not returned. Instead of escaping, they will find ways to deal with us with more thunderous means. Before that, they should return to the camp. To investigate the cause of death of the companion, we just wait."

Xiong Youba said puzzledly, "My companion was killed, shouldn't I run away quickly? Why did you come back?"

Zhong Yuan said, "After killing the garrison and staying in Fangjie for so long, they must be ready to be discovered. There are a large number of marketers outside waiting in line, and they will only suffer heavy losses when they go out. As long as we are captured alive, we will be killed." They have the capital to negotiate. They can completely exchange our lives for the opportunity to leave China!"

Zhong Yuan said seriously, "If it were me, I would definitely seek negotiation to leave the country."

This analysis was well-founded, and Xiong Youba said sincerely, "Xuan Ming, how old are you this year? Why do I feel that you don't look like a junior high school student at all?"

That's horrible!

A college student reborn as a high school student, and in the eyes of the old bear, downgraded to a junior high school student?

Zhong Yuan couldn't bear it anymore, and said angrily, "I, a high school student!"

Xiong Youba scratched his hair and smiled innocently, "Sorry, you are too short, I thought you were in junior high school. You should eat more meat to grow taller!"

Zhong Yuan is now 1.7 meters tall, which is considered tall for people of his age. However, Xiong Youba is 1.92 meters...

Forget it, don't bother with him about whether you are tall or not.

An Caige screamed frantically in his heart: Old Xiong, well done, you've done a great job!

Since Xuan Ming is a high school student, then he is either Cheng Ying or Hua Ling's student!

There are a total of two schools in Shangdong City that train marketers. Go back and check to see if there are any.

An Caige said excitedly, "Xuanming's words are very reasonable, now we will vote, agree to stay put, those who wait for the rabbit to raise their hands!"

Everyone raised their hands.

Zhong Yuan felt strange.

God of War squad is special.

When making a decision, it is a democratic discussion, not a subjective decision by the team leader.

The atmosphere is really good...

Facts have proved that the decision to stay put is quite correct.

Fifteen minutes later, four foreigners in camouflage uniforms arrived at the camp.

Each of them is carrying a bulging backpack, and it looks like they have harvested a lot.

The leading foreigner was in his early forties, with curly chestnut hair. Although he was Caucasian, his skin was tanned to a healthy tan. He is tall and tall, even a few centimeters taller than Xiong Youba.

Seeing the God of War team waiting all their time, while their companions were dead on the ground with their brains spilling all over the place, instead of being furious, the foreigner politely saluted An Caige as a gentleman.

"Wo is worth it. The Huaguo military will shoot powerful market experts to intercept it. I am very fortunate that the person who came is Li, the beautiful Miss An Caige!"

His Mandarin Chinese can be regarded as well-spoken, and most of them can be understood.

An Caige didn't appreciate it at all, and said indifferently, "You are the only one who cooks, and your whole family cooks!"

Using Lian Li's ability, she said to all the team members, "This person is Robus, the former captain of the Lighthouse State Navy SEAL! He is good at close combat, and his ability is huge!"

Robbs never learned the extended meaning of "dish".

Thinking that An Caige was greeting him and his family, he nodded politely and said, "Thank you Li for your blessing! I also wish Li's family all the best!"

An Caige said coldly, "Cai your sister!"

"Wo has no younger sister." Robbs was not angry at all, and continued to smile back, "Miss An Caige, the people of the Beacon Country have always followed suit. I have always admired the able-bodied people of Huaguo, especially Li, who is so beautiful. Miss. Why don't you sit down and talk about it first?"


Did Xuan Ming hit the mark?

An Caige fell silent.

At this time, Mao Wei stared at a person standing behind Robus, and said coldly, "Zhao Zheng, I never thought you would be a lackey for the Lighthouse Country?! The country spent a lot of effort to train you, and finally cultivated a white-eyed wolf! "

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