Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 52 Even If It Is Far Away, It Must Be Punished

Zhao Zheng used to belong to the Sharp Knife Squad in the Central China Theater.

I heard that a year ago, he had a conflict with the captain of the team, and after he voluntarily quit the team, he disappeared.

When we met again, we became enemies.

Shennongjia Fangjie belongs to the jurisdiction of the Central China Theater.

Zhao Zheng is very familiar with this place. With him providing information, it is no wonder that the poachers of the Lighthouse Kingdom easily killed the defenders of Fangjie.

After showing up, Zhao Zheng kept his head down and kept a very low profile. After being recognized by Mao Wei, he simply stopped pretending, raised his head, and sneered.

"What kind of training? Just because I didn't want to hand in Xu Jing, I was ruthlessly suppressed, all resources were deprived, and all achievements were written off. To put it bluntly, ordinary players like us are cannon fodder in the eyes of captains and can be sacrificed." !"

"But in the Beacon Country, a market power user with only two abilities like me is treated with respect! Women! Money! Fame! You can get what you want! The most important thing is that the supply of market crystals has never been cut off! I think Whatever you want, give it to me for free!"

"I am now a strong man who has absorbed five abilities! And what about you? Haha! An Caige, I remember you only have three abilities! Even if you kill two people, so what? They are the weakest in our team Yes! I advise you to vote as soon as possible..."

Before he finished speaking, a flying knife flew through the air without a sound!

The speed was too fast, too sudden. He attacked suddenly without even finishing his sentence.

How can there be such a thing?

When did the powerful people in Huaguo stop talking about morality? !

Zhao Zheng was so angry that his hairs stood on end, feeling an unprecedented death crisis approaching.


He spoke not proficient in English, and sent out a call for help to his companions.

At the moment when the flying knife was about to hit Zhao Zheng's forehead, it seemed to be affected by some strange force and lost its forward momentum.

The blade hummed lightly, and the flying knife fell straight to the ground.

Standing next to Zhao Zheng, a black man with dreadlocks sneered, "A monkey from Hua is unreliable, even a knife!"

Ability: Supercharged, marks a target to recharge energy.

This is a very rare ability. It is a good assistive technique for people, and it can affect the direction of movement and balance when used on moving objects.

In addition, super charging can also support combustion, explosion, and conduction to achieve various destructive purposes.

The flying knife that killed Zhao Zheng was reversely supercharged, offsetting the forward momentum, and finally couldn't fly.

For the rest of his life after the catastrophe, Zhao Zheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, he couldn't understand the fast English at all, so he could only thank his companion who saved him, "Three grams of oil!"

The black man shrugged his shoulders mockingly, not hiding his disdain.

Zhao Zheng didn't notice anything unusual, instead he glared at Zhong Yuan viciously, "Boy! How dare you plot against me? You're dead!"

Robus frowned, bent down to pick up the throwing knife that fell on the ground, looked at it a few times, and praised, "Huaguo's forging technology is still so superb, it's amazing! It's a pity that such a good knife is taken away by someone without grace. Using it is really reckless!"

This time he spoke English instead of broken Chinese. Moreover, even though Zhao Zheng was attacked by surprise, he still looked calm and calm, and there was no sign of breaking his face with An Caige.

Zhong Yuan's heart sank slightly.

First fly a knife to test the opponent's strength, and if you can kill one, you count as one.

It's a pity that it didn't kill him.

These four people were indeed stronger than the two dead ghosts before.

Moreover, in the face of such an obvious provocation, he remained unmoved and continued to talk trash for time. What was he planning?

On the other side, An Caige had a big head.

It is important to practice in daily life, and I rely on a translator for English.

Now that there is no translator, she didn't understand a word of what Robus said!

In the team, Mao Wei has the highest education.

An Caige hurriedly asked, "Old Mao, what did he say?"

However, Mao Wei only understood a few words, and said in a low voice, "It seems to be praising the quality of Xuanming's flying knives."

At this time, Zhong Yuan was expressionless and said in fluent English, "Anyone who violates our country will be punished no matter how far away it is. Anyone who betrays our country will surely die!"

As a top student at Shangdong University, he has already passed CET-8 in English, and daily conversations are no problem at all.

Zhao Zheng looked angry. Even if he didn't understand, he knew that what he said was not good.

Robbs, however, reacted in the opposite direction.

Zhong Yuan's oral English is so fluent, his favor soared.

Robbs spoke quickly, and mumbled, "Little guy, you are very nice! Originally, I only wanted Miss Liu'an to live alone. Since you speak English so well, I forgive you for your rude shot just now, and I sincerely invite you You join the great lighthouse country! I guarantee that your treatment will only be better than that of Zhao! What do you think?"

An Caige's special status can only be used as a bargaining chip in the negotiation and cannot be taken away; the people under her are different.

Zhao Zheng has been in the Lighthouse Country for more than a year, and his English is still poor. In the team, only Robus can communicate with him, and it is really difficult for others to talk to him.

What is the most important thing about a team?

It's not ability, it's communication!

If it weren't for Zhao Zheng's familiarity with Huaguo's situation and the fact that he was the key to this mission, Robbs would have kicked him out of the team long ago.

Seeing that Robus took the initiative to chat with Zhong Yuan, An Caige hurriedly asked, "What did he say?"

Zhong Yuan glanced at An Xuezha in disgust, and said lightly, "He praised me for speaking English well, and wanted to lure me to the Lighthouse Country to develop, and kicked that Zhao Zheng by the way. By the way, he also said that apart from Captain An Besides, the rest of our team can be killed."

real or fake? !

An Caige's eyes widened.

The latter sentence was ignored by her, and she was only thinking about Robs' poaching.

Hurrah! The person who bullied me and didn't understand, yet was aboveboard, and dug me in front of my face? !

(Zhong Yuan: Who is your man?)

Xuanming is so young, what if he is really moved by the sky-high bargaining chip offered by the Lighthouse Kingdom?

An Caige stammered, "Xuan...Xuan Ming, what's your answer?"

Zhao Zheng's heart was also lifted.

No way...Captain Robbs wants to pull this kid into the team, and also kick me out?

Zhao Zheng roared angrily, "You are talking nonsense! You are sowing discord!"

That's right, what's wrong with sowing discord?

Zhong Yuan ignored An Caige, but boldly walked up to Robus, stretched out his hand and said, "Give me back the knife."

Robus smiled slightly, and began to show off his Chinese triumphantly.

"Li Meng, there is an old saying in Huaguo, who knows the current affairs is a hero! Although Li is young, he is very clever! Woxifan!"

With that said, he handed the throwing knife he picked up to Zhong Yuan.

"Thanks." Zhong Yuan also smiled.

The atmosphere is very friendly.

Zhao Zheng couldn't help panicking: It's not true that there are others without me, right?

However, at the next moment, a sudden change occurred!

A beam of light suddenly hit Zhong Yuan's body, making his whole body seem to be shrouded in holy light, making him look extremely sacred.

Auxiliary skills: Blessing, increase the target's ability by 20, last for 10 seconds!

Zhong Yuan was overjoyed.

This auxiliary skill is awesome!

Although Wu Jun is a bit wretched, he is very clever, and he is unambiguous at all when it is time to assist!

kill! ! !

Four throwing knives shot at the same time, faster than usual! More ruthless! More accurate!

At this time, Robus and the others were less than five meters away from Zhong Yuan, just within Ning Bing's control range!

Freeze it!


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