Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 560: All Stand Up, Worshiping The Cute Ancestors

Shennongjia covers a vast area.

Prompted by Yang Zongsheng, the military region opened up an area for the students of the academy to practice.

Even if it is not the habitat of cute bears, the aliens living there are still extremely precious.

Long-haired lion and bear, with abilities: coordination, perseverance, vigor

Ironback salamander, with abilities: super camouflage, mirror return, poisonous salamander, regeneration

Dada Duck has abilities: hypnotic sound wave, I am cute, super swimming, super jumping

Rat with fangs, has abilities: incitement, death bite, super breeding, deceleration

The best of them are the Shaggy Lion Bear and the Ironback Salamander. It is not a loss to absorb any of the abilities of the Ruin Crystal.

Dada Duck is a little more subtle.

Hypnotic sound waves can also be absorbed from other market crystals.

Super Swimming Stance: Let the Ruin be able to stand upright in the water and only rely on two legs to swing back and forth to achieve the purpose of advancing in the water. (basically useless)

I Knock Cute: Hit the buttocks to confuse the target. If activated successfully, the target loses hostility. (Activated by the warriors, the probability of failure is extremely high)

Needless to say, the super jump, a jump of more than ten meters, can occasionally save lives.

As for the Venomous Rat Market Crystal, almost no one cares about it.

Only one deceleration is useful.

Incitement, the success rate of absorption is very low, but the success rate of super reproduction is extremely high.

Went to his! Nobody wants this stuff!

Therefore, when entering the Shennongjia square this time, the target should be the long-haired lion bear and the iron-backed salamander. In terms of value, it is indeed inferior to Zhangjiajie's Double-headed Eagle Market Crystal.

The abilities in these Ruin Crystals are almost useless to Zhong Yuan. Most of the abilities he holds can be replaced, or even more advanced.

The target is only Mengmeng Xiongxujing!

Ouyang Qingcheng was right. Six people formed a small team and acted together, which was too much of a hindrance.

She was so afraid of death that it was simply too abnormal for her to say such a thing.

However, his Xintong didn't overhear Ouyang Qingcheng's heartfelt voice.

That's right, she can't feel the danger, so of course she won't be as miserable as before.

Moreover, relying on the fact that she is a girl, she acted so intimately that she almost talked to her face.

Why can girls insult boys casually?

Boys like her, talking to girls face to face, must be slapped!

Without squinting, Zhong Yuan said with a blank expression, "Stay away from me."

Ouyang Qingcheng immediately took a step back and kept a good distance.

Then, he took the initiative to get closer and whispered to Zhong Yuan.

"The aliens that were opened to us this time are not good at all. Why don't we two find a chance to fly solo and go hunting in other areas."

Zhong Yuan's eyes flickered, but he didn't speak immediately.

Obediently, she seemed to know that Fangjie in Shennongjia also kept other alien races.

It has never been opened to the outside world, and the alien races kept inside are classified as secret, and even the instructors of the college may not know it.

How did Ouyang Qingcheng, a student, obtain information?

Zhong Yuan said in a low voice, "There is a team of Ruin Warriors guarding in secret, do you think you can leave the team at will?"

Ouyang Qingcheng said, "Just settle them down."

Zhong Yuan frowned, "Who is going to settle them? You?"

Ouyang Qingcheng smiled and said, "If this is your wish, I will fulfill it for you."

Zhong Yuan said indifferently, "No need."

The instructor said that rescue would arrive within ten minutes, but in fact, the guard team would arrive within thirty seconds.

It's better to look at the situation first and play by ear.

The two teams entered Fangjie and immediately parted ways.

The oldest member of Zhong Yuan's team is a fourth-grade student named Xu Shun.

Seeing the lush growth of flowers, plants and trees in Fangjie, although the sky is gray, it is enough to provide light for the natural growth of these vegetation.

"This is no different from the outside world!"

Another boy named Liu Yadi said with a smile, "Xu Shun, what's the matter with you? Isn't it the same in Jiulongdong?"

"Damn! I was too nervous at the time and didn't pay much attention."

The two of them are in the same class, and they are both attack-type warriors.

In addition, there are two other people.

One of them, like Ouyang Qingcheng, is a third grader, named Li Chen'an, who is a control system.

The other person was selected from the second grade, named Zhao Lan.

Originally, she didn't have a role, but who made the team have to have a medical department.

What he likes is the life sharing on Zhao Lan, which is used to save his life at critical moments.

And Zhong Yuan's position in this team is the auxiliary system.

Dispensable existence, it is best to be able to play a role, and it doesn't matter if it doesn't.

The instructor hid in the dark and guarded them with the elite team sent by the military region.

The watch has the monitoring function turned on, so you can clearly hear the students' conversations.

The two boys yelled as soon as they entered Fangjie, just like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

A market energy user couldn't help laughing, "It's too exaggerated, I'm already in the fourth grade, why haven't I even seen Fang Jie?"

Another person asked, "Brother, you are not a graduate from Central China, are you?"

"I'm from the Northwest."

"That's right. I'm afraid you don't know the rules here in Central China. The children in the academy don't need to go hunting in the square. They are in charge of Xu Jing, and the welfare is so good that it explodes."

"No wonder they are so ignorant, why did they suddenly let them in again? I heard that a while ago, many people died in Jiulong Cave."

"Shh! Don't mention it, we can't talk nonsense about this matter. The superiors have already issued a gag order!"

A marketer who returned from the Jiulongdong battlefield stopped the topic in time.

"By the way, I heard that there is another target of key protection in this team, which one is it?"

"The shortest one."

"What? Didn't you say it was a man?"

"It's a man. Didn't you see that pretty little girl running around him?"


"It's really terrible. When he grows up like this, I also circle around him."

Several market experts teased a few words, and laughed in a low voice.

The instructor was a little annoyed on the sidelines.

The people sent by these military regions didn't pay attention to the escort mission at all, and kept chatting.

Be nice!

Don't call for help! Otherwise, you will really be looked down upon!

The instructor prayed secretly in his heart.

At this time, Zhong Yuan had observed the situation within a radius of thirty kilometers with eagle eyes.

Mengmeng Bear is not here.

The entrance to Fangjie is also completely different from last time.

Although this area is barren and wild, the terrain is flat and not steep. You can find the water source if you walk a little further.

The military district provided a detailed map and marked the distribution of the alien races.

Xu Shun said enthusiastically, "The Dada Duck's habitat is in front of us. Let's go and hunt some market crystals to practice our hands. What do you think?"

not so.

The poor duck was used as a training tool.

Zhong Yuan remained silent.

Xu Shun took it as his consent.

No one else has an opinion either.

At this time, Xu Shun said again, "I am the oldest, why don't I come and be the temporary captain."

Ouyang Qingcheng looked at Zhong Yuan, and seeing that he didn't respond, he smiled and said, "Yang Sheng has no objection, and I have neither."

She is quite like a husband and wife.

Others don't want to meddle either. It is the best thing that someone is willing to be the captain.

So, they agreed to go duck hunting.

The team advanced two to three kilometers and came to a river more than ten meters wide.

Flocks of Dada ducks play in the water here.

They are plump, two circles larger than ordinary ducks.

The flippers are wide, as big as the palms of two grown men. It has goose yellow feathers on its body, and a cluster of black tail feathers, slender and upturned, taller than a peacock, very gorgeous.

"A lot of ducks!"

Xu Shun couldn't help being amazed.

what to do?

How should I fight?

This problem has not been solved yet, hundreds of Dada ducks have already sensed the arrival of someone.

With their timid character, they should immediately launch a super swimming stroke and run away immediately.

However, when they saw Zhong Yuan, these ducks stood up in unison, as if they saw their cute ancestors!

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