Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 561 Strange Stone, Meng Wang Under Attack

On the bank of the river, under the reeds, the scene is funny.

Hundreds of super fat ducks are quite elegant when squatting.

Floating on the water, the super swimming posture is passively activated, more noble than a swan However,

Once on the shore, you will find that their feet are super short!

This little short leg walks unsteadily, and the buttocks swing around, as if falling down at any time.

Seeing Zhong Yuan's arrival, Dada Ducks all stood up to meet the cute ancestor.

I saw that the group of ducks were neat and uniform, twisting their buttocks, stretching their wings, and flapping backwards with all their strength, patted and patted.

Ability: I am cute!

It's okay for a duck to do this, and people with a good laugh think it's a little cute at best.

Hundreds of ducks assembled into a phalanx team, gathered together, and knocked cute at the same time...

Who can stop this?

The naive look made everyone laugh.

Liu Yadi laughed so hard that tears almost came out, and shouted, "No, these ducks are so funny, I almost died of laughing at them!"

Li Chen'an was even more exaggerated, laughing until his stomach cramped, and said while clutching his chest, "Are you sure you want to shoot these ducks? They're so cute, I can't do it!"

Zhao Lan was flamboyant with a smile, breathless, and said intermittently, "Then...don't's too pitiful to be beaten to death!"

As she spoke, she took out her phone and started taking videos.

These people have completely forgotten that Dada Duck is actually a foreign race, possessing a rather powerful control system ability: hypnotic sound waves!

Their attack routine is basically to dispel the vigilance and hostility of the enemy with the cuteness of "I Knock",

Then, take the opportunity to activate the hypnotic sound wave, and finally kick the sleeping enemy into the water and drown him alive.

In addition, Dada Duck is also very powerful, and its power is comparable to that of a bull!

It's bad luck to underestimate them!

After all, Xu Shun was a bit older, and felt something was wrong in his heart, but the scene was really ridiculous, and these ducks had been doing funny moves, and they didn't attack, so he was relieved.

He also couldn't help laughing out loud.

In a team of six, all four were laughing, only two were unmoved.

Zhong Yuan's expression was calm, and he wasn't caught laughing.

Having seen the appearance of the cute bear, Dada Duck can't make him have emotional fluctuations.

To be precise, there is no ability to confuse him and remove his hostility.

To Zhong Yuan's surprise, Ouyang Qingcheng didn't smile either.

As a girl, she should have no resistance to such cute little animals, but her performance is remarkable and quite reliable.

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows and said, "It's a rare spectacle, don't you need to take a picture with your phone?"

"After all, it's a foreign race, so it's better to be careful," Ouyang Qingcheng said softly, "How can these stupid ducks be as cute as you?"

I always feel being molested by her... Zhong Yuan frowned slightly, and suddenly noticed that Ouyang Qingcheng was wearing a necklace around his neck.

The pendant is a piece of water-blue gemstone, with a very irregular shape. It looks blue, but when viewed from another angle, it shines in other colors. No angle has the same color.

Zhong Yuan once worked part-time as a salesman in a jewelry store, and vaguely remembered that there was a gemstone called Opal that had such a peculiar light.

And the gem on Ouyang Qingcheng's neck is obviously more special and beautiful than the top opal.

She hadn't worn it before.

Noticing Zhong Yuan's gaze, Ouyang Qingcheng immediately picked up the pendant with his fingers, and said with a smile, "My lucky stone can make all wishes come true. Do you want it? I have many more, and this one is for you."

It's about the size of a one-dollar coin, so it must be worth a lot of money. She is super generous, and she will give it away as soon as she says, without any reluctance.

"No thanks!"

Zhong Yuan coldly rejected her offer.

For some reason, this strange stone, while beautiful, gave off an uncomfortable feeling.

It seems that I have seen the same light somewhere, but I can't remember it for a while.

The instructor and the Ruiner team hid in the dark, seeing this group of students relax their vigilance, they felt extremely anxious.

What kind of plane are they doing!

Facing aliens, not nervous at all.

Hundreds of Dada ducks rushed up to release hypnotic sound waves, it was impossible to block them!

Don't run fast? !

Those who don't know are fearless!

Didn't one of the six people clearly realize the horror of these ducks?

If this continues, something big will happen sooner or later!

A market energy practitioner said nervously, "Students are inexperienced, and someone must remind them not to get close to groups of foreign races. If there are royal families inside, it will be troublesome if they have the ability to hide."

But the royal family should not be underestimated, no one knows what kind of strange ability Dada Duck King has.

Fortunately, I had enough laughs, and the filming was over, so the team decided to retreat.

"For the sake of seeing how cute they are, stop fighting, let's go."

Xu Shun's proposal was unanimously agreed by everyone.

Zhong Yuan also had no intention of harming the ducks. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Dada Duck suddenly became anxious.

Meng Wang is leaving! ?


Is it because we didn't perform well enough to satisfy Mengwang, or what?

A super big duck rushed out of the duck flock, and under the amazed eyes of everyone, it ran to Zhong Yuan's feet in small steps, opened its mouth, bit his trouser leg and refused to let it go.

Seeing this, a warrior from the guard almost exclaimed.

"My God! It's Dada Duck King!"

At this time, it can't be seen that it has the intention of attacking.

The duck king is very friendly, with his buttocks twisting and turning, and his tail feathers shaking, he is as clingy as a pet.

Everyone was stunned, not knowing what it was trying to do.

Could it be that even Dada Duck has an aesthetic sense and can distinguish the beauty and ugliness of human beings?

Just because Yangsheng is good-looking, it came to hug his thigh?

This is outrageous!

Ouyang Qingcheng's eyes were strange, and he murmured, "I knew it was like this. You are cuter than them, so they don't hurt you, they only stick to you."

Zhong Yuan frowned, trying to get rid of the king duck, but suddenly, it became inexplicably agitated, rubbing against Zhong Yuan's legs anxiously, then let go of its mouth in discomfort, and ran away quickly.

What happened? Why did you run away suddenly?

When Zhong Yuan was puzzled, the whole duck flock became uneasy.

As if they were stimulated by some kind, they turned a blind eye to Meng Wang's charm, and their big eyes were infected by an invisible fierce light.


The moment the first duck opened its mouth and yelled, it activated its ability for the weakest Zhao Lan.

Hypnotic sound waves!

In order to shoot the video, Zhao Lan stood in the front position. Although she has the ability of rejuvenation to release the sleep state, if she falls asleep herself, rejuvenation will not be activated passively.

Zhao Lan was caught off guard, and was immediately hit, falling to the ground.

"Gah... ah... ah... ah!"

The next moment, Dada Duck activated his abilities one after another.

The hypnotic sound waves come and go, like waves, wave after wave, without stopping.

This is an absolute medical department nightmare.

Unless a medical army comes to the scene, there is no way to save them.

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