Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 562 Zhong Yuan's Super High Temperature

The ducks mutated, broke through the super cute effect, and started an indiscriminate attack.

Even Zhong Yuan didn't expect that these seemingly docile and cute fat ducks would suddenly go crazy.

Zhao Lan, a veteran of the medical department, suddenly fell down, making the entire team completely incapable of resisting the hypnotic sound waves.

It's over, Barbie Q!

Before Xu Shun fell down, there was only one thought in his mind: someone should come to save us!

Not only him, but everyone else in the team thinks this way.

Just because they feel safe and secure, they are very relaxed and despise Dada Duck's ability, which is proved by casually leaning over.

As a result, almost everyone fell into my cute trick.

That's horrible!

Of the six people in the team, four were affected by hypnotic sound waves and fell asleep on the spot. Only Zhong Yuan and Ouyang Qingcheng stood at the back, safe and sound for the time being.

For a team in combat, this is tantamount to a fatal blow.

Don't forget, Zhong Yuan is a support type, and Ouyang Qingcheng is a control type. They are not main attackers, and even if they survive, they can't make any waves.

The market warriors who were guarding in the dark were anxious, but they didn't dare to rush out to rescue them.

—What bad luck! I knew I would not accept this task!

——These children who have never entered Fangjie have caused a catastrophe!

——No matter what, Yang Sheng must be kept, he cannot die!

The captain of the guard team made a decisive decision and ordered to the medical department in the team, "Life is shared, give it to the shortest!"


The next moment, a lifeline connected Zhong Yuan and the medical department.


Veins popped out on Zhong Yuan's forehead, and he found helplessly that a large portion of his vitality had been shared.

and also! What does shortest... mean? !

And after the medical department shared life with Zhong Yuan, he immediately felt a hot current rising from his lower abdomen, blood rushing all over his body, and there was a force to lift mountains and rivers in his body for no reason, it was like a tiger swallowing thousands of miles.

——Ah this! Such a strong vitality!

Seeing the tangled face of the medical department, the captain of the guard yelled, "What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"No's already shared!"

The medical department was extremely ashamed, and could not accuse the team leader of making a wrong judgment, so he hurriedly said, "I'll go and get the medical department in their team!"

Taking advantage of the strong vitality now, with a rejuvenation, it will definitely be able to withstand the sonic attack! As long as Zhao Lan gets up, the pressure of treatment can be relieved a bit. However,

The captain of the guard immediately dismissed the proposal.

"No! Your task is to save Yang Sheng's life! You can't take risks! Only you can release the control here. If you also fall, you will be completely finished!"

The warrior transferred from the Northwest Military Region is an attacker with rich combat experience, and he fully agrees with the captain.

"The sound waves are too dense, whoever attacks will be unlucky! It's better to wait for this wave of attack to pass!"

Then, everyone in the guard team was surprised to see that there were still two little guys who hadn't fallen down!

This is not scientific!

They are also within the range of Dada Duck's hypnotic sound waves, why are they not caught?

The instructor was overjoyed, and finally the whole army was not wiped out!

Ouyang Qingcheng is the school belle, the most beautiful girl recognized by Zhongnan College!

As soon as Yangsheng entered the academy, it caused a sensation in the whole school, and his appearance was even higher than that of Ouyang Qingcheng!

--I see! Dada Duck's hypnotic sound waves will not attack people with good looks!

Hearing the instructor's voice, Zhong Yuan was completely speechless.

Is there really a problem with Zhongnan College, can this level be an instructor?

It is clear that Fearless is immune to hypnotic sound waves.

Ouyang Qingcheng didn't get the trick, which surprised Zhong Yuan again.

She wasn't afraid at all, and she couldn't hear any inner voices such as fear and wanting to run away.

Zhong Yuan couldn't help but look at her more.

She smiled slightly and said calmly, "My strength is negligible, but I will always be by your side, and give you encouragement when you need it. You must protect me well."


There is no crisis, and the super cuteness finally works?

Just ignore this woman for now.

The captain of the guard saw that the key protected object was standing still like a fool, he couldn't help but panic and yelled, "Yang Sheng, run, why are you still staying where you are?!"

To see why the ducks would attack, of course.

So unusual, there must be a special reason!

Suddenly, a more ferocious and violent breath emanated from Dada Duck's body.

Their behavior became even weirder, swaying their bodies wildly, opening their mouths and screaming, the sound could be heard clearly for more than ten miles, and everyone's eardrums hurt and they became dizzy.

Then, hundreds of ducks activated their abilities one after another.

Super jump!

The sturdy and fat Dada ducks flapped their wings and jumped into the sky.

The level of ability is not high, jumping more than ten meters, which is only the height of three or four floors, that is, they have reached their limit.

But if Zhong Yuan absorbs the Dada Duck Crystal, he will find that he can gain the ability to fly in the sky after the super jump is upgraded.

Unfortunately, it is impossible for Dada Duck to evolve the ability to fly.

It's too fat, and its wings are small. It's just used to show off its cuteness. It hasn't evolved the ability to fly until now.

At this time, under the stimulation of some mysterious power, they acquired another attack ability!

Need to cooperate with the super jump, use the inertia and gravity when falling, greatly increase the damage, let the enemy be impacted by the huge duck force!

Ability: Death Stampede!


The first two fat ducks to take off fell from the sky.

Zhao Lan fell in front, bearing the brunt of being stepped on the chest by them.

She had fallen asleep and had no power to resist.

The huge duck force hit her, her chest was sunken visible to the naked eye, her mouth opened, and she unconsciously spurted blood!

Then, the two ducks quickly ran to the side, consciously making room for their companions.

bang bang bang!

Another three Dada ducks landed on Zhao Lan's body, and the huge flippers trampled on her body, causing more injuries immediately, and her life was in danger!

I was still saying just now that these ducks are very cute, and I took a lot of videos.

Now, it is definitely impossible to say such a thing!

Zhong Yuan looked gloomy, if it was just hypnotic sound waves, it wouldn't be a big problem. But the duck suddenly launches a fatal attack, if you don't attack, the team members will be trampled to death!

Just kill them all!

"Run! Run!!!"

The sky was covered by countless Dada ducks, the ground was dimly lit, and darkness enveloped Zhong Yuan.

Behind him came the terrified cry of the guards.

- It's over! Can't help!

——There are too many ducks, even the defense system can't stand it!

—— Unless you kill them all with one blow, you will be seriously injured if you don't die!

Only Ouyang Qingcheng maintained the smile on his face, with a flash of expectation in his eyes, he murmured, "Honey, let me see your skills."

The situation is urgent, Zhong Yuan has no time to care what she says.

Kill all but one.

It took only one ten-thousandth of a second to think, and then decided how to deal with it.

Abilities Unlocked: Shattered Wishes, Deceitful Space, Super High Temperature! ! !

This is the deceitful space from Tong Xiangyuan, the fourth seat of the Jiuxu, with a range of 150 meters.

The temperature recorded by Zhong Yuan using the fraudulent space is not as high as Tong Xiaotang's 1,000 degrees.

He has seen the tens of thousands of degrees of high-temperature flame titan in the second form of Robus, and the power of ultra-high temperature is beyond human imagination.

The moment the ability comes, kill everything with one blow!

All Dada ducks were wiped out in the high temperature, melting without a trace...

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