Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 563: There Must Be A Boss Hiding In The Team

Ruin crystals fell like raindrops.

Even though the Dada ducks had been reduced to ashes, the crystals were like tears flowing from their eyes, full of resentment and incomprehension, falling everywhere.

Ultra-high temperature can't destroy them, there are hundreds of them, dense like a rain of crystals.

Quite a few hit Xu Shun and the others, smashing them all over the head within minutes.

In fact, not only Zhao Lan, but Li Chen'an and Liu Yadi were also seriously injured in the previous stampede attack.

Zhong Yuan didn't care about these people, but picked up a Ruin Crystal that had fallen by his feet and inspected it carefully.

There is a faint black streak on the goose yellow crystal.

It's not a crack, nor a pattern, just like rice paper polluted by ink, which makes the crystal look no longer pure.

I have never seen a variegated crystal before.

Is it unique to Dada duck?

A reminder appeared in the brain.

"I found the Dada Duck Market Crystal, do you want to absorb it?"

"This market crystal has the following abilities."

"Hypnotic sound wave, yellow level, can be upgraded!"

"Super jump, yellow rank, upgradeable!"

"Super swimming style, yellow level, can be upgraded!"

"I'm cute, yellow level lv3, can't be upgraded!"

"Death Stampede, yellow rank, can be upgraded!"

Don't think too much about color.

Zhong Yuan couldn't help sighing: It's really powerful. One Ruin Crystal has five abilities, and four of them can be upgraded. What's the use of it?

"Not absorbed."

Zhong Yuan immediately made a decision.

Only the hypnotic sound wave has a little value, and the other abilities forget it.

Especially the one I knock cute...

What a joke!

Resolutely do not knock!

Back then, even such rubbish things as the Rosemary Rabbit Xujing were put on consignment by the East China Military Region at the Market of the Candidates.

No matter how you say it, Dada Duck Market Crystals are better than Rosemary Rabbits. A few hundred pieces are also a considerable sum, so they have to be picked up and brought back.

At this time, Ouyang Qingcheng's eyes burst out with brilliance, and his eyes were full of admiration and excitement when he looked at Zhong Yuan.

"Destroy so many alien races with just one move! Is such a strong high-temperature reaction a fire ability? No! I didn't see the flames! The range is too wide..."

"It should be the wide-area control ability! But the power is far beyond the control system... incredible! I know! It must be it...! But, how did you record such a high temperature?"

Ouyang Qingcheng stared at Zhong Yuan closely, and said with a smile, "You once fought against a powerful fire element warrior, didn't you?"

She didn't directly name the ability. However, it has been speculated that the record of super high temperature means that she knows the room for fraud, and her insight is better than most people in the college league.

Zhong Yuan said bluntly, "Who I fought with has nothing to do with you. Don't you think that you are a school belle, a rich man, and you don't want to do anything?"

Ouyang Qingcheng said with a smile, "What do you want me to do? Do you want to reward you? Yes, later we will get rid of the guards that block the eyes and go to a place where no one is..."

Zhong Yuan's eyelids twitched, and he said casually, "Okay, go to a place where no one is there later, and I will teach you how to be a human being."


Ouyang Qingcheng swallowed uncontrollably, and suddenly felt that this was not bad. So, she said tenderly, "Then you have to be gentle with me, this is the first time for me..."

Zhong Yuan smiled lightly, "Before that, you have to listen to me and pick up Xu Jing!"

Ouyang Qingcheng was bewildered by his pure smile, his eyes were dazed, and his imagination was full of imagination.

After a few seconds, I realized that I was actually sent, and I couldn't help saying, "You want me... to pick up the market crystals of these stupid ducks?"

"Is there a problem?"

Zhong Yuan narrowed his eyes coldly, and said dissatisfiedly, "You are not injured, why can't you pick up the Xu Jing? I have already exhausted a lot of energy, and I don't want to bend down to pick up things."

Ouyang Qingcheng must have had an idea just now, but he didn't eavesdrop on any thoughts.

It wasn't like this before.

When did she become able to evade his Xintong's detection?

Not only that, she was suddenly not afraid of death, nor was she afraid of hypnotic sound waves. She was unmoved when she saw me knocking on cuteness, and she had experienced people, as if she had been completely reborn.

A trace of doubt arose in Zhong Yuan's heart, and he urged, "Why don't you go soon?"

"Okay, let's go."

Although Ouyang Qingcheng was reluctant, he could only follow Zhong Yuan's order to pick up the crystals.

She took out a dagger, squatted on the ground, and quickly picked up the crystals embedded in the soil.

The leggings fit perfectly, and when I squatted down, they immediately clung to my body.

Wasp waist and buttocks, graceful curves, unevenness, perfect!

Zhong Yuan never paid attention to girls' figures, so he had to admit at this time that Ouyang Qingcheng was indeed very attractive.

Strange, she didn't seem to have such a good figure before...

At this time, the guard team and the instructor had just realized that so many Ducks flying into the sky had been slaughtered, not even the dead bodies were left.

There was no need for the watch to signal for help, they rushed out of the shadows and launched a rescue operation.

In fact, only the medical department needs to work.

He reluctantly cut off the life-sharing connection with Zhong Yuan, focusing on taking care of the dying Zhao Lan.

This woman's condition is terrible, her breasts are crushed and collapsed, and she won't bulge even after blowing the wind of healing.

In addition, the internal organs were ruptured and bleeding, and there were multiple comminuted fractures. If you want to cure her, you can't cure her, you have to give her a life prayer.

For the others, things weren't much better.

The medical department was caught in a dilemma, and said gloomily, "Captain, there are too many wounded, and I can't treat them alone. If I cure them, I have to rest..."

After waiting for a few seconds, no one paid any attention to him.

The medical department couldn't help raising its head and asked, "Captain, are you listening?"

Of course I'm not listening.

"The brother who took the shot stood up by himself, there is nothing embarrassing. With such a strong ability, don't hide it."

This military guard team is drawn from various squads. They are all capable, but they are not familiar with each other. It is normal for some people to hide their clumsiness.

"Who made the shot?"

"There must be a boss hidden in the team! Oh, why don't you just stand up?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and after discussing for a long time, no one claimed the credit for killing hundreds of Dada ducks in a flash.

In fact, they are very envious of the Xu Jing on the ground.

If it weren't for the benefits, who would want to come and be a guard!

Now, he can only watch Xu Jing being picked up by the students.

Only the instructor had a bright mind, and thought brightly: It must be Yangsheng! He is the son of the deputy commander of the central government, so he must have great abilities!

Well, the instructors at Zhongnan College are still a bit level.

Zhong Yuan pretended not to hear their voices.

The medical department was neglected by everyone, so full of grief and indignation, they performed life sharing on Zhong Yuan.



Zhong Yuan was stunned, and felt that his vitality was being pulled away by him.

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