None of the rumors are true.

After being in close contact for a period of time, coupled with prying into Ouyang Qingcheng's memory, Solomon noticed a huge flaw in Zhong Yuan's character.

As a god-level assistant who has absorbed the ultimate prayer, she can completely stand out from the world, hug her back and enjoy the best resources.

Happily not.

He lacks the arrogance and sharpness of a top expert, and he will not get angry until he touches Ni Lin.

The viciousness and ferocity shown on the battlefield are only for the enemy, and when he treats his compatriots, he is tolerant and kind, and treats them equally.

Just like now, everyone enjoys the favor he brings equally, and he doesn't ask for anything in return, not even thanks.

How can a person develop such a counterintuitive character?

Solomon was so angry that he couldn't understand Zhong Yuan's mind.

He suppressed his anger, controlled the phantom body, and tried to explore the weakness of Zhong Yuan's thinking.

"Aren't you angry? That medical department used your life force to save others. There are those few students who don't know how to be grateful for taking away the crystal that belongs to you."

Zhong Yuan looked at the school flower.

There was no pretentious smirk on her face, but it was full of serious exploration.

Since you are sincerely asking...

Zhong Yuan asked back, "Are you arguing for me?"

Ouyang Qingcheng said seriously, "Yes."

"you think too much."

Zhong Yuan smiled and said softly, "I don't need to repay. They are too weak to repay me anything."

"You think it's abominable that the medical department took away my vitality. However, I have infinite vitality, and it's not painful at all to be separated. After all, I'm a classmate, so I can't just ignore it. You don't need to do it yourself, the medical department will help you. I'm very busy."

Ouyang Qingcheng was stunned.

What does infinite vitality mean?

Even if you have the ultimate wish, you can't be so arrogant!

Her tender body shook suddenly, her eyes widened, and she said in a daze, "It turns out that I misunderstood... You think you are so strong that you don't care about rewards, everyone is an ant in front of you, their strength is nothing, You can't see it at all."

Zhong Yuan said lightly, "Your thinking is too arrogant. Humans are social animals, and only by gathering together can we obtain greater benefits. The strength of ability determines the size of the contribution. Even a pyramid is not built of bricks."

As he said that, his gaze inadvertently swept across Xiaohua's graceful body.

This is too fake, it can be like jelly, how can anyone have such a good figure...

Ouyang Qingcheng calmly accepted the admiring gaze, shook his chest, and asked again, "Do you think that you gave them the crystals as a kind of charity? You stand at the top of the pyramid and gain self-satisfaction in loneliness."

Zhong Yuan couldn't help laughing, and said, "Don't make me think too complicated. I just don't need so many rubbish crystals, and there will be better ones later, so there's no need to pick up so many."

After a conversation, he failed to detect his weakness, but saw the heart of a strong man hidden under his gorgeous appearance.

Weak people cannot understand such a mentality.

But Solomon, as one of the world's most powerful warriors, was soon relieved.

Ouyang Qingcheng smiled meaningfully, "You are right, it is indeed Rubbish Crystal."

These Dada Duck Market crystals have been polluted.

The more you take, the faster you die.

I originally planned to kill everyone except Jidu, but there is no need to be as knowledgeable as this group of trash...

what! Damn, still a little angry!

How could the first seat be willing to kill such a good child?

Corona White seemed to be speaking for him, but in fact he would not start a war with Jiuxu at all.

As the leader of the organization, he has too many worries. For his own benefit, he can only compromise, not even taking revenge.

Jiuxu knew this, so he dared to attack Jidu.

Continuing to stay in Huaguo will only bury his talents and ideas.

The free and noble Lighthouse Country is the most suitable place for him to grow up.

Solomon made up his mind again, even if he used strong means, he would take the man away.

After an hour's rest by the river, the academy team decided to continue their adventure on the road.

Being attacked by so many Ducks was just an accident.

Gain wisdom by eating a pit, next time you see a group of alien races, immediately take a detour!

After Xu Shun took out the map and observed it, he asked everyone, "Iron-backed salamander or long-haired lion and bear?"

Liu Yadi said, "It's a long-haired lion and bear, it's fierce."

This is the ability that the attack system can absorb. And he and Xu Shun are both attacking type, and the long-haired lion and bear market crystal is very valuable to them, and it has a higher priority than the iron-backed salamander.

Li Chen'an has a completely different idea from them.

As a control system, I want the ability of the salamander to be extremely poisonous.

Zhao Lan is from the medical department, so it doesn't matter which one he hits. If you want to deny the long-haired lion and bear, you can only pin your hopes on Ouyang Qingcheng.

Li Chenan looked at the school belle and asked expectantly, "Ouyang, which one do you want to fight?"

Liu Yadi immediately frowned and said, "Li Chen'an, what do you mean? If you don't want to hit a lion, just say it."

"I don't want to fight lions and bears. I have a control system, what kind of coordination and strength do I need?"

Li Chen had a showdown and said, "The team is not up to the two of you. Isn't democratic voting good? Raise your hand if you want to beat the iron-backed salamander!"

He said and immediately raised his hand.

However, no one followed suit.

Zhao Lan struggled to observe the reactions of the others, and finally stood still.

Li Chen said with a face full of embarrassment, "Isn't it? No one wants to hit the ironback salamander?"

The guards had retreated into the shadows.

Listening to their conversation, I couldn't help but secretly feel relieved.

so far so good! This time, most people used their brains to make judgments.

Although the ironback salamander market crystal has high value and has four abilities, it is notoriously difficult to fight!

Just super camouflage and mirror return is enough for a fledgling rookie to drink a pot, not to mention it can regenerate! There will be poison!

The toxicity of the giant salamander poison is one of the most powerful among foreign races, and the requirements for the medical department are very high, and a high-level rejuvenation must be equipped.

In comparison, it is safer to fight the long-haired lion and bear.

Although it has rough skin and thick flesh, it has infinite strength, as long as it is controlled, it can be slowly worn to death.

At this moment, Ouyang Qingcheng raised his hand suddenly and said, "I also think it's better to hit the iron-backed salamander."

Eh? !


Xu Shun said in a deep voice, "The reason."

Ouyang Qingcheng smiled and said, "There is a guard team to protect us, so we should choose to fight with higher value."

Fuck? !

It makes sense! Unable to refute!

Xu Shun and Liu Yadi were speechless, but they really wanted to push hard! Salamanders have a fart!

There were serious differences of opinion, leaving only Zhong Yuan silent.

Xu Shun gritted his teeth and asked, "Student Yang Sheng, what do you think?"

Ouyang Qingcheng immediately answered, "Of course it's salamanders."

Xu Shun was furious and said, "Ouyang, don't interrupt, let Yang Sheng speak for himself!"

Ouyang Qingcheng chuckled, "I'm a womanizer, what ability do I have to interrupt, I just speak out what's on his mind."

The corner of Zhong Yuan's mouth twitched, and he said, "Newts are newts. Anyway, they're all the same."

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