Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 566 Sorry, I'm Not Worthy To Support You!

Except for Mengmeng Xiongxujing, others are optional.

In the eyes of others, the Ironback Salamander is a difficult alien race to deal with, but for Zhong Yuan, it is the easiest to fight.

Hyper-camouflage cannot escape the detection of super-sense.

The threatening salamander toxin was completely defeated by the poison eater, which instead strengthened Zhong Yuan's strength.

Zhong Yuan is simply a salamander buster!

Being attacked by so many ducks, Zhong Yuan had a little doubt about the effectiveness of super cute.

Could it be that the aliens living in Shennongjia are special, they are often influenced by cute bears, and they have a particularly high resistance to being cute?

No, Dada Duck once leaned close to him, but suddenly became violent and ferocious.

The reason must be found.

Zhong Yuan agreed to fight the salamander, and the team had a three-to-two opinion.

Zhao Lan, who didn't care which one to fight, became the most important person instead.

Xu Shun and Liu Yadi looked at her nervously.

"Zhao Lan, which one do you want to fight? You are the medical department, the soul of the team."

ah? I became a soul person?

Zhao Lan was sweating profusely, knowing in her heart that the level of rejuvenation on her body was not high.

If someone is poisoned by the salamander poison, there is no way to completely detoxify it. In the end, it was up to the guards to help.

What a shame.

As the medical department, being the first to fall just now, not only did not play a role in saving everyone, but it also implicated the big brother of the medical department and consumed a lot of vitality.

Can't take any more risks!

But student Yang Sheng wants to hit Ironback Newt... If he objects, he will hate him!

No way, going to fight salamanders is more dangerous than good. We don't have that ability, so we shouldn't rely on the guards. The elder brother of the medical department is already very tired!

Although Zhong Yuan's charm was strong, he couldn't change Zhao Lan's decision at this time.

After some deliberation, she said firmly, "Hit the long-haired lion and bear!"


Xu Shun and Liu Yadi clapped and cheered on the spot.

Three against three, the medical department is on their side, of course they listen to them.

The guard team also breathed a sigh of relief.

The captain said in a low voice, "It's okay, it's okay, the little girl from the medical department has not been carried away."

Another person said, "The long-haired lion and bear is easy to fight, just control it and attack from a long distance."

Just in case, everyone looked at the medical department.

The latter shrank his neck and said, "Uh... what are you looking at me for?"

The captain said, "You treated four people in a row just now, can you still support it?"

"Of course, I'm fine!"

There was a row of cold sweat on the forehead of the medical department, and he was extremely guilty.

I wanted to tell these people several times: In fact, our key protection objects are little monsters with extremely vigorous vitality.

However, he was afraid of being ridiculed by his teammates, so he was embarrassed to speak.

There seems to be a boss-level bodyguard in the team. If he knows about life sharing, he may be in bad luck...

The medical department remained silent with complicated emotions.

The rest of the squad gave him a thumbs up for his abilities.

"Amazing! Brother, after this mission is over, are you interested in joining my team? I guarantee you will be satisfied with the treatment!"

"Uh, I... I'll think about it!"

"Okay, okay! Let's add a V letter first!"

People are self-aware, but no one will give up the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The medical department looked at Zhong Yuan with grateful eyes for the twentieth time.

--thank you! thank you so much!

I don't know how many words of thanks I have said in my heart, Zhong Yuan feels annoyed.

And Ouyang Qingcheng noticed that this person was still looking at the little angel Jidu, and couldn't help but sneer.

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

After deciding to hunt the long-haired lion and bear, the academy team set out again.

There are maps to guide you, so you don't have to worry about not being able to find other races.

Long-haired lions and bears live in the forest area of ​​Shennongjia, and occasionally walk on the plains.

There is a circle of shiny golden mane on their necks, which hangs down to their shoulders. They have extremely strong defense, great strength, and have synergistic abilities, so they cannot be directly contacted.

At the very least, use a weapon!

Along the way, everyone discussed the tactics to deal with lions and bears.

"If we meet later, Li Chen'an will be controlled by the mental cage first, and Liu Yadi and I will take turns to do it. Ouyang, you are responsible for replacing Li Chen'an. Once the cage is over, you will immediately pick up a faint."

"By the way, Yangsheng, do you have any blessings?"

Zhong Yuan was stunned and said in a low voice, "I don't."

"Sorry, I didn't ask!"

Xu Shun sighed, and muttered, "I thought the support department was a blessing."

Li Chen'an immediately said, "Yang Sheng is only in the first grade, how many abilities do you think he has? Brother Yang, do you have the ability to accelerate people? Wind breath? Acceleration? Lock?"

Zhong Yuan showed a look of embarrassment, lowered his voice, and said, "No..."

Liu Yadi said fearing that the world would not be chaotic, "Could it be that you are a rare negative support system? Weakness, slowdown? Curse?"

Good guy, he even mentioned an ability he hadn't seen before.

Zhong Yuan's face was dark and he didn't want to speak anymore.

None of them wow!

I can only make you invincible for ten minutes, and your abilities will be multiplied by 4.5 times...

I'm sorry that I'm not worthy to assist you!


Ouyang Qingcheng couldn't help laughing.

Although these people were sentenced to death in advance, seeing Zhong Yuan's deflated appearance, anyone would feel pity and want to go over and pat his head.

"Okay, okay, don't talk anymore," Zhao Lan couldn't bear to say, "I heard that Yang Sheng passed three rounds of competitions and finally joined the hunting team. Our team has too many attacking systems, so he signed up for support. Tie."

There is nothing wrong with that.

How can it be possible to pass the selection of the academy with pure assistance?

Xu Shun thought for a while and said, "Okay, Yang Sheng, you hide behind later, be careful, don't get hurt."


If you are not super cute, you will be kicked out of the team every minute. Now, Zhong Yuan is offered up as a mascot by them.

After continuing to trek for two hours, we finally reached the area where the long-haired lion and bear are located.

The plain is vast, and there are mountains and forests in the distance. The leaves of the tall trees are yellow and red, and they are connected together one after another, showing a gorgeous and rich autumn color.

The only downside is... no toilet!

"Well, I have a stomachache."

Suddenly, Liu Yadi clutched his stomach with a bitter look on his face. For some reason, the large and small intestines seemed to be knotted, and it hurt like hell.

Xu Shun said speechlessly, "Liu Yadi, what did you do? Did you eat bad food and have diarrhea?"

Liu Yadi wanted to cry without tears, and said, "When I washed my hands just now, I found the water was quite clean, so I took a few sips by the way..."

Li Chen'an was taken aback, and said in admiration, "I'll go, how dare you! That duck's buttocks soaked in water, how dirty! And you didn't wash your hands clean, you were stained with duck feces!"

Suddenly, Liu Yadi's eyes turned black, and he shouted, "I can't do it! I'm really going to pull it out! Turn around quickly!"

I'll fuck it!

Xu Shun was taken aback, and hurriedly shouted, "Everyone, spread out!"

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