Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 57 Divine Skill! Permanently Boosted Charm

Traveling thousands of miles, smuggling into the country, and sending a strong man like Robus, the plot must be the precious crystals in the square of Shennongjia.

Now, these market crystals are all surnamed Zhong!

It's a pity that Robus's backpack had been burned, and some of the crystals that fell on the ground were collected by the God of War team.

There are still three backpacks left, and the crystals inside should be quite impressive!

Zhong Yuan opened a bag with great anticipation.

Sure enough, it was full of crystals, at least hundreds of them!

The shape is very beautiful, hexagonal, the color is transparent, very pure.

After a bit of pulling, the backpack is full of this beautiful transparent crystal.

The amount is considerable, and if you absorb the abilities in it, it will be enough to upgrade to a very high level.

Although Zhong Yuan was still dizzy, his mood was extremely relaxed.

Inexplicably, he was dragged to Fangjie, tossed around for most of the night, and even opened an ice and blood blast, so much hard work was finally not in vain!

"Let me see, what ability is there!"

Holding a Ruin Crystal in his hand, a reminder appeared in his mind.

"I found the Mengmeng Xiongxu Crystal, do you want to absorb it?"

"Mengmeng Xiongxu Jing has the following abilities."

"Cute, yellow-level, can be upgraded."

. . . . . .



no more?

Zhong Yuan was dumbfounded.

The surface is beautiful and glamorous, but it is actually an ability? !

Spicy chicken!

The best of spicy chicken!

Zhong Yuan was so angry that he almost threw the Xu Jing in his hand.

However, after thinking about it again, no, there is a whole bag full of cute bear crystals, the Robus team is here to stare at this thing!

They stayed in Fangjie for more than ten days, and after fighting so much, would they be useless hot chickens?

So, what exactly is the ability to be cute?

The prompt appeared again.

"Show cute: enhance your charm and make the target less hostile. Range: unlimited!"

Zhong Yuan has black lines all over his head.

Is it similar to a psychic attack?

It can also be upgraded.

Well, this alone is very exciting.

Don't forget, super perception was just a reconnaissance ability at the beginning, but after being upgraded, it turned into a terrifying hot explosion, putting people into an absolute vacuum and destroying their bones! Disaster level is not its limit!

Therefore, every yellow-level skill that can be upgraded is a potential stock that cannot be underestimated!

Zhong Yuan's hands trembled a little, imagining what he would look like when he started acting cute.

. . . . . .

never mind!

Think too much, worry too much!

forget about it!

Let's see what crystals are in the other two backpacks!

With a hint of expectation in his heart, Zhong Yuan opened another backpack.

However, there is not a single Ruin Crystal inside, only a strange little beast.

It curled up obediently, and when it was released from the backpack, it was still in a daze, covering its eyes with its two paws, as if it didn't adapt to the light stimulation when it escaped from the darkness.

Zhong Yuan patted it vigorously, and the little beast got up, looking around curiously.

Its body is round and slightly bigger than a blue ball. The fur is soft and white, with black hair on the limbs, ears and eye rims.

"Mini Panda?!"

Zhong Yuan was completely shocked.

"No, it's not a panda! The panda's tail is very short, but this little beast's tail is thick, long, and fluffy! It's a cute bear cub!"

Zhong Yuan judged the race of the little beast, and couldn't help it anymore, so he stretched out his hand to stroke its tail.

So soft!

So slippery!

so cute!

And he didn't resist the whole process, and obediently let him be at his mercy.

Who doesn't like such a little beast?

If she brought one back to Zhong Lan, she would definitely hold it in her hand and play with it every day!

Zhong Yuan stroked the cute bear a few times, and opened the last backpack.

Hey, there is also a comatose cute bear cub inside.

Zhong Yuan observed for a few seconds and found that the two cubs, one male and one female, were a perfect match.

If they were brought back to the Lighthouse Country to breed, a group would soon be bred.

"So that's how it is!" Zhong Yuan became angry, "The people of the Lighthouse Country really have a heart to kill! Fortunately, they were intercepted, otherwise the cute bears would have flown out! Huh?"

Why do I think so?

This little broken bear has no powerful lethal ability, why do I think it is comparable to a national treasure?

Zhong Yuan narrowed his eyes and stared straight at the two cubs.

After they came out of the backpack, they saw each other instantly, and started to kiss me, kiss each other, and play together.

If, say, a cute bear rolls around in front of you, you may at most just want to lick it,

However, when two cute bears slap each other in front of you, oh no, it’s you slapping one and I slapping two, you will definitely feel that they are just...

cute! break! sky! occasion!

Zhong Yuan took a step back in shock, and said in a low voice, "I understand, being cute is not a mental attack, but a subtly changing people's consciousness! This kind of ability is rare, no wonder people in the Lighthouse Country desperately want to take it back to study!"

Do you want to absorb the ability to be cute?

Zhong Yuan struggled for a long time, and finally, calmness and reason overcame likes, dislikes and prejudices.

"It's better... suck... take it!"

The transparent crystal turned into a brilliant colorful light and penetrated into his body.

It's done!

There is one more skill.

In fact, market crystals with a single skill like Mengmeng Bear are extremely rare, and it is not easy to absorb them successfully.

Because, there is only one ability in Xu Jing, and if it fails, there is no other choice.

Frost Snow Snake, a market crystal with four abilities, is more popular on the black market. Even if the probability of the two abilities is extremely small, there are still two abilities with a high success rate, so you can give it a go.

Of course, the kind of market crystal that only contains one super ability is definitely a sought-after item, with a price but no market.

Zhong Yuan absorbed the cuteness because he wanted to bet on the changes after upgrading it.

Count the number, there are more than 200 Ruin Crystals in total, before there is anyone around, quickly absorb them all!


Huge rainbow light drilled into Zhong Yuan's body. He is like a precious man made of top colored glaze, shining brightly.

"You're so cute, yellow-level lvax!"

"Your ability-to be cute has been improved!"

"You're cute, green-level lvax!"

"Your ability-to be cute has been improved!"

Zhong Yuan roared wildly in his heart.

We will reach the red level soon, come to an epic level promotion, change the name of the skill!

A prompt appears.

"You have gained a new ability: super cute! Red level lv2, can be upgraded!"

"Super Cute: Permanently increase your charm and make the target lose hostility. Range: Unlimited."

Ability descriptions don't seem to have changed much.

It doesn't matter if there is any change... because grass is a plant!

Zhong Yuan's face is full of mourning, he looks more like a dead person than a dead person, if he plays a zombie in the horror house now, he can scare people to death!

After being promoted to the red level, only a prefix is ​​added to the name of the ability, which is not as cute as the initial one!

At this moment, he hasn't realized how unnatural how super cute it is!

Moreover, no one in this world has this ability like him.

Because the cute bear is a rare and harmless alien, it is strictly forbidden to hunt and kill it!

It took a while for Zhong Yuan to pull himself together.

Counting the time, ten minutes have passed since Robbs' defeat. If An Caige was loyal enough, he should come back to collect his body now.

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