On the other side, Mao Wei hurriedly left the battlefield with An Caige on his back.

The figure of the flame titan has long been lost.

"Old Mao! Let me down! Don't run away!"

An Caige held Zhong Yuan's badge tightly, and said in a very depressed mood, "The battle is over. Our God of War team entrusted the responsibility of the battle to a temporary member. As the captain, I take the primary responsibility..."

Mao Wei gradually slowed down, and whispered, "Captain, it's not your fault! No one expected that Robus would transform into a flame titan for the second time..."

An Caige's eyes were red, and he said loudly, "It's not my fault, whose fault is that? I didn't consider that Robus had a second stage, I killed Xuanming..."

She originally thought that Xuan Ming was quite capable, but after seeing his badge, she finally figured out a lot of things.

All the words that have been said are played back and forth in An Caige's mind like a revolving lantern.

"Your relationship must be very good! Are you his junior?"

"Uh... no, we are friends."

"How is your strength? Answer seriously, this is very important!"

"The kind that can't die."

"Everyone is here, you want me to stay and sleep?"

"How can you pray to your enemy? You didn't hear him say that he can only live for five minutes at most, and he is going to pull us all back."

"Get out of here if you're a burden!!!"

They only get together for half a night, but they are like comrades in arms who have been partners for many years, relying on each other.

Xuanming saved the entire God of War team, everyone here owes him a life.

Thinking of this, An Caige couldn't help but shed tears again.

She suppressed her grief and choked up, "Old Mao, come back with me, don't make him wait too long! Wu Jun took Zhan Hong and Lao Xiong out for treatment!"

"Understood!" Mao Wei nodded solemnly.

Wu Jun didn't say anything, and dragged the two seriously wounded people towards the exit of Fangjie.

A few minutes later, An Caige and Mao Wei returned to the camp where the life and death duel was held.

Approaching within a hundred meters, Mao Wei cautiously used his detection ability, and then, with a look of shock on his face, he stopped abruptly.

"What's wrong?"

Even if the mood is extremely sad, the most basic vigilance is still there.

An Caige poked his head out from behind Mao Wei, looking forward nervously.

In sight, a young man in camouflage uniform, sitting on the scorched earth with no grass growing, raised his head when he saw them coming, and complained dissatisfiedly.

"It's too slow, all the flowers I've been waiting for have faded..."

At this moment, An Caige's heartbeat stopped suddenly.



Plop! !

Plop plop plop! ! !

The heart was beating faster and faster, and it was beating louder and louder. The blood all over his body rushed straight to his forehead, and his cheeks were hot as if they were on fire.

An Caige's throat could not help but emit an unprecedented loud tremolo.

"Xuan Ming!!!"

Excitedly, she jumped off Mao Wei's back and rushed towards Zhong Yuan regardless of her own safety.

Then. . .

I didn't know what was knocked under her feet, and her center of gravity was unstable. She fell forward, face down, buttocks up, and fell into the mud!

Surprised or not?

Is it surprising?

The five-body prostration.

Zhong Yuan: It was quite unexpected.

"It hurts!"

An Caige's eyes were filled with gold stars, and tears rolled down his face.

Mao Wei was pleasantly surprised that Xuan Ming was not dead, and when he saw his captain lying on the ground, he fell into deep thought again.

Do you want to go up and help her up?

Perhaps, the captain hoped that Xuan Ming would run over to help her?

However, after waiting for two seconds, someone did not move. An Caige had no choice but to stagger and struggle to stand up.

"Hoo hoo!"

She was short of breath and looked around, but she didn't see Robs.

Obviously, at the end of the duel between the two, Robus died, while Xuan Ming survived!

"Xuanming... I knew you wouldn't die!!!"

An Caige was emotional, and limped to Zhong Yuan's side, as if the fall just now hadn't happened.

Zhong Yuan said calmly, "I told you a long time ago that I can't die. Huh? Do you not believe me?"


Being watched by him, An Caige's face flushed, and he felt a bit flustered, and hurriedly said, "Xuan Ming, are you injured? Be patient, I'll call the medical team in right away!"

The tone was very different, a little more tender than usual.

Mao Wei turned around silently, secretly wiping away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Our captain has finally grown up!

What happened to the other party when he was young?

Female junior, embrace the golden brick!

Female big nine, holding three gold bricks! ! !

A quarter of an hour later, the Tianqin team entered Fangjie to meet the God of War team who had returned in triumph.

"Quick! This way! Two severely burned wounded! Be careful, put them on the stretcher first!"

"Logistics team! Be careful not to destroy the integrity of the corpse! All the ashes there must be recovered!"

"Captain An, your complexion is very ugly, let the medical staff treat you!"

All kinds of people were running around, and the treatment and mop-up work was going on in an orderly manner.

"There is also a little comrade who has lost too much blood and needs an emergency blood transfusion!"

Finally someone noticed Zhong Yuan, ran over and asked loudly, "What's your blood type?"

Is it worth the blood transfusion?

Zhong Yuan quickly refused, "I'm not injured, just a little tired, and don't need a blood transfusion."

The man hesitated, "However, your face is ugly."

Zhong Yuan looked serious, "I am naturally pale. Many people say I look like a European."

Unexpectedly, the man blushed, lowered his head shyly, and whispered, "Well, if you feel uncomfortable, you must tell me, and I will come to treat you right away! This is mine. telephone number!"

? ? ?

What do you mean?

Why does it sound like strike up a conversation?

Zhong Yuan looked a little unnatural, and said, "Thank you! It's really unnecessary!"

It's easy to talk about it, and I sent people away.

After a while, An Caige also got rid of the medical siege and came to Zhong Yuan's side.

"I can leave later, I'll take you back first. I'm sorry, I got you involved and almost killed you. Don't worry, I will handle the rest of the matter, and no one will trouble you!"

It means that it doesn't matter how Robbs died.

It didn't matter where the contents of their backpacks went.

If the higher authorities pursue it, she will take it all down!

Isn't it just a little crystal?

Just give it!

An Caige still has this confidence.

Zhong Yuan asked strangely, "Don't worry about it, what are those people from the Lighthouse Country carrying in their backpacks?"

An Caige said softly, "If you don't want to tell, I won't ask. Anyway, you deserve it."

Who doesn't like such a captain?

However, Zhong Yuan has not yet decided whether to join the God of War team or not.

After thinking twice, he decided to inform An Caige of the whereabouts of the spoils.

"Three backpacks, one contained Xu Jing, and I disposed of it. There were two other backpacks, each containing a cute bear cub, and I released them."

"Oh." An Caige lowered his eyes, not caring about it at all.

Zhong Yuan's eyelids twitched, feeling that something was wrong with her.

Tears too much, become silly?

"Are you OK?"

At this time, An Caige suddenly raised his head, and asked cautiously, "Xuan Ming, do you think a 25-year-old girl is old? Are you an old aunt?"

Without hesitation, Zhong Yuan replied, "It must be, it's nine years older than me."


An Caige covered his face and ran away quickly.

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