Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 75 I'm Just An Ant In His Eyes

Jian Rou's voice was like a thunderbolt, awakening Shangguan Yi who was in a hard fight.

Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, stained his eyelashes, and blurred his eyes.

I practice hard day and night, so that one day, at the moment of victory, I will hold my chest up and tell myself with confidence: my efforts are not in vain!

Today pride is a joke and confidence is shattered.

Jian Rou's persuasion is like the last straw that breaks her will.

I fought with all my strength, but in the end I didn't even touch the corner of Zhong Yuan's clothes...

I thought it was a relationship, coward. Neither loses his temper nor fights back even when severely provoked.

In fact, he just disdains!

He didn't take the provocation to heart at all!

Those pitch-black eyes were always distracted, as if they didn't care about anything.

At this moment, Shangguanyi finally realized why he couldn't restrain his impulse on the tarmac that day, and fell Zhong Yuan over his shoulder.

Because Zhong Yuan never gave him a straight look.

This guy's eyes are contempt, contempt, and indifference. Only a blind man wearing sunglasses doesn't mind such an arrogant attitude.

Even now, Shangguan Yi still feels that Zhong Yuan is absent-minded, with wandering eyes.

He is too strong! I'm just an ant in his eyes...

Shangguanyi lost his mind.

If you keep fighting, it will be even worse to lose.

Are you really going to admit defeat?

Do not! Haven't fought to exhaustion yet!

At least Zhong Yuan must be forced to make a move, even if he has to use a finger!

Shangguanyi made up his mind, swung his fiery fist and charged forward again.

It's a pity that this blow was more than powerful, but seriously insufficient in speed, and even a layman could avoid it.

Everyone can see that he has been unable to attack for a long time, and his physical strength is exhausted.

"Ayi..." Jian Rou was about to cry, she covered her mouth with her hands to prevent herself from making a sound.

Feng Qing looked stern, ready for medical treatment at any time.

Based on what he knew about Zhong Yuan, Shangguan was determined to die.

However, to everyone's surprise, facing this punch, Zhong Yuan didn't dodge or evade, just stayed where he was, like a fool.

The fist is about to hit the body, and once hit, it will immediately cause a violent explosion.

No one can forcefully catch the official trick without any protection.

Feng Qing was so angry that he almost dropped his sunglasses.

your sister!

Can't you play well?

If you insist on doing something at the last minute, do you want to make people have a heart attack?

Seeing that the last fight was successful, Shangguan Yi couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Why not hide?

The moment their eyes met, he finally saw a trace of light in Zhong Yuan's pupils.

That was a serious looking look, perhaps, with some kind of contempt?

Shangguanyi was shocked.

Zhong Yuan, you are finally looking at me!

Do you want to test me?

Do you think I will take advantage of others?

I'm not a scumbag who can't afford to lose!

Shangguanyi had two rows of veins popping out on his forehead, and wanted to pull back at the last moment, but unfortunately, it was not easy for him.

Most of the flame on his arm was extinguished, and the explosion still hit Zhong Yuan's chest.


There was a cracking sound, but the power was not as strong as expected.

Zhong Yuan was quite surprised.

In fact, no matter how you fight, the fighting master will instantly kill him. Therefore, he has been deliberately dodging, and even forcibly held back the fighting master's instinct to fight back several times.

Until Shangguanyi was exhausted, Zhong Yuan decided to give him a chance to leave the choice of life and death to himself.

Blood for blood! ! !

The explosion of the punch shattered Zhong Yuan's school uniform, causing negligible skin trauma, and it can be recovered within a second of regeneration.

At the same time, Shangguanyi immediately suffered a retaliation.

The terrifying destructive force reacted on his arm with the explosive characteristic.

The muscles are like peeling petals, falling down one by one.

The fascia was broken, the flesh and bones were separated, and even the strong arm bones were not spared.

The bones shattered inch by inch, all the way to the shoulders, and the destruction barely stopped.

In less than two seconds, Shangguanyi's right arm was completely gone.

This is the terrifying effect after triggering blood for blood.

The rebound power is not based on the absorbed attack power, but on Zhong Yuan's own ability.

The so-called absorption of a certain attack power and rebounding to the target refers to the attribute of absorbing attacks.

Therefore, Explosive Flame ruthlessly rebounded on Shangguan Yi.

If he kills at the last moment, there is no doubt that he will die.

But the fact is that Shangguanyi has long admitted defeat in his heart, facing Zhong Yuan's suspected behavior of releasing water, he resolutely withdrew his strength and did not want to fight anymore.

Making the right choice at the critical moment just saved Shangguanyi's life.

Zhong Yuan secretly thought: If only one hand is lost, it is not hopeless...

Including Feng Qing, no one could see through the danger and humanity contained in the final blow.

There was no sound in the classroom.

The bloody scene shocked everyone's vision.

This is not the market cave battlefield, not the Fangjie hunting ground, but the school!

Even in such a fierce confrontational battlefield in the college league, such terrible bloodshed rarely occurs.

And Shangguanyi suffered a tragic amputation of his arm, almost to the point of dying.

His face was pale, his body was trembling constantly, and he found a slight smile on the corner of Zhong Yuan's mouth.

This must be the so-called winner's smile.

"In the end, I still couldn't let you make a move..."

Shangguanyi was extremely bitter, he didn't know how he lost, and after he finished speaking, he fell into a pool of blood and fell unconscious.


Jian Rou immediately rushed to Shangguan Yi's side.

I saw that his entire right arm was gone, half of his collarbone was exposed, the tear was bloody, and there was a little burn mark, how could it be a tragic word.

Tears welled up in Jian Rou's eyes, and she screamed at Feng Qing, "Hurry up and save him! He can't lose his right arm!"

When Feng Qing thought that he would be exhausted again later, he couldn't help yelling at Zhong Yuan, "I've said it all, let you be gentler, why are you disobedient?!"

Zhong Yuan frowned slightly, and pursed his lips to activate his ability.

Super cute!

Seeing that he didn't speak, Feng Qing couldn't believe it, "You've beaten people to death, and you still want to pretend to be a silent lamb?"

Zhong Yuan had no choice but to say, "Which hand did you see that I hit him? I didn't make a move the whole time, and kept dodging. In the end, I was exhausted, and I was hit, and my clothes were torn."

Feng Qing fell in admiration for his logic, and said in a low voice, "What do you mean if your clothes are torn? Shangguanyi lost his entire arm!"

I didn't kill him, it's already very powerful!

Zhong Yuan turned his head, not wanting to explain any more, and said perfunctorily, "It's none of my business. Anyway, force is mutual."

Feng Qing sneered, "When I didn't study high school physics? Force and reaction are equal. You're fine, but he's disabled. Tell me honestly, how did you fight?"

That last blow was definitely not a blow of rage!

Did Zhong Yuan absorb new abilities?

I heard that an armored vehicle drove into the school today to deliver a courier to must have been sent by the God of Plague!

However, Zhong Yuan was thinking: the super cuteness has failed again, anyway, what about the red level lv2, how to use it?

At this time, Jian Rou scolded them with tears in her eyes, "Ah Yi is hurt like this, you two are still in the mood to talk and laugh?"

Feng Qing originally planned to save someone, but suddenly changed his mind.

"Jianrou, don't make a mistake. I have no obligation to help Shangguanyi with treatment. He is the one who made the first move. He is also the one who keeps finding fault. It's his own doing. Take him to the school doctor and don't bother him." I!"

Don't offend people in the medical department, let alone Feng Qing.

Among all the medical practitioners in Huaguo, only Feng Qing possessed the sky-defying ability to trace the sun.

If he is unwilling to make a move, Shangguanyi's arm will never recover after 24 hours.

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