Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 76 The Real Power Of Being Super Cute

People always sympathize with losers.

Everyone's anger and hostility towards Zhong Yuan reached a certain critical point.

You are strong, you defy the sky, but why do you want to bully the weak?

Shangguanyi's attack was never threatening. In the end, his physical strength was exhausted, and even the flame on his fist was almost extinguished.

Why break his hand?

Even if he scolded badly before, he shouldn't have hit him so hard!

Zhong Yuan's behavior is too bad, he must report to the school and the military region!

Everyone was terrified in silence, and filled with righteous indignation in fear.

At this time, Zhong Yuan just activated his most incredible ability on Feng Qing.

Super Cute: Permanently increase Charisma, making the target lose hostility.

Range: Unlimited!

After using it a few times, I always feel that the super cuteness is ineffective because the target is not hostile.

Whether it is An Caige or the instructor, Zhong Yuan is treated with a friendly attitude.

Even though Feng Qing was dissatisfied because he seriously injured Shangguanyi, subconsciously, Zhong Yuan was one of his own, the future brother-in-law, where did the hostility come from?

Without hostility, super cuteness naturally does not reflect the characteristics of guarding against the sky.

When the person who was hostile to Zhong Yuan faced the super cute moment, everything began to change.

Yaque's silent classroom gradually became noisy.

"Zhong Yuan didn't make a shot the whole time, and he was trying to avoid the attack. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that he still has several obvious opportunities to counterattack."

"That's right! I found out too. Watch the video. In this slow motion, he can kill Shangguanyi. I don't know why he didn't make a move."

"Shangguanyi doesn't know what's good or bad. The person Feng Qing recommends is a weak chicken? After so many fights, if he can't win, he just refuses to admit defeat."

"He has such a violent temper. I think Lao Tzu is the best in the world. No wonder Feng Qing is unwilling to help him!"

"I wanted Feng Qing to help him just now! How shameless!"

"Zhong Yuan didn't say anything at all! This is the demeanor of a master!"

The sympathy for Shangguanyi was completely distorted under the effect of being super cute.

This transformation is extremely natural, without any trace of mental control, and it cannot be immune.

Even if Zhong Yuan puts away the super cute, the influence will continue forever, and eventually form a terrible prejudice.

This is the cuteness of the national treasure level ability, it is not allowed to absorb at will, and it is not allowed to use at will.

Yan Guo Wuhen changes people's minds, without detection or resistance, without exception!

Jian Rou stayed by Shangguan Yi's side, looking at his injuries, her mind was full of thoughts that her sweetheart was seriously injured and dying, fortunately she was not affected by the cuteness.

Feng Qing was unwilling to treat her, and the students from the student union trampled on Shangguanyi's personality at will. Under anxiety, Jian Rou finally broke out.

She has a restrained personality, and she won't yell when she gets angry. Instead, she takes out her mobile phone and dials the number of the school security team.

Shangguanyi has a special status, and Jian Rou and his childhood sweethearts are not ordinary. Her mother is a permanent director of Chengying College, although she doesn't usually show up, she has a little right to speak.

In less than five minutes, the guards rushed into the classroom in a hurry.

The students in the special class are not ordinary children, and to restrain them, they can only be able-bodied.

Some members of the guard are students who choose to stay in school after graduation, and some are veterans who have retired from the front line.

Occasionally students fight, in their eyes is a child, but this time the situation is completely different from the past.

Shangguan Yi was seriously injured, it wasn't a broken bone, it wasn't as simple as losing a piece of flesh.

His arm was completely shattered, and he couldn't even pick it up. If he wanted to restore it, he could only rely on the power of the ruiner!

Only two abilities can save him.

One is the rebirth of a severed limb, and the other is going back to the sun!

The activation conditions for rebirth of severed limbs are more stringent than retrograde, requiring treatment within ten minutes of the injury, and it must be too late now.

The only way left is to go back to the sun.

The guards were pleasantly surprised to find that Feng Qing happened to be at the scene.

It stands to reason that the wounded should be sent to the infirmary first, and then the murderer should be detained in the confinement room.

Now that Feng Qing is here, there is no need to go to the infirmary, the school doctor is not as capable as him.

The captain of the guard said respectfully, "Young Master Feng, please raise your hand and help me."


Be my hard-working fire chief, right?

Feng Qing was extremely upset and said, "What if I refuse?"

The face of the captain of the guard changed slightly, and he stopped persuading immediately, and said to the two guards behind him, "Send him to the infirmary!"

They came with a stretcher, and the two of them immediately raised their Shangguan intentions and rushed out of the classroom. Jian Rou anxiously followed closely and left together.

She believed that the guards would handle it impartially and would not cover up the murderer.

Then, the captain of the guard looked around and asked, "Who is the perpetrator?"

Zhong Yuan took the initiative to step forward and said calmly, "It's me."

The captain of the guard was quite surprised.

Such a young face, is it a freshman?

You really can't tell what you look like.

Shangguanyi's fighting skills are very high, and many veterans in the guard can't beat him. The freshman in front of him seemed gentle, and his strength should not be underestimated if he could seriously injure him.

There were bloodstains all over the ground and walls. It was unknown what ability was used for such a huge amount of bleeding.

The courage to stand up and admit it is worthy of recognition.

Perhaps, there is something behind the vicious fight...

(Super cuteness continues to launch!)

The captain of the guard repeated the question, "Do you admit to injuring Shangguanyi?"

Zhong Yuan said calmly, "Yes."

So many people videotaped the battle process, and they couldn't be blamed, so they simply corrected their attitude and surrendered generously.

The captain of the guard nodded and waved his hand. Immediately, four guards rushed forward and surrounded Zhong Yuan.

Ability: Spiritual Cage!

This move belongs to the spiritual system, which can make a person lose the sense of resistance.

It's just that the ability level of the guards is not too high, and four people must activate it at the same time to be safe.

Seeing that they were going to take him away, Feng Qing immediately frowned and said, "I can attest that the battle between him and Shangguanyi was fair and just, you can't take him away!"

The captain of the guard wondered, "Young Master Feng, please don't make it difficult for us. Shangguan's intentions have been hurt like this, and you should be clear about the consequences."

The process is not important, what matters is the result and the impact.

As graduation approached, Shangguanyi received invitations from several squads of warriors.

After breaking his hand, who wants him?

Those squads were expected to absorb new blood, but now they have to find other talents.

And every year, there are only about a thousand graduates from major colleges and universities across the country.

One less is a huge loss for the country. If something happened to someone like Shangguan Yi, even the military region should hold the murderer accountable.

When the captain of the guard said so, it was tantamount to putting pressure on Feng Qing.

If you want to save Zhong Yuan, you have to save people.

How could Feng Qing fail to hear the implication, and said with a gloomy face, "Are you worthy of threatening me?"

The captain of the guard was neither overbearing nor humble, and replied, "Young Master Feng, you have a lot of adults, so there is no need to argue with a small person like me."

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