Don't I Have a Name? Only Know to Call Me Strategic Level!

Chapter 84 The Inside Story Of Zhong Lan's Loss

Knowing that Zhong Lan was going to Hualing College to block the door and fight, Feng Qing was naturally very concerned.

I helped in the special training for one night, which is half a teacher's relationship.

When students go out to fight, they should always be concerned about the final result.

Feng Qing speculated that even if the other first-year freshmen are not strong enough, at least Zhong Lan can kill the world and raise the prestige of our school.

However, the fact is just the opposite of what he thought.

Fifteen people from Chengying College ran to kick the hall.

When you go, you will be alive and well, and your will will be successful;

When they came back, they were all wounded and dejected.

Not even a win!

Hualing College only sent a boy named Cui Shengshi to fight, and they beat the Chengying College to the ground.

First one-on-one, then simply group fights, still failed to defeat Cui Shengshi.

What is a genius?

This is genius!

Less than a month after the start of school, absorbing one ability is already very good, but Cui Shengshi has three abilities!

In fact, he was not a native of China.

Cui Shengshi's father, Cui Zhengxun, is one of the top ten richest men in Simi Country. I am over 60 years old this year, and I had two marriages before giving birth to Cui Shengshi, but they did not escape the fate of the seven-year itch, which ended in divorce.

Cui Shengshi's mother Liu Yulian is a well-known actress in China. In the early years, she starred in several movies and earned a lot of money. Because of financial problems, she had to go abroad to avoid the limelight. In the end, she had a hasty flash marriage with Cui Zhengxun, who was 30 years older than her, which caused an uproar in domestic public opinion.

Everyone is not optimistic about this marriage.

However, Liu Yulian's amazing means escaped the curse of the seven-year itch and sat firmly on the throne of the palace for many years.

Ever since Cui Zhengxun married her, her ranking on the rich list has steadily increased, from ninth ten years ago to now second, second only to the head of Shuan Xing Electronics.

The biggest reason is that Liu Yulian gave birth to a good son!

Simi country has few resources and a small land area. The population has been growing negatively for many years, almost to the point of dying out. Once the invasion of the ruins cannot be suppressed, the country will be destroyed.

Therefore, they also train their own country's capable people, but unfortunately the number is small, and Xu Jing relies heavily on the Lighthouse Country and the Cherry Blossom Country.

Cui Shengshi successfully absorbed Xu Jing at the age of ten, first went to the Lighthouse Country to study secretly for six years, and through his mother's relationship, entered Hua Country to continue his studies.

He is not from Huaguo, so he is not entitled to enjoy Huaguo's resources, but who made the Cui family too rich and gave too much.

Donated 200 million yuan, Chairman Ma of Hualing College nodded and accepted him.

Cui Shengshi has three abilities, one of which is the special ability of Simi Kingdom: simulation. The other two are exclusive to Lighthouse Nation.

He also knew that it was impossible for Hua Guo to give Xu Jing resources. Therefore, coming here to study is just to improve combat experience.

It happened to be an opportunity for the two schools to compete.

Not long after Zhong Lan became a market power user, how could he be able to compare with Master Cui Sheng's years of hard training?

She tried her best and used the secret trick Feng Qing gave her, but she couldn't win in the end.

What's more, when Zhong Lan was fighting, because of his excessive movements, the safety pants inside his skirt were torn a big hole.

Afraid of being exposed, she was too timid to make a move. She struggled for three minutes and was finally knocked down to the ground.

Whoooo! I will never wear safety pants again! ! !

No one knew the inside story of her loss.

Even Liu Wen just felt that Zhong Lan was too young, had no combat experience, and couldn't let go.

Among them, only Zhong Lan knows about the aggrieved.

On the bus back, Xie Yifeng sat next to her, comforting her non-stop.

"Zhong Lan, don't be sad, you are already very good, at least you have fought a few tricks with that Cui Shengshi. My Tiewei didn't even touch the hem of his clothes, so I was out of the game."

He has only absorbed one ability: Iron Tail, and he is still unable to control it freely.

During the battle, the invisible tail behind him always swept to the ground, making a big joke, and finally was kicked by Cui Shengshi, and the loss was extremely ugly.

And most of the people in the class, like Xie Yifeng, were unable to use their abilities proficiently, so that they failed miserably in the end.

Zhong Lan saw Xie Yifeng make a fool of himself, and said with red eyes, "How can you not be ashamed, but proud instead?"

Xie Yifeng said in embarrassment, "I'm not proud of it. I just think it's normal to not be able to beat him. He has high talent, and his family is rich. He has absorbed three abilities, and two are from the control department..."

"I'll listen to your sophistry!" Zhong Lan's Xiaoyuan's face was full of tears, sobbing, "It's clearly me, I'm not strong enough!"

Xie Yifeng was pissed off by Zhong Lan, his face was so hot that he didn't dare to talk to her again.

People are self-respecting.

Admitting that you are inferior to others is a very difficult thing. Even if you are clear in your heart, you will find various reasons to justify your failure.

Only a child like Zhong Lan, who is young and like a blank sheet of paper, can frankly admit that he is inferior to others.

Liu Wen sat at the front of the bus and observed the status of all the students.

Hualing College proposed to use the freshman competition, and it must have recruited monster-level students this year.

Losing is expected.

However, after losing, whether you can cheer up as soon as possible is the most important thing.

To Liu Wen's disappointment, although everyone looked frustrated, they did not turn this failure into a motivation to work hard.

Sitting in the car, either drive black and play mobile games together, or watch short videos. Few people discussed their feelings during the battle together.

This freshman class is a bit difficult to bring.

Liu Wen sighed, and was about to guide the students to cheer up, but heard a faint cry from behind.

Zhong Lan cried sadly because he lost the competition.

If his big brother also signed up for this year's competition, he shouldn't lose so badly...

The freshman sent by Hualing College is indeed very strong, he is a good seed!

Liu Wen secretly shook her head.

It is meaningless for Zhong Yuan to compare, and it will not serve as an incentive and spur.

Deliberately counting registrations after class on Friday is to deliberately avoid Zhong Yuan.

The starting point is good. It's a pity that Feng Qing revealed the news of the loss in order to wake someone up.

In the end, it worked better than anything else, and Zhong Yuan went online at the speed of light.

Opening his eyes, ignoring the old men who were hugging each other, he stretched out his hand to grab the informer's neck in a flash.

The fighting master's ability was activated subconsciously.

The key point was taken, Feng Qing's hairs stood on end, and he begged for mercy, "It's me! Yuanyuan, don't get excited, let go first!"

Zhong Yuan was startled, realizing that he was overreacting, he slowly let go of his hands, and half sat up.

At this time, Gu Yan woke up from the carnival, pushed away several guards, rushed to Zhong Yuan's side, and said earnestly, "Student Zhong Yuan, how do you feel?"

Zhong Yuan hadn't figured out the current situation, hesitantly said, "You are, the leader I met that day."

Gu Yan was very relieved, and said, "You can just call me Director Gu. The matter has been investigated and you have nothing to do with it. Now you can go back. It is best not to eat greasy food for a few days."

What does don't eat greasy food mean?

Zhong Yuan was puzzled, took out his phone and looked at it, and then his pupils shrank slightly.

how is this possible?

Already Sunday? !

I thought I only lay there for five minutes...

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