After the consciousness enters the mysterious dark world, it completely loses the concept of time.

Zhong Yuan thought that only five minutes had passed, but it was actually a kind of self-suggestion.

Seeing that he seemed to be in a daze, Gu Yan couldn't help but said, "Student Zhong Yuan, next time before you enter the state of suspended animation, can the prophet tell the college? After all, we old bones are old, so we don't need to be scared."

Zhong Yuan said perfunctorily, "I see."

Gu Yan suggested again, "Why don't you go to the infirmary to check your body first, if something goes wrong, you will be in trouble."

Feng Qing interjected, "With me here, what could go wrong? There's no need to go to the infirmary. Yuanyuan, let's go! Let's go have supper!"

Zhong Yuan followed him out of the confinement room, seeing several guards outside, he couldn't help but feel a little sad.

So many people came, but the super senses didn't respond, and they were finally woken up by Feng Qing.

Did you fall asleep completely?


Zhong Yuan thought to himself, feeling scared for a while.

These people must have noticed that he was not breathing when he fell asleep, and there was no heartbeat.

Fortunately, they treated him as a suspended animation and did not force him to go to the infirmary for a physical examination.

Looking at Feng Qing beside him, he was wearing sunglasses, so he couldn't tell what expression he had.

I always feel that I just played a cover?

Maybe I thought too much...

Regardless of why he fell asleep, Zhong Yuan asked eagerly, "Why did Lanlan get beaten by people from Hualing College?"

Hualing College, I seem to have heard of it somewhere.

After a little thought, I remembered.

When the helicopter sent him back to school, he was asked if he was a student of Chengying or Hualing.

Also, on the day of submitting the application form, I bumped into an unreasonable tall boy in the corridor, and the word Hualing was also embroidered on his clothes.

Feng Qing slowed down and explained in detail.

"Hualing College, like our college, is a school for cultivating capable players. Every year, the two schools hold a competition meeting. This year, Hualing College proposed to let the first-year freshmen play, and Director Liu will take a dozen people from your class to go there. gone."

Learn from the meeting?

Well said!

Zhong Yuan said with a cold face, "My sister also went to fight? And the instructor allowed it?"

faint! At a time like this, shouldn't the first question be, has the academy won or lost?

The focus of sister control is different.

Feng Qing nodded very shamelessly.

Zhong Yuan immediately reprimanded bitterly, "She is only 12 years old, let her go out to fight?! Is this considered a serious school?"

Damn, who is a serious person who studied at Chengying College...

Feng Qing couldn't help complaining in his heart, and quickly stroked his hair.

"Zhong Yuan, I know you care about your sister. But think about it, if she doesn't fight now, she will always fight in the future. A small loss now is better than a big loss in the future!"

"Instructor Liu is following, and there is a sense of proportion in the competition. Lan Lan didn't suffer any injuries, at most she was scratched. Moreover, I heard that Director Liu said that she performed very well. The other students lost in ten seconds. She is enough Hold on for three minutes."

Zhong Yuan raised his voice expressionlessly, "Break the skin?"


Feng Qing was at a loss for two seconds, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

It's over!

Wrongly estimated the seriousness of the scratched skin in the sister-in-law's heart, and the powder keg was about to detonate.

He was so frightened that he hurriedly added, "A little bit, really only a little bit! The extent of a Band-Aid!"

"Is that so..." Zhong Yuan said coldly, "Since the school still has such legal and compliant beating activities, why didn't I be notified? Are you deliberately hiding it from me?"

He didn't forget Zhong Lan who was taught to spoil him by talking about killing and killing.

Now there are bad signs, and we must immediately set things right!

Feng Qing's forehead was covered with hot sweat, and he argued, "Who told you to sleep in the confinement room? After sleeping for so long, you can't wake up! You were not there when you voluntarily signed up, and your sister insisted on going. I can't stop it!"

"Besides, she has two abilities, and she is considered a top student in the class. Director Liu made careful consideration and let her go because he felt that there was no danger."

Zhong Yuan raised his eyebrows and said darkly, "According to you, it's all my fault?"

Feng Qing rolled his eyes and began to act miserably, "Damn, your sister is still in the dark, I told her, you were bitten by a dog, go to the hospital for a rabies injection."

"If you can't get out, I'll tell her that you have an allergic reaction and stay in the hospital for observation. In order to help you cover it up, I don't know how many grievances I suffered and how much pepper I ate..."

Zhong Yuan said coldly, "Feng Qing, you are really thoughtful..."

"It's okay, it's okay. I'm just a man of loyalty!"

Feng Qing patted his chest and said in a low voice, "Why don't we go and avenge Xiao Lanlan."

It was not past midnight, and it was still within the agreed time frame for kicking out.

Zhong Yuan could tell what Feng Qing was planning at a glance, and said coldly, "You want to use me as a thug for the academy?"

Feng Qing shook his head and said, "It's not about being a thug, but fighting for breath! These days, whoever has a hard fist is the boss! We have won Hualing for several years. When we are away from home, as long as I am reported as Chengying, they will have to hold their tails Take a detour. The students over there have money and good grades, but they can't beat us!"

"Now they have used tactics to trick us, can you swallow this breath? I heard from Xie Yifeng that your sister cried all the way, and she must hope that a superman big brother can help her avenge her revenge. It's a pity that I am not in the first grade, otherwise I would definitely be the first Immediately rushed out!"

Zhong Yuan was startled, "Lan Lan is so sad?"

Feng Qing said seriously, "Yes. She values ​​the honor of the college more than anyone else in the class. She was the only one who cried a lot after losing so badly! After coming back, she didn't even eat dinner, not even spicy chicken. gone."

What? !

Zhong Yuan's face was pale, trembling all over his body, he muttered, "I don't even want the spicy chicken...she is so heartbroken? The person who beat her...what's his name?"

There was a hint of anger on his usually calm face.

Zhong Yuan with this expression looks like a human being.

Relieved in his heart, Feng Qing said in a deep voice, "Master Cui Sheng, a freshman at Hualing College. It's still too late. Before midnight, beating someone is legal and you don't have to be held accountable!"

. . . . . .

. . . . . .

"Ah, it's you! It's so late and you are still going out with your friends to run errands."

On the helicopter, the brother of Dongfeng Express greeted Zhong Yuan in surprise.

Where in life do not meet, and meet again.

Chengying College is more than 30 kilometers away from Hualing College.

Ground transportation must have been too late in the past, the fastest way, of course, is to fly!

Unexpectedly, the little brother delivers express during the day and flies at night, two jobs, it is really not easy.

And that swarthy badge actually has the privilege of mobilizing military helicopters. You can sit five times a month for free, and you can bring 5 people each time, and you have to pay for any more.

This is the prerogative of those who are powerful, especially those who are within the top 100 on the list, they can get resources that ordinary people can't imagine.

In less than five minutes, the two came to the sky above Hualing College.

The college is beautifully built, and each teaching building is the work of a well-known architect.

The shade is full of greenery, cleverly linking various buildings together. Walking among them, even if it takes a long time, you will not feel tired.

After living in Shangdong City for so long, Zhong Yuan knew for the first time that there was a super noble school in the suburbs.

"Prepare for vertical landing, let's go!"

Feng Qing threw a landing bag to Zhong Yuan. After demonstrating how to use it, he opened the hatch and jumped down from a height of 200 meters.

Zhong Yuan carried the landing bag on his back, pressed the switch, and jumped off the plane together.

Get to the ground, accelerate and slow down, and land without any danger.

At this time, Feng Qing had already skillfully hung the landing bag on the hanging rope ladder and recovered it.

It is as natural as eating and sleeping.

This guy is definitely not an ordinary person.

Zhong Yuan watched this scene silently, and also hung the landing bag on the rope ladder to retrieve it.

The helicopter flew away quickly.

Standing at the gate of Hualing College, Feng Qing took out the loudspeaker that he had prepared earlier, and pressed the loop button.

"The garbage of Hualing College, come out and get beaten!!!"

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