Hualing College, banquet hall.

The party has been going on for over three hours.

Toasting and toasting, pushing cups and changing cups, a group of young people in costumes gathered together, chatting and laughing happily.

This place seems to be the epitome of the upper class, whether it is a freshman or an old student, they are all celebrating today's victory over Cheng Ying College.

The biggest hero, Cui Shengshi, was surrounded by several girls, proudly showing off his achievements in the Lighthouse Country.

"I'm not bragging. When I was in Lighthouse Country, I could beat five high school students with abilities who were older than me."

"The people in Lighthouse Country are as strong as a cow, but the people here are all bean sprouts and weak chickens. I can beat fifteen of them with one hand!"

Cui Shengshi is very fluent in Chinese, and he himself has inherited the good genes from his mother. He has a handsome image, and a group of girls are amused by him.

Standing not far away, Jiang Tianshuo was very upset when he heard this.

Too arrogant.

He is full of talk about the Lighthouse Kingdom, and belittles the Hua Kingdom everywhere.

Those girls were also holding him.

However, this year they did rely on Cui Shengshi to defeat Chengying Academy.

This banquet is specially organized for him, so it is really not easy to reprimand him.

Jiang Tianshuo was expressionless, holding a goblet in his hand, which was always on the verge of bursting due to too much force.

Qiu Ren, secretary of the student union, walked to his side and said angrily, "President, Cui Shengshi has been talking nonsense, if you let it go, it will damage our reputation as a capable person in Huaguoxu!"

Jiang Tianshuo snorted coldly, "Let's let him be proud for a while. He will know that the sky is high and the earth is thick when he is on the battlefield of the college league."

Qiu Ren was taken aback, and said, "Have you decided to let him represent Hualing in the competition?"

Jiang Tianshuo nodded silently.

Cui Shengshi spent 200 million yuan to buy the qualification for the competition.

In Huaguo, there is no better place to improve one's combat level than the league battlefield.

If it is more intense, you can only go to the Ruin Cave Battlefield.

It's too dangerous there, it's impossible for Simi Kingdom to let Cui Shengshi run to take risks and return to Huaguo as a free laborer.

Qiu Ren was in a complicated mood and didn't know what to say.

Jiang Tianshuo patted him on the shoulder, "I can't do anything about what the board of directors decides."

It is said that it is a high degree of autonomy. Once it rises to a certain degree of interest exchange, it cannot be controlled by the student union.

While the two were talking, the sound of a loudspeaker suddenly came from outside.

"The garbage of Hualing College, come out and get beaten!!!"

"The garbage of Hualing College, come out and get beaten!!!"

"The garbage of Hualing College, come out and get beaten!!!"

. . . . . .

Just like urging, scrolling and playing, there is no pause in the slightest interval.

Cui Shengshi was teasing with some girls, when he heard the voice, his face changed slightly.

Someone came to kick the gym again?

He put down his glass with a smile, and said in a personable manner, "Is it true that people in Huaguo can't afford to lose? There are so many people during the day, and even I can't stop them with one hand. Do you think my ability will decline at night?"

"Beauties, I'll excuse you for a moment. Let's continue talking after I trample the little ants outside to death."

Qiu Ren looked at the time, it was not yet eleven o'clock in the evening, and it was indeed still within the time limit for the two schools to kick off.

As long as it's not past twelve o'clock, Chengying Academy can send as many people as they want to fight.

"President, do you think this is appropriate?"

Jiang Tianshuo didn't know what was going on at Chengying Academy, and at the same time, he was looking forward to personally defeat Cui Shengshi's spirit.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "There is nothing inappropriate. Since Chengying Academy hasn't finished playing, let's continue!"

He said to Cui Shengshi, "It's better to win beautifully."

Cui Shengshi laughed loudly, "Don't worry, President, I will end the battle within ten seconds."

That's good.

Jiang Tianshuo let out a foul breath.

During the day, he also gave the same instructions, in order to prevent the people of Chengying College from being too hurt.

Cui Shengshi's strength is much stronger than the opponent's. If he starts to tease the weak and prolongs the battle infinitely, Chengying's people will be completely useless.

Jiang Tianshuo didn't want to do this.

The original intention of the discussion is to make progress and improve together, not to hate and hurt each other.

After graduation, students from the two colleges are likely to become comrades-in-arms and fight side by side.

Jiang Tianshuo said to Qiu Ren, "Turn on the projection screen in the banquet hall, and we will watch Cui Shengshi fight here."

Several monitoring probes were installed at the entrance of the college. During the day, the entire battle was broadcast live to the faculty and staff.

The lights in the banquet hall dimmed.

The appearance of the people who came to kick the hall at the school gate appeared on the projection screen.

The light is not bright enough.

Jiang Tianshuo immediately ordered again, "Light."

"Yes! President!"

A hot-air balloon spaceship immediately lifted off and cast two bright beams of light at the school gate.

Now, I can finally see people.

"It's Feng Qing!"

Qiu Ren exclaimed, "He came here in person!"

Sunglasses are Feng Qing's biggest feature, and he can be recognized at a glance.

However, Jiang Tianshuo stared at the other boy in black.

For some reason, it looks familiar!

The light was still too dim, and the boy was standing in a subtle position, just avoiding the camera to capture his face.

He should be the last one to kick out...

At the same time, the school gate.

A cute hot air balloon spaceship suddenly appeared in the sky, casting a beam of light, illuminating the entire school gate.

Zhong Yuan couldn't help but said, "Hualing College is really rich and powerful."

Feng Qing said contemptuously, "It's just an upstart. The quality of the people inside is not very good."

Zhong Yuan has no objection. In the bottom of my heart, I really labeled someone from Hualing College as a hooligan.

Looking at the quiet campus, he suddenly changed his expression slightly and said, "Here we come."

A boy was approaching quickly and arrived at the school gate in less than two minutes.

He came alone, dressed in a tuxedo, with a hint of alcohol in his breath. You can tell at a glance that before you come, you are attending a celebration banquet.

Cui Shengshi raised his chin by 45 degrees, stared at the two people in front of him, and said arrogantly, "Which one of you will go first? Or should you go together? I don't care!"

Feng Qing heard something strange from his accent, and asked, "People from Simi Kingdom?"

Cui Shengshi became even more proud, "That's right! I am the number one player in the youth list of Simi Kingdom, and my name is Cui Shengshi! Have you heard of my name?"

Feng Qing shook his head, "I haven't heard of it. I never pay attention to the leaderboards in small places."

Cui Shengshi immediately felt insulted and said angrily, "Come here! Let's fight!"

"You can't hold your breath anymore?" Feng Qing smiled, pointed at Zhong Yuan and said, "Unfortunately, your opponent is him, not me."

Cui Shengshi looked at Zhong Yuan, put on a taekwondo stance, and sneered, "I can hit a hundred of you with one hand!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a pale fist came towards him.

After confirming the other party's identity, Zhong Yuan didn't want to talk too much at all.



Fighting Master!

Blood for blood!

The four abilities are activated together, and the effect is amazing.

Cui Shengshi didn't have time to react at all, his whole body was frozen by Ning Bing, unable to display any abilities.

The air waves rolled over, and the wind blew on his face like a knife stinging.

He was terrified, and could only watch helplessly as the fist hit his face.


Blood spurted out of the mouth mixed with several teeth.

Master Cui Sheng flew off,

through the school gate,

across the avenue,

Finally, he hit the sculpture of the fountain dozens of meters away.

The person fell into the water, the white foam rolled, and a large amount of pool water gushed out of the pool, but the person who fell into it was silent!

The moment he was blown away, everyone in the bustling banquet hall lost their voices.


After all, the goblet did not escape the fate of shattering.

The sparkling wine, with a trace of blood, trickled down the wrist to the ground.

Jiang Tianshuo didn't feel the pain at all.

He finally saw the face of the assailant clearly.

This face... yes! ! !

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